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Accountatn generalAccountant Ac*count"ant, n. [Cf. F. accomptant, OF. acontant,
p. pr.]
1. One who renders account; one accountable.
2. A reckoner.
3. One who is skilled in, keeps, or adjusts, accounts; an
officer in a public office, who has charge of the
Accountatn general, the head or superintending accountant
in certain public offices. Also, formerly, an officer in
the English court of chancery who received the moneys paid
into the court, and deposited them in the Bank of England. Adjutant generalAdjutant Ad"ju*tant, n. [L. adjutans, p. pr. of adjutare to
help. See Aid.]
1. A helper; an assistant.
2. (Mil.) A regimental staff officer, who assists the
colonel, or commanding officer of a garrison or regiment,
in the details of regimental and garrison duty.
Adjutant general
(a) (Mil.), the principal staff officer of an army,
through whom the commanding general receives
communications and issues military orders. In the U.
S. army he is brigadier general.
(b) (Among the Jesuits), one of a select number of
fathers, who resided with the general of the order,
each of whom had a province or country assigned to his
3. (Zo["o]l.) A species of very large stork (Ciconia
argala), a native of India; -- called also the gigantic
crane, and by the native name argala. It is noted for
its serpent-destroying habits. Attorney-general
Attorney-general At*tor"ney-gen"er*al, n.; (pl.
Attorney-generals or Attorneys-general). (Law)
The chief law officer of the state, empowered to act in all
litigation in which the law-executing power is a party, and
to advise this supreme executive whenever required.
Brigadier generalBrigadier general Brig`a*dier" gen"er*al [F. brigadier, fr.
brigade.] (Mil.)
An officer in rank next above a colonel, and below a major
general. He commands a brigade, and is sometimes called, by a
shortening of his title, simple a brigadier. Captaincy generalCaptaincy Cap"tain*cy, n.; pl. Captaincies.
The rank, post, or commission of a captain. --Washington.
Captaincy general, the office, power, territory, or
jurisdiction of a captain general; as, the captaincy
general of La Habana (Cuba and its islands). Commissary generalCommissary Com"mis*sa*ry, n.; pl. Commissaries. [LL.
commissarius, fr. L. commissus, p. p. of committere to
commit, intrust to. See Commit.]
1. One to whom is committed some charge, duty, or office, by
a superior power; a commissioner.
Great Destiny, the Commissary of God. --Donne.
2. (Eccl.) An officer of the bishop, who exercises
ecclesiastical jurisdiction in parts of the diocese at a
distance from the residence of the bishop. --Ayliffe.
3. (Mil.)
(a) An officer having charge of a special service; as, the
commissary of musters.
(b) An officer whose business is to provide food for a
body of troops or a military post; -- officially
called commissary of subsistence. [U. S.]
Washington wrote to the President of Congress .
. . urging the appointment of a commissary
general, a quartermaster general, a commissary
of musters, and a commissary of artillery. --W.
Commissary general, an officer in charge of some special
department of army service; as:
(a) The officer in charge of the commissariat and
transport department, or of the ordnance store
department. [Eng.]
(b) The commissary general of subsistence. [U. S.]
Commissary general of subsistence (Mil. U. S.), the head of
the subsistence department, who has charge of the purchase
and issue of provisions for the army. Commissary general of subsistenceCommissary Com"mis*sa*ry, n.; pl. Commissaries. [LL.
commissarius, fr. L. commissus, p. p. of committere to
commit, intrust to. See Commit.]
1. One to whom is committed some charge, duty, or office, by
a superior power; a commissioner.
Great Destiny, the Commissary of God. --Donne.
2. (Eccl.) An officer of the bishop, who exercises
ecclesiastical jurisdiction in parts of the diocese at a
distance from the residence of the bishop. --Ayliffe.
3. (Mil.)
(a) An officer having charge of a special service; as, the
commissary of musters.
(b) An officer whose business is to provide food for a
body of troops or a military post; -- officially
called commissary of subsistence. [U. S.]
Washington wrote to the President of Congress .
. . urging the appointment of a commissary
general, a quartermaster general, a commissary
of musters, and a commissary of artillery. --W.
Commissary general, an officer in charge of some special
department of army service; as:
(a) The officer in charge of the commissariat and
transport department, or of the ordnance store
department. [Eng.]
(b) The commissary general of subsistence. [U. S.]
Commissary general of subsistence (Mil. U. S.), the head of
the subsistence department, who has charge of the purchase
and issue of provisions for the army. Commission of general gaol deliveryGaol Gaol, n. [See Jail.]
A place of confinement, especially for minor offenses or
provisional imprisonment; a jail. [Preferably, and in the
United States usually, written jail.]
Commission of general gaol delivery, an authority conferred
upon judges and others included in it, for trying and
delivering every prisoner in jail when the judges, upon
their circuit, arrive at the place for holding court, and
for discharging any whom the grand jury fail to indict.
Gaol delivery. (Law) See Jail delivery, under Jail. general averageGross Gross, a. [Compar. Grosser; superl. Grossest.] [F.
gros, L. grossus, perh. fr. L. crassus thick, dense, fat, E.
crass, cf. Skr. grathita tied together, wound up, hardened.
Cf. Engross, Grocer, Grogram.]
1. Great; large; bulky; fat; of huge size; excessively large.
``A gross fat man.' --Shak.
A gross body of horse under the Duke. --Milton.
2. Coarse; rough; not fine or delicate.
3. Not easily aroused or excited; not sensitive in perception
or feeling; dull; witless.
Tell her of things that no gross ear can hear.
4. Expressing, Or originating in, animal or sensual
appetites; hence, coarse, vulgar, low, obscene, or impure.
The terms which are delicate in one age become gross
in the next. --Macaulay.
5. Thick; dense; not attenuated; as, a gross medium.
6. Great; palpable; serious; vagrant; shameful; as, a gross
mistake; gross injustice; gross negligence.
7. Whole; entire; total; without deduction; as, the gross
sum, or gross amount, the gross weight; -- opposed to
Gross adventure (Law) the loan of money upon bottomry, i.
e., on a mortgage of a ship.
Gross average (Law), that kind of average which falls upon
the gross or entire amount of ship, cargo, and freight; --
commonly called general average. --Bouvier. --Burrill.
Gross receipts, the total of the receipts, before they are
diminished by any deduction, as for expenses; --
distinguished from net profits. --Abbott.
Gross weight the total weight of merchandise or goods,
without deduction for tare, tret, or waste; --
distinguished from neat, or net, weight. General homologyHomology Ho*mol"o*gy, n. [Gr. ? agreement. See Homologous.]
1. The quality of being homologous; correspondence; relation;
as, the homologyof similar polygons.
2. (Biol.) Correspondence or relation in type of structure in
contradistinction to similarity of function; as, the
relation in structure between the leg and arm of a man; or
that between the arm of a man, the fore leg of a horse,
the wing of a bird, and the fin of a fish, all these
organs being modifications of one type of structure.
Note: Homology indicates genetic relationship, and according
to Haeckel special homology should be defined in terms
of identity of embryonic origin. See Homotypy, and
3. (Chem.) The correspondence or resemblance of substances
belonging to the same type or series; a similarity of
composition varying by a small, regular difference, and
usually attended by a regular variation in physical
properties; as, there is an homology between methane,
CH4, ethane, C2H6, propane, C3H8, etc., all members
of the paraffin series. In an extended sense, the term is
applied to the relation between chemical elements of the
same group; as, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are said to
be in homology with each other. Cf. Heterology.
General homology (Biol.), the higher relation which a
series of parts, or a single part, bears to the
fundamental or general type on which the group is
constituted. --Owen.
Serial homology (Biol.), representative or repetitive
relation in the segments of the same organism, -- as in
the lobster, where the parts follow each other in a
straight line or series. --Owen. See Homotypy.
Special homology (Biol.), the correspondence of a part or
organ with those of a different animal, as determined by
relative position and connection. --Owen. General officerOfficer Of"fi*cer, n. [F. officier. See Office, and cf.
Official, n.]
1. One who holds an office; a person lawfully invested with
an office, whether civil, military, or ecclesiastical; as,
a church officer; a police officer; a staff officer. ``I
am an officer of state.' --Shak.
2. (U. S. Mil.) Specifically, a commissioned officer, in
distinction from a warrant officer.
Field officer, General officer, etc. See under Field,
General. etc.
Officer of the day (Mil.), the officer who, on a given day,
has charge for that day of the quard, prisoners, and
police of the post or camp.
Officer of the deck, or Officer of the watch (Naut.), the
officer temporarily in charge on the deck of a vessel,
esp. a war vessel. General practitionerPractitioner Prac*ti"tion*er, n. [From Practician.]
1. One who is engaged in the actual use or exercise of any
art or profession, particularly that of law or medicine.
2. One who does anything customarily or habitually.
3. A sly or artful person. --Whitgift.
General practitioner. See under General, 2. General warrantWarrant War"rant, n. [OE. warant, OF. warant a warrant, a
defender, protector, F. garant, originally a p. pr. pf German
origin, fr. OHG. wer[=e]n to grant, warrant, G. gew["a]hren;
akin to OFries. wera. Cf. Guarantee.]
1. That which warrants or authorizes; a commission giving
authority, or justifying the doing of anything; an act,
instrument, or obligation, by which one person authorizes
another to do something which he has not otherwise a right
to do; an act or instrument investing one with a right or
authority, and thus securing him from loss or damage;
commission; authority. Specifically:
(a) A writing which authorizes a person to receive money
or other thing.
(b) (Law) A precept issued by a magistrate authorizing an
officer to make an arrest, a seizure, or a search, or
do other acts incident to the administration of
(c) (Mil. & Nav.) An official certificate of appointment
issued to an officer of lower rank than a commissioned
officer. See Warrant officer, below.
2. That which vouches or insures for anything; guaranty;
I give thee warrant of thy place. --Shak.
His worth is warrant for his welcome hither. --Shak.
3. That which attests or proves; a voucher.
4. Right; legality; allowance. [Obs.] --Shak.
Bench warrant. (Law) See in the Vocabulary.
Dock warrant (Com.), a customhouse license or authority.
General warrant. (Law) See under General.
Land warrant. See under Land.
Search warrant. (Law) See under Search, n.
Warrant of attorney (Law), written authority given by one
person to another empowering him to transact business for
him; specifically, written authority given by a client to
his attorney to appear for him in court, and to suffer
judgment to pass against him by confession in favor of
some specified person. --Bouvier.
Warrant officer, a noncommissioned officer, as a sergeant,
corporal, bandmaster, etc., in the army, or a
quartermaster, gunner, boatswain, etc., in the navy.
Warrant to sue and defend.
(a) (O. Eng. Law) A special warrant from the crown,
authorizing a party to appoint an attorney to sue or
defend for him.
(b) A special authority given by a party to his attorney
to commence a suit, or to appear and defend a suit in
his behalf. This warrant is now disused. --Burrill. Generalia
Generalia Gen`e*ra"li*a, n. pl. [Neut. pl., fr. L. generalis.]
Generalities; general terms. --J. S. Mill.
GeneralissimoGeneralissimo Gen`er*al*is"si*mo, n. [It., superl. of generale
general. See General, a.]
The chief commander of an army; especially, the commander in
chief of an army consisting of two or more grand divisions
under separate commanders; -- a title used in most foreign
countries. Generalizable
Generalizable Gen"er*al*i`za*ble, a.
Capable of being generalized, or reduced to a general form of
statement, or brought under a general rule.
Extreme cases are . . . not generalizable. --Coleridge
Generalize Gen"er*al*ize, v. i.
To form into a genus; to view objects in their relations to a
genus or class; to take general or comprehensive views.
Generalized Gen"er*al*ized, a. (Zo["o]l.)
Comprising structural characters which are separated in more
specialized forms; synthetic; as, a generalized type.
Generalizer Gen"er*al*i`zer, n.
One who takes general or comprehensive views. --Tyndall.
Generally Gen"er*al*ly, adv.
1. In general; commonly; extensively, though not universally;
most frequently.
2. In a general way, or in general relation; in the main;
upon the whole; comprehensively.
Generally speaking, they live very quietly.
3. Collectively; as a whole; without omissions. [Obs.]
I counsel that all Israel be generally gathered unto
thee. --2 Sam. xvii.
Generalness Gen"er*al*ness, n.
The condition or quality of being general; frequency;
commonness. --Sir P. Sidney.
Generalship Gen"er*al*ship, n.
1. The office of a general; the exercise of the functions of
a general; -- sometimes, with the possessive pronoun, the
personality of a general.
Your generalship puts me in mind of Prince Eugene.
2. Military skill in a general officer or commander.
3. Fig.: Leadership; management.
An artful stroke of generalship in Trim to raise a
dust. --Sterne.
Generalty Gen"er*al*ty, n.
Generality. [R.] --Sir M. Hale.
Governor general
Governor general Gov"ern*or gen"er*al
A governor who has lieutenant or deputy governors under him;
as, the governor general of Canada, of India.
In generalAudience Au"di*ence, n. [F. audience, L. audientia, fr. audire
to hear. See Audible, a.]
1. The act of hearing; attention to sounds.
Thou, therefore, give due audience, and attend.
2. Admittance to a hearing; a formal interview, esp. with a
sovereign or the head of a government, for conference or
the transaction of business.
According to the fair play of the world, Let me have
audience: I am sent to speak. --Shak.
3. An auditory; an assembly of hearers. Also applied by
authors to their readers.
Fit audience find, though few. --Milton.
He drew his audience upward to the sky. --Dryden.
Court of audience, or Audience court (Eng.), a court long
since disused, belonging to the Archbishop of Canterbury;
also, one belonging to the Archbishop of York. --Mozley &
In general (or open) audience, publicly.
To give audience, to listen; to admit to an interview. In generalPopularly, the title General is given to various general
officers, as General, Lieutenant general, Major general,
Brigadier general, Commissary general, etc. See Brigadier
general, Lieutenant general, Major general, in the
3. (Mil.) The roll of the drum which calls the troops
together; as, to beat the general.
4. (Eccl.) The chief of an order of monks, or of all the
houses or congregations under the same rule.
5. The public; the people; the vulgar. [Obs.] --Shak.
In general, in the main; for the most part. Inspector generalInspector In*spect"or, n. [L.: cf. F. inspecteur.]
One who inspects, views, or oversees; one to whom the
supervision of any work is committed; one who makes an
official view or examination, as a military or civil officer;
a superintendent; a supervisor; an overseer.
Inspector general (Mil.), a staff officer of an army, whose
duties are those of inspection, and embrace everything
relative to organization, recruiting, discharge,
administration, accountability for money and property,
instruction, police, and discipline. Judge-Advocate GeneralJudge Judge, n. [OE. juge, OF. & F. juge, fr. OF. jugier, F.
juger, to judge. See Judge, v. i.]
1. (Law) A public officer who is invested with authority to
hear and determine litigated causes, and to administer
justice between parties in courts held for that purpose.
The parts of a judge in hearing are four: to direct
the evidence; to moderate length, repetition, or
impertinency of speech; to recapitulate, select, and
collate the material points of that which hath been
said; and to give the rule or sentence. --Bacon.
2. One who has skill, knowledge, or experience, sufficient to
decide on the merits of a question, or on the quality or
value of anything; one who discerns properties or
relations with skill and readiness; a connoisseur; an
expert; a critic.
A man who is no judge of law may be a good judge of
poetry, or eloquence, or of the merits of a
painting. --Dryden.
3. A person appointed to decide in a?trial of skill, speed,
etc., between two or more parties; an umpire; as, a judge
in a horse race.
4. (Jewish Hist.) One of supreme magistrates, with both civil
and military powers, who governed Israel for more than
four hundred years.
5. pl. The title of the seventh book of the Old Testament;
the Book of Judges.
Judge Advocate (Mil. & Nav.), a person appointed to act as
prosecutor at a court-martial; he acts as the
representative of the government, as the responsible
adviser of the court, and also, to a certain extent, as
counsel for the accused, when he has no other counsel.
Judge-Advocate General, in the United States, the title of
two officers, one attached to the War Department and
having the rank of brigadier general, the other attached
to the Navy Department and having the rank of colonel of
marines or captain in the navy. The first is chief of the
Bureau of Military Justice of the army, the other performs
a similar duty for the navy. In England, the designation
of a member of the ministry who is the legal adviser of
the secretary of state for war, and supreme judge of the
proceedings of courts-martial.
Syn: Judge, Umpire, Arbitrator, Referee.
Usage: A judge, in the legal sense, is a magistrate appointed
to determine questions of law. An umpire is a person
selected to decide between two or more who contend for
a prize. An arbitrator is one chosen to allot to two
contestants their portion of a claim, usually on
grounds of equity and common sense. A referee is one
to whom a case is referred for final adjustment.
Arbitrations and references are sometimes voluntary,
sometimes appointed by a court. Lieutenant generalLieutenant Lieu*ten"ant (l[-u]*t[e^]n"ant), n. [F., fr. lieu
place + tenant holding, p. pr. of tenir to hold, L. tenere.
See Lieu, and Tenant, and cf. Locum Tenens.]
1. An officer who supplies the place of a superior in his
absence; a representative of, or substitute for, another
in the performance of any duty.
The lawful magistrate, who is the vicegerent or
lieutenant of God. --Abp.
(a) A commissioned officer in the army, next below a
(b) A commissioned officer in the British navy, in rank
next below a commander.
(c) A commissioned officer in the United States navy, in
rank next below a lieutenant commander.
Note: Lieutenant is often used, either adjectively or in
hyphened compounds, to denote an officer, in rank next
below another, especially when the duties of the higher
officer may devolve upon the lower one; as, lieutenant
general, or lieutenant-general; lieutenant colonel, or
lieutenant-colonel; lieutenant governor, etc.
Deputy lieutenant, the title of any one of the deputies or
assistants of the lord lieutenant of a county. [Eng.]
Lieutenant colonel, an army officer next in rank above
major, and below colonel.
Lieutenant commander, an officer in the United States navy,
in rank next below a commander and next above a
Lieutenant general. See in Vocabulary.
Lieutenant governor.
(a) An officer of a State, being next in rank to the
governor, and, in case of the death or resignation of
the latter, himself acting as governor. [U. S.]
(b) A deputy governor acting as the chief civil officer of
one of several colonies under a governor general.
[Eng.] Lieutenant generalLieutenant general Lieu*ten"ant gen"er*al (j[e^]n"[~e]r*al).
An army officer in rank next below a general and next above a
major general.
Note: In the United States, before the civil war, this rank
had been conferred only on George Washington and (in
brevet) on Winfield Scott. In 1864 it was revived by
Congress and conferred on Ulysses S. Grant, and
subsequently, by promotion, on William T. Sherman and
Philip H. Sheridan, each of whom was advanced to the
rank of general of the army. When Sheridan was made
general (in 1888) the rank of lieutenant general was
suffered to lapse. See General.
Meaning of general from wikipedia
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General (Mexico)
General (Nigeria)
General (****stan)
General (Poland),
Generał General (Sri Lanka)
General (Sweden),
General General (Switzerland)...
- The
General or The
Generals may
refer to: The
General (1926 film), a
Buster Keaton film The
General (1992 film), a
Russian war film The
General (1998...
- In
political philosophy, the
general will (French: volonté générale) is the will of the
people as a whole. The term was made
famous by 18th-century Genevan...
Surgeon general (pl.:
surgeons general) is a
title used in
several Commonwealth countries and most NATO
nations to
refer either to a
senior military medical...
General Motors Company (GM) is an
American multinational automotive manufacturing company headquartered in Detroit, Michigan,
United States. The company...
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known in some
countries as a
comptroller general or
comptroller and
auditor general, is a
senior civil servant charged with improving...
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French word for
There are two main
categories of
generals: the
general officers (officiers généraux),
which are the highest-ranking...
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general ****embly or
general meeting is a
meeting of all the
members of an
organization or
shareholders of a company.
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general ****embly...
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military rank used in many countries. It is
derived from the
older rank of
sergeant major general. In English-speaking countries, when...
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incorporated in the
state of New York and
headquartered in Boston...