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Aphorismatic Aph`o*ris*mat"ic, Aphorismic Aph`o*ris"mic, a.
Pertaining to aphorisms, or having the form of an aphorism.
Apotelesmatic Ap`o*tel`es*mat"ic, a. [Gr. ?, fr. ? effect of
the stars on human destiny, fr. ? to complete; ? from + ? to
end, ? end.]
1. Relating to the casting of horoscopes. [Archaic]
2. Relating to an issue of fulfillment.
In this way a passage in the Old Testament may have,
or rather comprise, an apotelesmatic sense, i. e.,
one of after or final accomplishment. --M. Stuart.
Charismatic Char`is*mat"ic, a.
Of or pertaining to a charism.
Chrismation Chris*ma"tion, n. [LL. chrismatio.]
The act of applying the chrism, or consecrated oil.
Chrismation or cross-signing with ointment, was used in
baptism. --Jer. Taylor.
Diprismatic Di`pris*mat"ic, a. [Prefix di- + prismatic.]
Doubly prismatic.
Embolismatic Em`bo*lis*mat"ic, Embolismatical
Em`bo*lis*mat"ic*al, a.
Embolismatic Em`bo*lis*mat"ic, Embolismatical
Em`bo*lis*mat"ic*al, a.
I prismaticaFlower-de-luce Flow"er-de-luce", n. [Corrupted fr.
fleur-de-lis.] (Bot.)
A genus of perennial herbs (Iris) with swordlike leaves and
large three-petaled flowers often of very gay colors, but
probably white in the plant first chosen for the royal French
Note: There are nearly one hundred species, natives of the
north temperate zone. Some of the best known are Iris
Germanica, I. Florentina, I. Persica, I.
sambucina, and the American I. versicolor, I.
prismatica, etc. Merismatic
Merismatic Mer`is*mat"ic, a. [Gr. ? division, fr. ? part.]
Dividing into cells or segments; characterized by separation
into two or more parts or sections by the formation of
internal partitions; as, merismatic growth, where one cell
divides into many.
Miasmatic Mi`as*mat"ic, Miasmatical Mi`as*mat"ic*al, a. [Cf.
F. miasmatique.]
Containing, or relating to, miasma; caused by miasma; as,
miasmatic diseases.
Miasmatic Mi`as*mat"ic, Miasmatical Mi`as*mat"ic*al, a. [Cf.
F. miasmatique.]
Containing, or relating to, miasma; caused by miasma; as,
miasmatic diseases.
Miasmatist Mi*as"ma*tist, n.
One who has made a special study of miasma.
NumismaticNumismatic Nu`mis*mat"ic, Numismatical Nu`mis*mat"ic*al, a.
[L. numisma, nomisma, a piece of money, coin, fr. Gr. ?
anything sanctioned by usage, the current coin, fr. ? to
introduce a custom, or usage, fr. ? a custom, or usage, fr. ?
to distribute, assign: cf. F. numismatique. See Nomad.]
Of or pertaining to coins; relating to the science of coins
or medals. NumismaticalNumismatic Nu`mis*mat"ic, Numismatical Nu`mis*mat"ic*al, a.
[L. numisma, nomisma, a piece of money, coin, fr. Gr. ?
anything sanctioned by usage, the current coin, fr. ? to
introduce a custom, or usage, fr. ? a custom, or usage, fr. ?
to distribute, assign: cf. F. numismatique. See Nomad.]
Of or pertaining to coins; relating to the science of coins
or medals. Numismatics
Numismatics Nu`mis*mat"ics, n. [Cf. F. numismatique.]
The science of coins and medals.
Numismatist Nu*mis"ma*tist, n.
One skilled in numismatics; a numismatologist.
Phantasmatical Phan`tas*mat"ic*al, a. [L. phantasmaticus.]
Phantasmal. --Dr. H. More.
Plasmatic Plas*mat"ic, Plasmatical Plas*mat"ic*al, a. [Gr.
1. Forming; shaping; molding. [Obs.] --Dr. H. More.
2. (Biol.) Of or pertaining to plasma; having the character
of plasma; containing, or conveying, plasma.
Plasmatic Plas*mat"ic, Plasmatical Plas*mat"ic*al, a. [Gr.
1. Forming; shaping; molding. [Obs.] --Dr. H. More.
2. (Biol.) Of or pertaining to plasma; having the character
of plasma; containing, or conveying, plasma.
Plasmation Plas*ma"tion, n. [L. plasmatio.]
The act of forming or molding. [R.] --Grafton.
Porismatic Po`ris*mat"ic, Porismatical Po`ris*mat"ic*al, a.
Of or pertaining to a porism; poristic.
Porismatic Po`ris*mat"ic, Porismatical Po`ris*mat"ic*al, a.
Of or pertaining to a porism; poristic.
PrismaticPrismatic Pris*mat"ic, Prismatical Pris*mat"ic*al, a. [Cf.
F. prismatique.]
1. Resembling, or pertaining to, a prism; as, a prismatic
form or cleavage.
2. Separated or distributed by a prism; formed by a prism;
as, prismatic colors.
3. (Crystallog.) Same as Orthorhombic.
Prismatic borax (Chem.), borax crystallized in the form of
oblique prisms, with ten molecules of water; --
distinguished from octahedral borax.
Prismatic colors (Opt.), the seven colors into which light
is resolved when passed through a prism; primary colors.
See Primary colors, under Color.
Prismatic compass (Surv.), a compass having a prism for
viewing a distant object and the compass card at the same
Prismatic spectrum (Opt.), the spectrum produced by the
passage of light through a prism. Prismatic boraxPrismatic Pris*mat"ic, Prismatical Pris*mat"ic*al, a. [Cf.
F. prismatique.]
1. Resembling, or pertaining to, a prism; as, a prismatic
form or cleavage.
2. Separated or distributed by a prism; formed by a prism;
as, prismatic colors.
3. (Crystallog.) Same as Orthorhombic.
Prismatic borax (Chem.), borax crystallized in the form of
oblique prisms, with ten molecules of water; --
distinguished from octahedral borax.
Prismatic colors (Opt.), the seven colors into which light
is resolved when passed through a prism; primary colors.
See Primary colors, under Color.
Prismatic compass (Surv.), a compass having a prism for
viewing a distant object and the compass card at the same
Prismatic spectrum (Opt.), the spectrum produced by the
passage of light through a prism. Prismatic cleavageCleavage Cleav"age, n.
1. The act of cleaving or splitting.
2. (Crystallog.) The quality possessed by many crystallized
substances of splitting readily in one or more definite
directions, in which the cohesive attraction is a minimum,
affording more or less smooth surfaces; the direction of
the dividing plane; a fragment obtained by cleaving, as of
a diamond. See Parting.
3. (Geol.) Division into lamin[ae], like slate, with the
lamination not necessarily parallel to the plane of
deposition; -- usually produced by pressure.
Basal cleavage, cleavage parallel to the base of a crystal,
or to the plane of the lateral axes.
Cell cleavage (Biol.), multiplication of cells by fission.
See Segmentation.
Cubic cleavage, cleavage parallel to the faces of a cube.
Diagonal cleavage, cleavage parallel to ta diagonal plane.
Egg clavage. (Biol.) See Segmentation.
Lateral cleavage, cleavage parallel to the lateral planes.
Octahedral, Dodecahedral, or Rhombohedral, cleavage,
cleavage parallel to the faces of an octahedron,
dodecahedron, or rhombohedron.
Prismatic cleavage, cleavage parallel to a vertical prism. Prismatic colorsPrismatic Pris*mat"ic, Prismatical Pris*mat"ic*al, a. [Cf.
F. prismatique.]
1. Resembling, or pertaining to, a prism; as, a prismatic
form or cleavage.
2. Separated or distributed by a prism; formed by a prism;
as, prismatic colors.
3. (Crystallog.) Same as Orthorhombic.
Prismatic borax (Chem.), borax crystallized in the form of
oblique prisms, with ten molecules of water; --
distinguished from octahedral borax.
Prismatic colors (Opt.), the seven colors into which light
is resolved when passed through a prism; primary colors.
See Primary colors, under Color.
Prismatic compass (Surv.), a compass having a prism for
viewing a distant object and the compass card at the same
Prismatic spectrum (Opt.), the spectrum produced by the
passage of light through a prism. Prismatic compassPrismatic Pris*mat"ic, Prismatical Pris*mat"ic*al, a. [Cf.
F. prismatique.]
1. Resembling, or pertaining to, a prism; as, a prismatic
form or cleavage.
2. Separated or distributed by a prism; formed by a prism;
as, prismatic colors.
3. (Crystallog.) Same as Orthorhombic.
Prismatic borax (Chem.), borax crystallized in the form of
oblique prisms, with ten molecules of water; --
distinguished from octahedral borax.
Prismatic colors (Opt.), the seven colors into which light
is resolved when passed through a prism; primary colors.
See Primary colors, under Color.
Prismatic compass (Surv.), a compass having a prism for
viewing a distant object and the compass card at the same
Prismatic spectrum (Opt.), the spectrum produced by the
passage of light through a prism. Prismatic spectrumSpectrum Spec"trum, n.; pl. Spectra. [L. See Specter.]
1. An apparition; a specter. [Obs.]
2. (Opt.)
(a) The several colored and other rays of which light is
composed, separated by the refraction of a prism or
other means, and observed or studied either as spread
out on a screen, by direct vision, by photography, or
otherwise. See Illust. of Light, and Spectroscope.
(b) A luminous appearance, or an image seen after the eye
has been exposed to an intense light or a strongly
illuminated object. When the object is colored, the
image appears of the complementary color, as a green
image seen after viewing a red wafer lying on white
paper. Called also ocular spectrum.
Absorption spectrum, the spectrum of light which has passed
through a medium capable of absorbing a portion of the
rays. It is characterized by dark spaces, bands, or lines.
Chemical spectrum, a spectrum of rays considered solely
with reference to their chemical effects, as in
photography. These, in the usual photogrophic methods,
have their maximum influence at and beyond the violet
rays, but are not limited to this region.
Chromatic spectrum, the visible colored rays of the solar
spectrum, exhibiting the seven principal colors in their
order, and covering the central and larger portion of the
space of the whole spectrum.
Continous spectrum, a spectrum not broken by bands or
lines, but having the colors shaded into each other
continously, as that from an incandescent solid or liquid,
or a gas under high pressure.
Diffraction spectrum, a spectrum produced by diffraction,
as by a grating.
Gaseous spectrum, the spectrum of an incandesoent gas or
vapor, under moderate, or especially under very low,
pressure. It is characterized by bright bands or lines.
Normal spectrum, a representation of a spectrum arranged
upon conventional plan adopted as standard, especially a
spectrum in which the colors are spaced proportionally to
their wave lengths, as when formed by a diffraction
Ocular spectrum. See Spectrum, 2
(b), above.
Prismatic spectrum, a spectrum produced by means of a
Solar spectrum, the spectrum of solar light, especially as
thrown upon a screen in a darkened room. It is
characterized by numerous dark lines called Fraunhofer
Spectrum analysis, chemical analysis effected by comparison
of the different relative positions and qualities of the
fixed lines of spectra produced by flames in which
different substances are burned or evaporated, each
substance having its own characteristic system of lines.
Thermal spectrum, a spectrum of rays considered solely with
reference to their heating effect, especially of those
rays which produce no luminous phenomena. Prismatic spectrumPrismatic Pris*mat"ic, Prismatical Pris*mat"ic*al, a. [Cf.
F. prismatique.]
1. Resembling, or pertaining to, a prism; as, a prismatic
form or cleavage.
2. Separated or distributed by a prism; formed by a prism;
as, prismatic colors.
3. (Crystallog.) Same as Orthorhombic.
Prismatic borax (Chem.), borax crystallized in the form of
oblique prisms, with ten molecules of water; --
distinguished from octahedral borax.
Prismatic colors (Opt.), the seven colors into which light
is resolved when passed through a prism; primary colors.
See Primary colors, under Color.
Prismatic compass (Surv.), a compass having a prism for
viewing a distant object and the compass card at the same
Prismatic spectrum (Opt.), the spectrum produced by the
passage of light through a prism. PrismaticalPrismatic Pris*mat"ic, Prismatical Pris*mat"ic*al, a. [Cf.
F. prismatique.]
1. Resembling, or pertaining to, a prism; as, a prismatic
form or cleavage.
2. Separated or distributed by a prism; formed by a prism;
as, prismatic colors.
3. (Crystallog.) Same as Orthorhombic.
Prismatic borax (Chem.), borax crystallized in the form of
oblique prisms, with ten molecules of water; --
distinguished from octahedral borax.
Prismatic colors (Opt.), the seven colors into which light
is resolved when passed through a prism; primary colors.
See Primary colors, under Color.
Prismatic compass (Surv.), a compass having a prism for
viewing a distant object and the compass card at the same
Prismatic spectrum (Opt.), the spectrum produced by the
passage of light through a prism.
Meaning of Smati from wikipedia
industrialized zones in Africa.[citation needed] A
prototype robust vehicle, the
SMATI Turtle 1,
intended for use in
rough terrains in
Africa was
designed and...
candidate Josef Schovanec SE 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Not a
candidate Rafik Smati OF 0 0 2 0 3 2 1 0 1 0 1 10
Christiane Taubira Walwari 0 8 28 11 26 13 18...
- as
mayor to
comply with the law on the ac****ulation of mandates:
Julien Smati succeeded him.
Remaining muni****l
councillor and
metropolitan councillor...
founder of
Soleil Productions comic publishing and
sport manager.
Rafik Smati, businessman,
founder and
leader of center-right
political party Objectif...
- Liberté, Algeria-watch, publié le 03/08/2009 L’ANP
expose ses produits,
Samar Smati, Paru dans le
Journal Liberté Algeria-watch, le 12/06/2006 Bientôt un drone...
aired on ENTV in the late 1980s and
early 1990s. It was
produced by Aziz
Smati and
presented by
Kamel Dynamite,
Farid Le
Rockeur and
Samia Benkherroubi...
- Marie-Sophie Chambon. 2021 : A Tale of Love and
Desire Africultures B.L. 2012.
Smati 2015,
Huffington Post. Diao 2015, Le Monde.
Djian 2015, L'Express. Alena...
Retrieved 18 July 2018. "A nous les ecrans » Aziz
Smati récupère la création du
personnage de l'Inspecteur Mergou".
Archived from...
Karim Akrouf Meriem Abdellatif Rayan Atlas (mentor) 2
Season 1, 2023:
Amine Smati Season 2, 2024:
Sakina Laidi Arab
World Project Fashion: El
Musamim El Arabi...
automotive industry with the
construction of a
prototype robust SUV,
named the
SMATI Turtle 1,
intended for use in the
rough African terrain. It was designed...