Greedent Rookidee Corvisquire Corviknight Blipbug Dottler Orbeetle Nickit Thievul Gossifleur El****ss
Wooloo Dubwool Chewtle Drednaw Yamper Boltund Rolycoly...
Chinchou 270
Lotad 405
Luxray 512
Simisage 668
Pyroar 740
Crabominable 828
Thievul 924
Tandemaus 20
Raticate 171
Lanturn 271
Lombre 406
BudewB 513 Pansear...
- Ninetales, Zorua, Zoroark, Fennekin,
Braixen and Delphox;
Nickit and
Thievul Rise of the Nura Clan –
Hagoromo Gitsune Rosario +
Vampire –
Kuyou Shaman...
- Impact. Vulpix, Ninetales, Eevee, Fennekin, Braixen, Delphox, Nickit,
Thievul, and
Zorua and
Zoroark in Pokémon.
Although Vulpix,
Ninetales and Zoroark...