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Conterminable Con*ter"mi*na*ble, a.
Having the same bounds; terminating at the same time or
place; conterminous.
Love and life not conterminable. --Sir H.
Conterminal Con*ter"mi*nal, a. [LL. conterminalis.]
Conterminant Con*ter"mi*nant, a.
Having the same limits; ending at the same time;
conterminous. --Lamb.
Conterminate Con*ter"mi*nate, a. [L. conterminare to border
upon, fr. conterminus conterminous; con- + terminus border.]
Having the same bounds; conterminous. [Obs.] --B. Jonson.
Determinability De*ter`mi*na*bil"i*ty, n.
The quality of being determinable; determinableness.
DeterminableDeterminable De*ter"mi*na*ble, a. [L. determinabilis finite.
See Determine, v. t.]
Capable of being determined, definitely ascertained, decided
upon, or brought to a conclusion.
Not wholly determinable from the grammatical use of the
words. --South. Determinableness
Determinableness De*ter"mi*na*ble*ness, n.
Capability of being determined; determinability.
Determinacy De*ter"mi*na*cy, n.
Determinateness. [R.]
DeterminateDeterminate De*ter"mi*nate, v. t.
To bring to an end; to determine. See Determine. [Obs.]
The sly, slow hours shall not determinate The dateless
limit of thy dear exile. --Shak. DeterminateDeterminate De*ter"mi*nate, a. [L. determinatus, p. p. of
determinare. See Determine.]
1. Having defined limits; not uncertain or arbitrary; fixed;
established; definite.
Quantity of words and a determinate number of feet.
2. Conclusive; decisive; positive.
The determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God.
--Acts ii. 23.
3. Determined or resolved upon. [Obs.]
My determinate voyage. --Shak.
4. Of determined purpose; resolute. [Obs.]
More determinate to do than skillful how to do.
--Sir P.
Determinate inflorescence (Bot.), that in which the
flowering commences with the terminal bud of a stem, which
puts a limit to its growth; -- also called centrifugal
Determinate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of a
limited number of solutions.
Determinate quantities, Determinate equations (Math.),
those that are finite in the number of values or
solutions, that is, in which the conditions of the problem
or equation determine the number. Determinate equationsDeterminate De*ter"mi*nate, a. [L. determinatus, p. p. of
determinare. See Determine.]
1. Having defined limits; not uncertain or arbitrary; fixed;
established; definite.
Quantity of words and a determinate number of feet.
2. Conclusive; decisive; positive.
The determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God.
--Acts ii. 23.
3. Determined or resolved upon. [Obs.]
My determinate voyage. --Shak.
4. Of determined purpose; resolute. [Obs.]
More determinate to do than skillful how to do.
--Sir P.
Determinate inflorescence (Bot.), that in which the
flowering commences with the terminal bud of a stem, which
puts a limit to its growth; -- also called centrifugal
Determinate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of a
limited number of solutions.
Determinate quantities, Determinate equations (Math.),
those that are finite in the number of values or
solutions, that is, in which the conditions of the problem
or equation determine the number. Determinate inflorescenceDeterminate De*ter"mi*nate, a. [L. determinatus, p. p. of
determinare. See Determine.]
1. Having defined limits; not uncertain or arbitrary; fixed;
established; definite.
Quantity of words and a determinate number of feet.
2. Conclusive; decisive; positive.
The determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God.
--Acts ii. 23.
3. Determined or resolved upon. [Obs.]
My determinate voyage. --Shak.
4. Of determined purpose; resolute. [Obs.]
More determinate to do than skillful how to do.
--Sir P.
Determinate inflorescence (Bot.), that in which the
flowering commences with the terminal bud of a stem, which
puts a limit to its growth; -- also called centrifugal
Determinate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of a
limited number of solutions.
Determinate quantities, Determinate equations (Math.),
those that are finite in the number of values or
solutions, that is, in which the conditions of the problem
or equation determine the number. Determinate problemDeterminate De*ter"mi*nate, a. [L. determinatus, p. p. of
determinare. See Determine.]
1. Having defined limits; not uncertain or arbitrary; fixed;
established; definite.
Quantity of words and a determinate number of feet.
2. Conclusive; decisive; positive.
The determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God.
--Acts ii. 23.
3. Determined or resolved upon. [Obs.]
My determinate voyage. --Shak.
4. Of determined purpose; resolute. [Obs.]
More determinate to do than skillful how to do.
--Sir P.
Determinate inflorescence (Bot.), that in which the
flowering commences with the terminal bud of a stem, which
puts a limit to its growth; -- also called centrifugal
Determinate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of a
limited number of solutions.
Determinate quantities, Determinate equations (Math.),
those that are finite in the number of values or
solutions, that is, in which the conditions of the problem
or equation determine the number. Determinate quantitiesDeterminate De*ter"mi*nate, a. [L. determinatus, p. p. of
determinare. See Determine.]
1. Having defined limits; not uncertain or arbitrary; fixed;
established; definite.
Quantity of words and a determinate number of feet.
2. Conclusive; decisive; positive.
The determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God.
--Acts ii. 23.
3. Determined or resolved upon. [Obs.]
My determinate voyage. --Shak.
4. Of determined purpose; resolute. [Obs.]
More determinate to do than skillful how to do.
--Sir P.
Determinate inflorescence (Bot.), that in which the
flowering commences with the terminal bud of a stem, which
puts a limit to its growth; -- also called centrifugal
Determinate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of a
limited number of solutions.
Determinate quantities, Determinate equations (Math.),
those that are finite in the number of values or
solutions, that is, in which the conditions of the problem
or equation determine the number. Determinately
Determinately De*ter"mi*nate*ly, adv.
1. In a determinate manner; definitely; ascertainably.
The principles of religion are already either
determinately true or false, before you think of
them. --Tillotson.
2. Resolutely; unchangeably.
Being determinately . . . bent to marry. --Sir P.
Determinateness De*ter"mi*nate*ness, n.
State of being determinate.
Determinative De*ter"mi*na*tive, n.
That which serves to determine.
Explanatory determinatives . . . were placed after
words phonetically expressed, in order to serve as an
aid to the reader in determining the meaning. --I.
Taylor (The
Determinator De*ter"mi*na`tor, n. [L.]
One who determines. [R.] --Sir T. Browne.
DisterminateDisterminate Dis*ter"mi*nate, a. [L. disterminatus, p. p. of
disterminare to limit. See Terminate.]
Separated by bounds. [Obs.] --Bp. Hall. Distermination
Distermination Dis*ter`mi*na"tion, n. [L. disterminatio.]
Separation by bounds. [Obs.] --Hammond.
Eterminable E*ter"mi*na*ble, a. [Pref. e- + terminable.]
Interminable. [Obs.] --Skelton.
ExterminateExterminate Ex*ter"mi*nate, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Exterminated; p. pr. & vb. n. Exterminating.] [L.
exterminatus, p. p. of exterminare to abolish, destroy, drive
out or away; ex out + terminus boundary, limit. See Term.]
1. To drive out or away; to expel.
They deposed, exterminated, and deprived him of
communion. --Barrow.
2. To destroy utterly; to cut off; to extirpate; to
annihilate; to root out; as, to exterminate a colony, a
tribe, or a nation; to exterminate error or vice.
To explode and exterminate rank atheism. --Bentley.
3. (Math.) To eliminate, as unknown quantities. [R.] ExterminatedExterminate Ex*ter"mi*nate, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Exterminated; p. pr. & vb. n. Exterminating.] [L.
exterminatus, p. p. of exterminare to abolish, destroy, drive
out or away; ex out + terminus boundary, limit. See Term.]
1. To drive out or away; to expel.
They deposed, exterminated, and deprived him of
communion. --Barrow.
2. To destroy utterly; to cut off; to extirpate; to
annihilate; to root out; as, to exterminate a colony, a
tribe, or a nation; to exterminate error or vice.
To explode and exterminate rank atheism. --Bentley.
3. (Math.) To eliminate, as unknown quantities. [R.] ExterminatingExterminate Ex*ter"mi*nate, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Exterminated; p. pr. & vb. n. Exterminating.] [L.
exterminatus, p. p. of exterminare to abolish, destroy, drive
out or away; ex out + terminus boundary, limit. See Term.]
1. To drive out or away; to expel.
They deposed, exterminated, and deprived him of
communion. --Barrow.
2. To destroy utterly; to cut off; to extirpate; to
annihilate; to root out; as, to exterminate a colony, a
tribe, or a nation; to exterminate error or vice.
To explode and exterminate rank atheism. --Bentley.
3. (Math.) To eliminate, as unknown quantities. [R.] Extermination
Extermination Ex*ter`mi*na"tion, n. [Cf. F. extermination.]
1. The act of exterminating; total destruction; eradication;
excision; as, the extermination of inhabitants or tribes,
of error or vice, or of weeds from a field.
2. (Math.) Elimination. [R.]
Exterminator Ex*ter"mi*na`tor, n. [L.]
One who, or that which, exterminates. --Buckle.
Exterminatory Ex*ter"mi*na*to*ry, a.
Of or pertaining to extermination; tending to exterminate.
``Exterminatory war.' --Burke.
Indeterminable In`de*ter"mi*na*ble, n.
An indeterminable thing or quantity. --Sir T. Browne.
IndeterminateIndeterminate In`de*ter"mi*nate, a. [L. indeterminatus.]
Not determinate; not certain or fixed; indefinite; not
precise; as, an indeterminate number of years. --Paley.
Indeterminate analysis (Math.), that branch of analysis
which has for its object the solution of indeterminate
Indeterminate coefficients (Math.), coefficients
arbitrarily assumed for convenience of calculation, or to
facilitate some artifice of analysis. Their values are
subsequently determined.
Indeterminate equation (Math.), an equation in which the
unknown quantities admit of an infinite number of values,
or sets of values. A group of equations is indeterminate
when it contains more unknown quantities than there are
Indeterminate inflorescence (Bot.), a mode of inflorescence
in which the flowers all arise from axillary buds, the
terminal bud going on to grow and sometimes continuing the
stem indefinitely; -- called also acropetal, botryose,
centripetal, & indefinite inflorescence. --Gray.
Indeterminate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of an
infinite number of solutions, or one in which there are
fewer imposed conditions than there are unknown or
required results.
Indeterminate quantity (Math.), a quantity which has no
fixed value, but which may be varied in accordance with
any proposed condition.
Indeterminate series (Math.), a series whose terms proceed
by the powers of an indeterminate quantity, sometimes also
with indeterminate exponents, or indeterminate
coefficients. -- In`de*ter"mi*nate*ly adv. --
In`de*ter"mi*nate*ness, n. Indeterminate analysisIndeterminate In`de*ter"mi*nate, a. [L. indeterminatus.]
Not determinate; not certain or fixed; indefinite; not
precise; as, an indeterminate number of years. --Paley.
Indeterminate analysis (Math.), that branch of analysis
which has for its object the solution of indeterminate
Indeterminate coefficients (Math.), coefficients
arbitrarily assumed for convenience of calculation, or to
facilitate some artifice of analysis. Their values are
subsequently determined.
Indeterminate equation (Math.), an equation in which the
unknown quantities admit of an infinite number of values,
or sets of values. A group of equations is indeterminate
when it contains more unknown quantities than there are
Indeterminate inflorescence (Bot.), a mode of inflorescence
in which the flowers all arise from axillary buds, the
terminal bud going on to grow and sometimes continuing the
stem indefinitely; -- called also acropetal, botryose,
centripetal, & indefinite inflorescence. --Gray.
Indeterminate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of an
infinite number of solutions, or one in which there are
fewer imposed conditions than there are unknown or
required results.
Indeterminate quantity (Math.), a quantity which has no
fixed value, but which may be varied in accordance with
any proposed condition.
Indeterminate series (Math.), a series whose terms proceed
by the powers of an indeterminate quantity, sometimes also
with indeterminate exponents, or indeterminate
coefficients. -- In`de*ter"mi*nate*ly adv. --
In`de*ter"mi*nate*ness, n.
Meaning of Termina from wikipedia
- The term
Termina can
refer to:
Termina, the
setting for the 2000
video game The
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Fear &
Hunger 2:
Termina, a 2022
video game...
- themes,
particularly that of ****ual violence. A sequel, Fear &
Hunger 2:
Termina, was
released in 2022. At the
start of the game the
player chooses one...
- The
Tenzing Nor****
Central Bus
Terminus is one of the
largest and most
important bus
terminals in
North Bengal. It is
located on Hill Cart Road, Siliguri...
- Zale
termina is a
species of moth in the
family Erebidae. It is
found in
North America. "Zale
termina report".
Integrated Taxonomic Information System...
Hamid Termina (born
January 5, 1977) is a
Moroccan footballer. He made his
Bundesliga debut for FC
Energie Cottbus on
August 19, 2001 when he started...
- Baltimore, Maryland. He is
currently the lead
singer of Monuments, Makari,
Termina, WVNDER, and Dearest,
while also
releasing music as a solo artist. Cizek...
Termina, to full
power using the
Jamba Hearts.
After being defeated,
Hyness sacrifices the
generals and
himself to
subsequently revive Void
Skyway (formerly
TerminaLink) is an
automated people mover system operating at
George Bush
Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Texas. The
system is 0...
place months after Ocarina of Time. Link
arrives in a
parallel world,
Termina, and
becomes embroiled in a
quest to
prevent the moon from
crashing in...
Archived from the
original on 18
December 2023.
Retrieved 18
December 2023. "
Termina (Nik
Nocturnal & Andy Cizek)
release new
single ft
Brand Of Sacrifice's...