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A transmontanusSturgeon Stur"geon, n. [F. esturgeon, LL. sturio, sturgio,
OHG. sturjo, G. st["o]r; akin to AS. styria, styriga.]
Any one of numerous species of large cartilaginous ganoid
fishes belonging to Acipenser and allied genera of the
family Acipenserid[ae]. They run up rivers to spawn, and
are common on the coasts and in the large rivers and lakes of
North America, Europe, and Asia. Caviare is prepared from the
roe, and isinglass from the air bladder.
Note: The common North American species are Acipenser
sturio of the Atlantic coast region, A.
transmontanus of the Pacific coast, and A.
rubicundus of the Mississippi River and its
tributaries. In Europe, the common species is
Acipenser sturio, and other well-known species are
the sterlet and the huso. The sturgeons are included in
the order Chondrostei. Their body is partially covered
by five rows of large, carinated, bony plates, of which
one row runs along the back. The tail is heterocercal.
The toothless and protrusile mouth is beneath the head,
and has four barbels in front.
Shovel-nosed sturgeon. (Zo["o]l.) See Shovelnose
(d) . AutotransformerAutotransformer Au`to*trans*form"er, n. [Auto- + transformer.]
A transformer in which part of the primary winding is used as
a secondary winding, or vice versa; -- called also a
compensator or balancing coil. Canis latransCoyote Coy"o*te (k?"?-t? or k?"?t), n. [Spanish Amer., fr.
Mexican coyotl.] (Zo["o]l.)
A carnivorous animal (Canis latrans), allied to the dog,
found in the western part of North America; -- called also
prairie wolf. Its voice is a snapping bark, followed by a
prolonged, shrill howl. Carbon transmitter
Carbon transmitter Carbon transmitter
A telephone transmitter in which a carbon contact is used.
Chose transitoryChose Chose, n.; pl. Choses. [F., fr. L. causa cause,
reason. See Cause.] (Law)
A thing; personal property.
Chose in action, a thing of which one has not possession or
actual enjoyment, but only a right to it, or a right to
demand it by action at law, and which does not exist at
the time in specie; a personal right to a thing not
reduced to possession, but recoverable by suit at law; as
a right to recover money due on a contract, or damages for
a tort, which can not be enforced against a reluctant
party without suit.
Chose in possession, a thing in possession, as
distinguished from a thing in action.
Chose local, a thing annexed to a place, as a mill.
Chose transitory, a thing which is movable. --Cowell.
Blount. double transferCarbon process Car"bon process (Photog.)
A printing process depending on the effect of light on
bichromatized gelatin. Paper coated with a mixture of the
gelatin and a pigment is called
carbon paper or
carbon tissue. This is exposed under a negative and the
film is transferred from the paper to some other support
and developed by washing (the unexposed portions being
dissolved away). If the process stops here it is called
single transfer; if the image is afterward transferred
in order to give an unreversed print, the method is called
double transfer. Impertransibility
Impertransibility Im`per*tran`si*bil"i*ty, n.
The quality or state of being impertransible. [R.]
ImpertransibleImpertransible Im`per*tran"si*ble, a. [L. pref. im- not +
pertransire to go through. See Per- and Transient.]
Incapable of being passed through. [R.] In transitu
In transitu In` tran"si*tu [L.] (Law)
In transit; during passage; as, goods in transitu.
Intertranspicuous In`ter*tran*spic"u*ous, a.
Transpicuous within or between. [R.] --Shelley.
Intertransverse In`ter*trans*verse", a.
Between the transverse processes of the vertebr[ae].
Intranscalent In`trans*ca"lent, a.
Impervious to heat; adiathermic.
IntransgressibleIntransgressible In`trans*gress"i*ble, a. [L. intragressibilis
that can not be crossed. See In- not, and Transgress.]
Incapable of being transgressed; not to be passes over or
crossed. --Holland. Intransigent
Intransigent In*trans"i*gent, a. [F. intransigeant (cf. Sp.
intransigente); pref. in- not + L. transigere to come to an
agreement; trans across + agere to lead, act.]
Refusing compromise; uncompromising; irreconcilable. --Lond.
Sat. Rev.
Intransigentes In`trans"i*gen*tes, n. pl. [Sp.] (Spanish
The extreme radicals; the party of the irreconcilables.
Intransitively In*tran"si*tive*ly, adv. (Gram.)
Without an object following; in the manner of an intransitive
Intransmissible In`trans*mis"si*ble, a.
Not capable of being transmitted.
Intransmutability In`trans*mu`ta*bil"i*ty, n.
The quality of being intransmutable.
Intransmutable In`trans*mut"a*ble, a.
Not capable of being transmuted or changed into another
Intranssient In*trans"sient, a.
Not transient; remaining; permanent. --Killingbeck.
Linear transformation Linear measure, the measurement of length.
Linear numbers (Math.), such numbers as have relation to
length only: such is a number which represents one side of
a plane figure. If the plane figure is a square, the
linear figure is called a root.
Linear problem (Geom.), a problem which may be solved
geometrically by the use of right lines alone.
Linear transformation (Alg.), a change of variables where
each variable is replaced by a function of the first
degree in the new variable. main transom On the wing.
(a) Supported by, or flying with, the wings another.
On the wings of the wind, with the utmost velocity.
Under the wing, or wings, of, under the care or
protection of.
Wing and wing (Naut.), with sails hauled out on either
side; -- said of a schooner, or her sails, when going
before the wind with the foresail on one side and the
mainsail on the other; also said of a square-rigged vessel
which has her studding sails set. Cf. Goosewinged.
Wing case (Zo["o]l.), one of the anterior wings of beetles,
and of some other insects, when thickened and used to
protect the hind wings; an elytron; -- called also wing
Wing covert (Zo["o]l.), one of the small feathers covering
the bases of the wing quills. See Covert, n., 2.
Wing gudgeon (Mach.), an iron gudgeon for the end of a
wooden axle, having thin, broad projections to prevent it
from turning in the wood. See Illust. of Gudgeon.
Wing shell (Zo["o]l.), wing case of an insect.
Wing stroke, the stroke or sweep of a wing.
Wing transom (Naut.), the uppermost transom of the stern;
-- called also main transom. --J. Knowles. Mistranslate
Mistranslate Mis`trans*late", v. t.
To translate erroneously.
Mistranslation Mis`trans*la"tion, n.
Wrong translation.
Mistransport Mis`trans*port", v. t.
To carry away or mislead wrongfully, as by passion. [Obs.]
--Bp. Hall.
Multiple transformerTransformer Trans*form"er, n.
Multiple transformer. (Elec.)
(a) A transformer connected in multiple or in parallel with
the primary circuit.
(b) A transformer with more than one primary or more than one
secondary coil.
Parallel transformer (Elec.), a transformer connected in
parallel. Parallel transformer
Parallel transformer Parallel transformer (Elec.)
A transformer connected in parallel.
Parallel transformerTransformer Trans*form"er, n.
Multiple transformer. (Elec.)
(a) A transformer connected in multiple or in parallel with
the primary circuit.
(b) A transformer with more than one primary or more than one
secondary coil.
Parallel transformer (Elec.), a transformer connected in
parallel. Pertransient
Pertransient Per*tran"sient, a. [L. pertransiens, p. pr. of
Passing through or over. [R.]
Phasing transformer
Phasing transformer Phasing transformer
Any of several transformers (there must be at least two) for
changing phase.
Meaning of Trans from wikipedia
trans or
trans- in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Trans- is a
Latin prefix meaning "across", "beyond", or "on the
other side of". Used alone,
Transgender women (often
shortened to
trans women) are
women who were ****igned male at birth.
Trans women have a
female gender identity and may experience...
- as an
umbrella term. The
definition given above includes binary trans men and
trans women and may also
include people who are non-binary or gender****...
- up transam or
trans-am in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Trans Am may
refer to:
Pontiac Firebird Trans Am, an
automobile model Trans Am (band), an American...
- A
trans man (short for
transgender man) is a man who was ****igned
female at birth.
Trans men have a male
gender identity, and many
trans men
undergo medical...
- In the
field of
molecular biology,
trans-acting (
trans-regulation), in general,
means "acting from a
different molecule" (i.e., intermolecular)...
- They
posit that
writing Trans rather than
centers a
Western academic perspective to
create a
genealogy of
transness that fits
within hegemonic...
Trans fat is a type of
unsaturated fat that
occurs in foods.
Small amounts of
trans fats
occur naturally, but
large amounts are
found in some processed...
- the
Trans-Mongolian Railway,
which coincides with the
Trans-Siberian as far as Ulan-Ude on Lake Baikal's
eastern s****. From Ulan-Ude the
optional handling package called the "
Trans Am
performance and
appearance package", UPC "WS4",
named after the
Trans Am Series, was introduced. A
total of...