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Anticonvulsive An`ti*con*vul"sive, a. (Med.)
Good against convulsions. --J. Floyer.
Avulsion A*vul"sion, n. [L. avulsio.]
1. A tearing asunder; a forcible separation.
The avulsion of two polished superficies. --Locke.
2. A fragment torn off. --J. Barlow.
3. (Law) The sudden removal of lands or soil from the estate
of one man to that of another by an inundation or a
current, or by a sudden change in the course of a river by
which a part of the estate of one man is cut off and
joined to the estate of another. The property in the part
thus separated, or cut off, continues in the original
owner. --Wharton. Burrill.
ConvulsingConvulse Con*vulse", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Convulsed; p. pr. &
vb. n. Convulsing.] [L. convulsus, p. p. of convellere to
tear up, to shake; con- + vellere to pluck, pull.]
1. To contract violently and irregulary, as the muscular
parts of an animal body; to shake with irregular spasms,
as in excessive laughter, or in agony from grief or pain.
With emotions which checked his voice and convulsed
his powerful frame. --Macaulay.
2. To agitate greatly; to shake violently.
The world is convulsed by the agonies of great
nations. --Macaulay.
Syn: To agitate; disturb; shake; tear; rend. Convulsion
Convulsion Con*vul"sion, n. [L. convulsio: cf. F. convulsion.]
1. (Med.) An unnatural, violent, and unvoluntary contraction
of the muscular parts of an animal body.
2. Any violent and irregular motion or agitation; a violent
shaking; a tumult; a commotion.
Those two massy pillars, With horrible convulsion,
to and fro He tugged, he shook, till down they came.
Times of violence and convulsion. --Ames.
Syn: Agitation; commotion; tumult; disturbance.
Convulsional Con*vul"sion*al, a.
Pertaining to, or having, convulsions; convulsionary. [R.]
Convulsionary Con*vul"sion*a*ry, a. [Cf. F. convulsionnaire.]
Pertaining to convulsion; convulsive. ``Convulsionary
struggles.' --Sir W. Scott.
Convulsionary Con*vul"sion*a*ry, n.
A convulsionist.
Convulsive Con*vul"sive, a. [Cf. F. convulsif.]
Producing, or attended with, convulsions or spasms;
characterized by convulsions; convulsionary.
An irregular, convulsive movement may be necessary to
throw off an irregular, convulsive disease. --Burke.
Convulsively Con*vul"sive*ly, adv.
in a convulsive manner.
Divulsive Di*vul"sive, a.
Tending to pull asunder, tear, or rend; distracting.
Revulsive Re*vul"sive, n.
That which causes revulsion; specifically (Med.), a revulsive
remedy or agent.
Meaning of Vulsi from wikipedia