- προφητων (p**** away from the Law and the Prophets) – Θ Σ ƒ13 565 1071
syrpalmss arm
Irenaeuslat παρελθη απο του νομου (p**** away from the Law) – rell...
- ἐκλεκτός — p5, Sinaiticus, itb,e,ff2, syrc,s ὁ ἐκλεκτός ὑιος — ita, ff2c,
copsa ὁ ὑιος — mss of the Alexandrian,
Byzantine and
Caesarean texts...
- προφητων (p**** away from the Law and the Prophets) – Θ Σ ƒ13 565 1071
syrpalmss arm
Irenaeuslat παρελθη απο του νομου (p**** away from the Law) – rell...
- syrs, c
Ambrose Augustine ο εκλεκτος του υιος (the
elect Son) – ita,ff2c
syrpalmss copsa ο υιος (the Son) – rell 1
Textual variants in John 2 John 2:3 οινον...