Sharpedo Wailmer Wailord Numel Camerupt Torkoal Spoink Grumpig Spinda Trapinch Vibrava Flygon Cacnea Cacturne Swablu Altaria Zangoose Seviper Lunatone...
Garbodor 797
CelesteelaU 885
Dreepy 981
Farigiraf 77
Ponyta 228
Houndour 328
Trapinch 463
Lickilicky 570
Zorua 798
KartanaU 886
Drakloak 982
Dudunsparce 78 Rapidash...
species sharing sand
burowing traits with the real
antlion larvae. The
Trapinch, Vibrava, and
Flygon Pokémon
evolution line is
based on an antlion. The...
- Castform,
Bellossom Pikachu, Minun, Plusle, Skiploom, Oddish, Igglybuff,
Trapinch, Skiploom, Munchlax,
Roselia All
Nippon Airways Boeing 777-381 JA754A July...
- scientist,
attempts to
prove the
existence of an
underground lake
where he saw
Trapinch evolve into
Vibrava when he was a child. 383 380 15 "Absol-ute Disaster" (Absol...
Swinub (2), Teddiursa, Tepig, Timburr, Togetic, Torchic,
Totodile (2),
Trapinch, Treecko, Turtwig, Tynamo, Weedle, Wooper,
Galarian Zigzagoon. 2018 2019...