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AgriculturalAgricultural Ag`ri*cul"tur*al, a.
Of or pertaining to agriculture; connected with, or engaged
in, tillage; as, the agricultural class; agricultural
implements, wages, etc. -- Ag`ri*cul"tur*al*ly, adv.
Agricultural ant (Zo["o]l.), a species of ant which gathers
and stores seeds of grasses, for food. The remarkable
species (Myrmica barbata) found in Texas clears circular
areas and carefully cultivates its favorite grain, known
as ant rice. Agricultural antAgricultural Ag`ri*cul"tur*al, a.
Of or pertaining to agriculture; connected with, or engaged
in, tillage; as, the agricultural class; agricultural
implements, wages, etc. -- Ag`ri*cul"tur*al*ly, adv.
Agricultural ant (Zo["o]l.), a species of ant which gathers
and stores seeds of grasses, for food. The remarkable
species (Myrmica barbata) found in Texas clears circular
areas and carefully cultivates its favorite grain, known
as ant rice. Agriculturalist
Agriculturalist Ag`ri*cul"tur*al*ist, n.
An agriculturist (which is the preferred form.)
AgriculturallyAgricultural Ag`ri*cul"tur*al, a.
Of or pertaining to agriculture; connected with, or engaged
in, tillage; as, the agricultural class; agricultural
implements, wages, etc. -- Ag`ri*cul"tur*al*ly, adv.
Agricultural ant (Zo["o]l.), a species of ant which gathers
and stores seeds of grasses, for food. The remarkable
species (Myrmica barbata) found in Texas clears circular
areas and carefully cultivates its favorite grain, known
as ant rice. Antiscriptural
Antiscriptural An`ti*scrip"tur*al, a.
Opposed to, or not in accordance with, the Holy Scriptures.
Arboricultural Ar`bor*i*cul"tur*al, a.
Pertaining to arboriculture. --Loudon.
ArchitecturalArchitectural Ar`chi*tec"tur*al, a.
Of or pertaining to the art of building; conformed to the
rules of architecture. -- Ar`chi*tec"tur*al*ly, adv. ArchitecturallyArchitectural Ar`chi*tec"tur*al, a.
Of or pertaining to the art of building; conformed to the
rules of architecture. -- Ar`chi*tec"tur*al*ly, adv. Conjecturalist
Conjecturalist Con*jec"tur*al*ist, n.
A conjecturer. [R.] --Month. rev.
Conjecturally Con*jec`tur*al"ly, n.
That which depends upon guess; guesswork. [R.] --Sir T.
Conjecturally Con*jec`tur*al*ly, adv.
In a conjectural manner; by way of conjecture. --Boyle.
Connaturality Con*nat`u*ral"i*ty, n.
Participation of the same nature; natural union or
connection. [R.]
A congruity and connaturality between them. --Sir M.
Connaturalize Con*nat"u*ral*ize (?; 135), v. t.
To bring to the same nature as something else; to adapt.
[Obs.] --Dr. J. Scott.
Connaturally Con*nat"u*ral*ly, adv.
By the act of nature; originally; from birth. --Sir M. Hale.
Connaturalness Con*nat"u*ral*ness, n.
Participation of the same nature; natural union. --I. Walton.
Contextural Con*tex"tur*al (?; 135), a.
Pertaining to contexture or arrangement of parts; producing
contexture; interwoven. --Dr. John Smith (1666).
ContranaturalContranatural Con"tra*nat"u*ral (?; 135), a. [Cf.
Opposed to or against nature; unnatural. [R.] --Bp. Rust. Counternatural
Counternatural Coun"ter*nat`u*ral (koun"t?r-n?t`?-ral; 135),
Contrary to nature. [R.] --Harvey.
Creatural Crea"tur*al (kr?"t?r-a]/>l; 135), a.
Belonging to a creature; having the qualities of a creature.
Crinicultural Crin`i*cul"tur*al (kr?n`?-k?l"t?r-a]/>l; 135),
a. [L. crinis hair + cultura.]
Relating to the growth of hair. [R.]
Cultural Cul"tur*al (k?l"t?r-a]/>l), a.
Of or pertaining to culture.
Disnaturalize Dis*nat"u*ral*ize, v. t.
To make alien; to deprive of the privileges of birth.
Droitural Droi"tu*ral, a. (O. Eng. Law)
relating to the mere right of property, as distinguished from
the right of possession; as, droitural actions. [Obs.]
Exscriptural Ex*scrip"tur*al (?; 135), a. [Pref.
Not in accordance with the doctrines of Scripture;
Floricultural Flo`ri*cul"tur*al (? or ?; 135), a.
Pertaining to the cultivation of flowering plants.
Fractural Frac"tur*al (?; 135), a.
Pertaining to, or consequent on, a fracture. [R.]
Gestural Ges"tur*al, a.
Relating to gesture.
Guttural Gut"tur*al, a. [L. guttur throat: cf. F. gutural.]
Of or pertaining to the throat; formed in the throat;
relating to, or characteristic of, a sound formed in the
Children are occasionally born with guttural swellings.
--W. Guthrie.
In such a sweet, guttural accent. --Landor.
Guttural Gut"tur*al, n.
A sound formed in the throat; esp., a sound formed by the aid
of the back of the tongue, much retracted, and the soft
palate; also, a letter representing such a sound.
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