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Alphabetarian Al`pha*bet*a"ri*an, n.
A learner of the alphabet; an abecedarian. --Abp. Sancroft.
Antiquitarian An*tiq`ui*ta"ri*an, n.
An admirer of antiquity.
Note: [Used by Milton in a disparaging sense.] [Obs.]
Antisabbatarian An`ti*sab`ba*ta"ri*an, n. (Eccl.)
One of a sect which opposes the observance of the Christian
Dietarian Di`e*ta"ri*an, n.
One who lives in accordance with prescribed rules for diet; a
Equalitarian E*qual`i*ta"ri*an, n.
One who believes in equalizing the condition of men; a
Establishmentarian Es*tab`lish*men*ta"ri*an, n.
One who regards the Church primarily as an establishment
formed by the State, and overlooks its intrinsic spiritual
character. --Shipley.
Experimentarian Ex*per`i*men*ta"ri*an, a.
Relying on experiment or experience. ``an experimentarian
philosopher.' --Boyle. -- n. One who relies on experiment or
experience. [Obs.]
HumanitarianHumanitarian Hu*man`i*ta"ri*an, n. [From Humanity.]
1. (Theol. & Ch. Hist.) One who denies the divinity of
Christ, and believes him to have been merely human.
2. (Philos.) One who limits the sphere of duties to human
relations and affections, to the exclusion or
disparagement of the religious or spiritual.
3. One who is actively concerned in promoting the welfare of
his kind; a philanthropist. [Recent] LibertarianLibertarian Lib`er*ta"ri*an (-t[=a]"r[i^]*an), a. [See
Pertaining to liberty, or to the doctrine of free will, as
opposed to the doctrine of necessity. Libertarian
Libertarian Lib`er*ta"ri*an, n.
One who holds to the doctrine of free will.
Limitarian Lim`i*ta"ri*an (-r[i^]*an), a.
Tending to limit.
NecessitarianNecessitarian Ne*ces`si*ta"ri*an, a.
Of or pertaining to the doctrine of philosophical necessity
in regard to the origin and existence of things, especially
as applied to the actings or choices of the will; -- opposed
to libertarian. Necessitarian
Necessitarian Ne*ces`si*ta"ri*an, n.
One who holds to the doctrine of necessitarianism.
Necessitarianism Ne*ces`si*ta"ri*an*ism, n.
The doctrine of philosophical necessity; the doctrine that
results follow by invariable sequence from causes, and esp.
that the will is not free, but that human actions and choices
result inevitably from motives; deteminism. --M. Arnold.
nonuniformitarianNonuniformist Non*u"ni*form`ist, n.
One who believes that past changes in the structure of the
earth have proceeded from cataclysms or causes more violent
than are now operating; -- called also nonuniformitarian. Parliamentarian
Parliamentarian Par`lia*men*ta"ri*an, a.
Of or pertaining to Parliament. --Wood.
Parliamentarian Par`lia*men*ta"ri*an, n.
1. (Eng. Hist.) One who adhered to the Parliament, in
opposition to King Charles I. --Walpole.
2. One versed in the rules and usages of Parliament or
similar deliberative assemblies; as, an accomplished
Proletarian Prol`e*ta"ri*an, a. [L. proletarius. See
Of or pertaining to the proletaries; belonging to the
commonalty; hence, mean; vile; vulgar. ``Every citizen, if he
were not a proletarian animal kept at the public cost.' --De
Quincey. -- n. A proletary.
Quodlibetarian Quod"lib*e*ta"ri*an, n.
One who discusses any subject at pleasure.
SabbatarianSabbatarian Sab`ba*ta"ri*an, n. [L. Sabbatarius: cf. F.
sabbataire. See Sabbath.]
1. One who regards and keeps the seventh day of the week as
holy, agreeably to the letter of the fourth commandment in
the Decalogue.
Note: There were Christians in the early church who held this
opinion, and certain Christians, esp. the Seventh-day
Baptists, hold it now.
2. A strict observer of the Sabbath. Sabbatarian
Sabbatarian Sab`ba*ta"ri*an, a.
Of or pertaining to the Sabbath, or the tenets of
Sabbatarianism Sab`ba*ta"ri*an*ism, n.
The tenets of Sabbatarians. --Bp. Ward (1673).
Sacramentarian Sac`ra*men*ta"ri*an, n. [LL. sacramentarius:
cf. F. sacramentaire.]
1. (Eccl.) A name given in the sixteenth century to those
German reformers who rejected both the Roman and the
Lutheran doctrine of the holy eucharist.
2. One who holds extreme opinions regarding the efficacy of
Sacramentarian Sac`ra*men*ta"ri*an, a.
1. Of or pertaining a sacrament, or to the sacramentals;
2. Of or pertaining to the Sacramentarians.
Sanitarian San`i*ta"ri*an, a.
Of or pertaining to health, or the laws of health; sanitary.
Sanitarian San`i*ta"ri*an, n.
An advocate of sanitary measures; one especially interested
or versed in sanitary measures.
Sectarian Sec*ta"ri*an, n.
Pertaining to a sect, or to sects; peculiar to a sect;
bigotedly attached to the tenets and interests of a
denomination; as, sectarian principles or prejudices.
SectarianSectarian Sec*ta"ri*an, n.
One of a sect; a member or adherent of a special school,
denomination, or religious or philosophical party; one of a
party in religion which has separated itself from established
church, or which holds tenets different from those of the
prevailing denomination in a state.
Syn: See Heretic. Sectarianism
Sectarianism Sec*ta"ri*an*ism, n.
The quality or character of a sectarian; devotion to the
interests of a party; excess of partisan or denominational
zeal; adherence to a separate church organization.
Sectarianize Sec*ta"ri*an*ize, v. t.
To imbue with sectarian feelings; to subject to the control
of a sect.
Meaning of Tarian from wikipedia