Definition of Taining. Meaning of Taining. Synonyms of Taining

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Definition of Taining

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Appertain Ap`per*tain", v. i. [imp. & p. p. Appertained; p. pr. & vb. n. Appertaining.] [OE. apperteinen, apertenen, OF. apartenir, F. appartenir, fr. L. appertinere; ad + pertinere to reach to, belong. See Pertain.] To belong or pertain, whether by right, nature, appointment, or custom; to relate. Things appertaining to this life. --Hooker. Give it unto him to whom it appertaineth. --Lev. vi. 5.
Ascertain As`cer*tain", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ascertained; p. pr. & vb. n. Ascertaining.] [OF. acertener; a (L. ad) + certain. See Certain.] 1. To render (a person) certain; to cause to feel certain; to make confident; to assure; to apprise. [Obs.] When the blessed Virgin was so ascertained. --Jer. Taylor. Muncer assured them that the design was approved of by Heaven, and that the Almighty had in a dream ascertained him of its effects. --Robertson. 2. To make (a thing) certain to the mind; to free from obscurity, doubt, or change; to make sure of; to fix; to determine. [Archaic] The divine law . . . ascertaineth the truth. --Hooker. The very deferring [of his execution] shall increase and ascertain the condemnation. --Jer. Taylor. The ministry, in order to ascertain a majority . . . persuaded the queen to create twelve new peers. --Smollett. The mildness and precision of their laws ascertained the rule and measure of taxation. --Gibbon. 3. To find out or learn for a certainty, by trial, examination, or experiment; to get to know; as, to ascertain the weight of a commodity, or the purity of a metal. He was there only for the purpose of ascertaining whether a descent on England was practicable. --Macaulay.
Attain At*tain" ([a^]t*t[=a]n"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Attained (-t[=a]nd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Attaining.] [Of. atteinen, atteignen, atainen, OF. ateindre, ataindre, F. atteindre, fr. L. attingere; ad + tangere to touch, reach. See Tangent, and cf. Attinge, Attaint.] 1. To achieve or accomplish, that is, to reach by efforts; to gain; to compass; as, to attain rest. Is he wise who hopes to attain the end without the means? --Abp. Tillotson. 2. To gain or obtain possession of; to acquire. [Obs. with a material object.] --Chaucer. 3. To get at the knowledge of; to ascertain. [Obs.] Not well attaining his meaning. --Fuller. 4. To reach or come to, by progression or motion; to arrive at. ``Canaan he now attains.' --Milton. 5. To overtake. [Obs.] --Bacon. 6. To reach in excellence or degree; to equal. Syn: To Attain, Obtain, Procure. Usage: Attain always implies an effort toward an object. Hence it is not synonymous with obtain and procure, which do not necessarily imply such effort or motion. We procure or obtain a thing by purchase or loan, and we obtain by inheritance, but we do not attain it by such means.
Curtain Cur"tain, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Curtained (-t?nd; 48); p. pr. & vb. n. Curtaining.] To inclose as with curtains; to furnish with curtains. So when the sun in bed Curtained with cloudy red. --Milton.
Entertaining En`ter*tain"ing, a. Affording entertainment; pleasing; amusing; diverting. -- En`ter*tain"ing*ly, adv. -- En`ter*tain"ing*ness, n.
Entertaining En`ter*tain"ing, a. Affording entertainment; pleasing; amusing; diverting. -- En`ter*tain"ing*ly, adv. -- En`ter*tain"ing*ness, n.
Entertaining En`ter*tain"ing, a. Affording entertainment; pleasing; amusing; diverting. -- En`ter*tain"ing*ly, adv. -- En`ter*tain"ing*ness, n.
Maintain Main*tain, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Maintained; p. pr. & vb. n. Maintaining.] [OE. maintenen, F. maintenir, properly, to hold by the hand; main hand (L. manus) + F. tenir to hold (L. tenere). See Manual, and Tenable.] 1. To hold or keep in any particular state or condition; to support; to sustain; to uphold; to keep up; not to suffer to fail or decline; as, to maintain a certain degree of heat in a furnace; to maintain a fence or a railroad; to maintain the digestive process or powers of the stomach; to maintain the fertility of soil; to maintain present reputation. 2. To keep possession of; to hold and defend; not to surrender or relinquish. God values . . . every one as he maintains his post. --Grew. 3. To continue; not to suffer to cease or fail. Maintain talk with the duke. --Shak. 4. To bear the expense of; to support; to keep up; to supply with what is needed. Glad, by his labor, to maintain his life. --Stirling. What maintains one vice would bring up two children. --Franklin. 5. To affirm; to support or defend by argument. It is hard to maintain the truth, but much harder to be maintained by it. --South. Syn: To assert; vindicate; allege. See Assert.
Obtain Ob*tain", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Obtained; p. pr. & vb. n. Obtaining.] [F. obtenir, L. obtinere; ob (see Ob-) + tenere to hold. See Tenable.] 1. To hold; to keep; to possess. [Obs.] His mother, then, is mortal, but his Sire He who obtains the monarchy of heaven. --Milton. 2. To get hold of by effort; to gain possession of; to procure; to acquire, in any way. Some pray for riches; riches they obtain. --Dryden. By guileful fair words peace may be obtained. --Shak. It may be that I may obtain children by her. --Gen. xvi. 2. Syn: To attain; gain; procure; acquire; win; earn. Usage: See Attain. -- To Obtain, Get, Gain, Earn, Acquire. The idea of getting is common to all these terms. We may, indeed, with only a slight change of sense, substitute get for either of them; as, to get or to gain a prize; to get or to obtain an employment; to get or to earn a living; to get or to acquire a language. To gain is to get by striving; and as this is often a part of our good fortune, the word gain is peculiarly applicable to whatever comes to us fortuitously. Thus, we gain a victory, we gain a cause, we gain an advantage, etc. To earn is to deserve by labor or service; as, to earn good wages; to earn a triumph. Unfortunately, one does not always get or obtain what he has earned. To obtain implies desire for possession, and some effort directed to the attainment of that which is not immediately within our reach. Whatever we thus seek and get, we obtain, whether by our own exertions or those of others; whether by good or bad means; whether permanently, or only for a time. Thus, a man obtains an employment; he obtains an answer to a letter, etc. To acquire is more limited and specific. We acquire what comes to us gradually in the regular exercise of our abilities, while we obtain what comes in any way, provided we desire it. Thus, we acquire knowledge, property, honor, reputation, etc. What we acquire becomes, to a great extent, permanently our own; as, to acquire a language; to acquire habits of industry, etc.
Pertain Per*tain", v. i. [imp. & p. p. Pertained; p. pr. & vb. n. Pertaining.] [OE. partenen, OF. partenir, fr. L. pertinere to stretch out, reach, pertain; per + tenere to hold, keep. See Per-, and Tenable, and cf. Appertain, Pertinent.] 1. To belong; to have connection with, or dependence on, something, as an appurtenance, attribute, etc.; to appertain; as, saltness pertains to the ocean; flowers pertain to plant life. Men hate those who affect that honor by ambition which pertaineth not to them. --Hayward. 2. To have relation or reference to something. These words pertain unto us at this time as they pertained to them at their time. --Latimer.
Retain Re*tain", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retained; p. pr. & vb. n. Retaining.] [F. retainir, L. retinere; pref. re- re- + tenere to hold, keep. See Tenable, and cf. Rein of a bridle, Retention, Retinue.] 1. To continue to hold; to keep in possession; not to lose, part with, or dismiss; to retrain from departure, escape, or the like. ``Thy shape invisibleretain.' --Shak. Be obedient, and retain Unalterably firm his love entire. --Milton. An executor may retain a debt due to him from the testator. --Blackstone. 2. To keep in pay; to employ by a preliminary fee paid; to hire; to engage; as, to retain a counselor. A Benedictine convent has now retained the most learned father of their order to write in its defense. --Addison. 3. To restrain; to prevent. [Obs.] --Sir W. Temple. Retaining wall (Arch. & Engin.), a wall built to keep any movable backing, or a bank of sand or earth, in its place; -- called also retain wall. Syn: To keep; hold; retrain. See Keep.
Retaining wall
Retain Re*tain", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retained; p. pr. & vb. n. Retaining.] [F. retainir, L. retinere; pref. re- re- + tenere to hold, keep. See Tenable, and cf. Rein of a bridle, Retention, Retinue.] 1. To continue to hold; to keep in possession; not to lose, part with, or dismiss; to retrain from departure, escape, or the like. ``Thy shape invisibleretain.' --Shak. Be obedient, and retain Unalterably firm his love entire. --Milton. An executor may retain a debt due to him from the testator. --Blackstone. 2. To keep in pay; to employ by a preliminary fee paid; to hire; to engage; as, to retain a counselor. A Benedictine convent has now retained the most learned father of their order to write in its defense. --Addison. 3. To restrain; to prevent. [Obs.] --Sir W. Temple. Retaining wall (Arch. & Engin.), a wall built to keep any movable backing, or a bank of sand or earth, in its place; -- called also retain wall. Syn: To keep; hold; retrain. See Keep.
Stain Stain, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Stained; p. pr. & vb. n. Staining.] [Abbrev. fr. distain.] 1. To discolor by the application of foreign matter; to make foul; to spot; as, to stain the hand with dye; armor stained with blood. 2. To color, as wood, glass, paper, cloth, or the like, by processess affecting, chemically or otherwise, the material itself; to tinge with a color or colors combining with, or penetrating, the substance; to dye; as, to stain wood with acids, colored washes, paint rubbed in, etc.; to stain glass. 3. To spot with guilt or infamy; to bring reproach on; to blot; to soil; to tarnish. Of honor void, Of innocence, of faith, of purity, Our wonted ornaments now soiled and stained. --Milton. 4. To cause to seem inferior or soiled by comparison. She stains the ripest virgins of her age. --Beau. & Fl. That did all other beasts in beauty stain. --Spenser. Stained glass, glass colored or stained by certain metallic pigments fused into its substance, -- often used for making ornament windows. Syn: To paint; dye; blot; soil; sully; discolor; disgrace; taint. Usage: Paint, Stain, Dye. These denote three different processes; the first mechanical, the other two, chiefly chemical. To paint a thing is so spread a coat of coloring matter over it; to stain or dye a thing is to impart color to its substance. To stain is said chiefly of solids, as wood, glass, paper; to dye, of fibrous substances, textile fabrics, etc.; the one, commonly, a simple process, as applying a wash; the other more complex, as fixing colors by mordants.
Sustain Sus*tain", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Sustained; p. pr. & vb. n. Sustaining.] [OE. sustenen, susteinen, OF. sustenir, sostenir, F. soutenir (the French prefix is properly fr. L. subtus below, fr. sub under), L. sustinere; pref. sus- (see Sub-) + tenere to hold. See Tenable, and cf. Sustenance.] 1. To keep from falling; to bear; to uphold; to support; as, a foundation sustains the superstructure; a beast sustains a load; a rope sustains a weight. Every pillar the temple to sustain. --Chaucer. 2. Hence, to keep from sinking, as in despondence, or the like; to support. No comfortable expectations of another life to sustain him under the evils in this world. --Tillotson. 3. To maintain; to keep alive; to support; to subsist; to nourish; as, provisions to sustain an army. 4. To aid, comfort, or relieve; to vindicate. --Shak. His sons, who seek the tyrant to sustain. --Dryden. 5. To endure without failing or yielding; to bear up under; as, to sustain defeat and disappointment. 6. To suffer; to bear; to undergo. Shall Turnus, then, such endless toil sustain? --Dryden. You shall sustain more new disgraces. --Shak. 7. To allow the prosecution of; to admit as valid; to sanction; to continue; not to dismiss or abate; as, the court sustained the action or suit. 8. To prove; to establish by evidence; to corroborate or confirm; to be conclusive of; as, to sustain a charge, an accusation, or a proposition. Syn: To support; uphold; subsist; assist; relieve; suffer; undergo.

Meaning of Taining from wikipedia

- Taining may refer to: Taining County, a county in Fujian, China Taining (太寧, 323–326), era name used by Emperor Ming of Jin Taining (太寧, 349), era name...
- Look up taine in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Taine may refer to: Taine Basham (born 1999), Welsh rugby player Taine Murray (born 2002), New Zealand...
- Taining County (simplified Chinese: 泰宁县; traditional Chinese: 泰寧縣; pinyin: Tàiníng Xiàn) is a county in the northwest of Fujian province, People's Republic...
- Hippolyte Adolphe Taine (21 April 1828 – 5 March 1893) was a French historian, critic and philosopher. He was the chief theoretical influence on French...
- Karst topography. The most famous spots include global geopark Taining Golden Lake in Taining County, Yuhua Cave in Jiangle County and Goose Cave in Ninghua...
- Taine Plumtree (born 9 March 2000) is a Welsh professional rugby union player who plays as a flanker for the Scarlets in the United Rugby Championship...
- Lake Belle Taine is a lake in Hubbard County, Minnesota, in the United States. The lake was first named by the settlers of Hubbard county as "Elbow Lake"...
- Taine Randell (born 5 November 1974) is a retired New Zealand rugby union player. He pla**** as a versatile loose forward and captained the All Blacks...
- Taine Robinson (born 15 June 1999) is a New Zealand rugby union player who plays for Tasman in the Bunnings NPC and the Crusaders in Super Rugby. He can...
- Taine Tuaupiki (/taʊpɪki/) (born 31 August 1999) is a New Zealand rugby league footballer who plays as a fullback for the New Zealand Warriors in the...