Castle (Hungarian: Nagyboldog****zony-
templom), more
commonly known as the
Matthias Church (Hungarian: Mátyás-
templom) and more
rarely as the Coronation...
- svätej Alžbety, Hungarian:
Szent Erzsébet
commonly known as Blue
Church (Modrý kostolík, Kék
templom), is a Hungarian-Secessionist (Jugendstil...
- on 2022-02-12.
Retrieved 2023-07-12. "Budapest, I. Kerület templomai". "
Templom "budapest2C ii. Kerulet" szó alapján". "Szent Lukács kórházkápolna - ORFI...
- or the
Church of the Holy
Trinity (Hungarian:
Szent Demeter-
templom, Szentháromság-
templom, Serbian:
Crkva Svetog Dimitrija,
Crkva Svete Trojice) was a...
- of St.
Nicholas (Serbian: Црква светог Николе, Hungarian:
Szent Miklós
templom) in Eger is
Serbian Orthodox church in Hungary. The
church was constructed...
- (Romanian:
Biserica Neagră, German: Die
Schwarze Kirche, Hungarian:
Fekete templom),
stands in the city of Brașov in south-eastern Transylvania, Romania....
- (known
locally as the
Serbian Orthodox Church; Hungarian:
Szerb Ortodox Templom), is a
Serbian Orthodox church in Szeged, Hungary. Many
Serbs moved to...
- Belvárosi plábániatemplom is the
oldest church of the town.
Egyetemi templom is a
church next to ELTE university.
Evangelical Church on Deák Square...
- city landmark. His 1909
design for the
Votive Church of
Szeged (Fogadalmi
templom), a twin-spired
structure with red-brick façades and
white stone trim,...
- Michael's
Church (Romanian:
Biserica Sfântul Mihail, Hungarian:
Szent Mihály-
templom, German: Michaelskirche) is a Gothic-style
Roman Catholic church in Cluj-Napoca...