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Accusingly Ac*cus"ing*ly, adv.
In an accusing manner.
AmusinglyAmusing A*mus"ing, a.
Giving amusement; diverting; as, an amusing story. --
A*mus"ing*ly, adv. Bookkeeping by single entryBookkeeping Book"keep`ing, n.
The art of recording pecuniary or business transactions in a
regular and systematic manner, so as to show their relation
to each other, and the state of the business in which they
occur; the art of keeping accounts. The books commonly used
are a daybook, cashbook, journal, and ledger. See Daybook,
Cashbook, Journal, and Ledger.
Bookkeeping by single entry, the method of keeping books by
carrying the record of each transaction to the debit or
credit of a single account.
Bookkeeping by double entry, a mode of bookkeeping in which
two entries of every transaction are carried to the
ledger, one to the Dr., or left hand, side of one account,
and the other to the Cr., or right hand, side of a
corresponding account, in order tha? the one entry may
check the other; -- sometimes called, from the place of
its origin, the Italian method. Caressingly
Caressingly Ca*ress"ing*ly, ad.
In caressing manner.
Carousingly Ca*rous"ing*ly, adv.
In the manner of a carouser.
Debasingly De*bas"ing*ly, adv.
In a manner to debase.
DecreasinglyDecreasing De*creas"ing, a.
Becoming less and less; diminishing. -- De*creas"ing*ly,
Decreasing series (Math.), a series in which each term is
numerically smaller than the preceding term. Depressingly
Depressingly De*press"ing*ly, adv.
In a depressing manner.
Despisingly De*spis"ing*ly, adv.
Disposingly Dis*pos"ing*ly, adv.
In a manner to dispose.
Dispraisingly Dis*praising*ly, adv.
By way of dispraise.
EnterprisinglyEnterprising En"ter*pri`sing, a.
Having a disposition for enterprise; characterized by
enterprise; resolute, active or prompt to attempt; as, an
enterprising man or firm. -- En"ter*pri`sing*ly, adv. Guessingly
Guessingly Guess"ing*ly, adv.
By way of conjecture. --Shak.
Hissingly Hiss"ing*ly, adv.
With a hissing sound.
Imposingly Im*pos"ing*ly, adv.
In an imposing manner.
Increasingly In*creas"ing*ly, adv.
More and more.
IsinglassIsinglass I"sin*glass, n. [Prob. corrupted fr. D. huizenblas
(akin to G. hausenblase), lit., bladder of the huso, or large
sturgeon; huizen sturgeon + blas bladder. Cf. Bladder,
Blast a gust of wind.]
1. A semitransparent, whitish, and very pure from of gelatin,
chiefly prepared from the sounds or air bladders of
various species of sturgeons (as the Acipenser huso)
found in the of Western Russia. It used for making
jellies, as a clarifier, etc. Cheaper forms of gelatin are
not unfrequently so called. Called also fish glue.
2. (Min.) A popular name for mica, especially when in thin
sheets. isinglassMica Mi"ca, n. [L. mica crumb, grain, particle; cf. F. mica.]
The name of a group of minerals characterized by highly
perfect cleavage, so that they readily separate into very
thin leaves, more or less elastic. They differ widely in
composition, and vary in color from pale brown or yellow to
green or black. The transparent forms are used in lanterns,
the doors of stoves, etc., being popularly called
isinglass. Formerly called also cat-silver, and
Note: The important species of the mica group are:
muscovite, common or potash mica, pale brown or
green, often silvery, including damourite (also
called hydromica); biotite, iron-magnesia mica,
dark brown, green, or black; lepidomelane, iron,
mica, black; phlogopite, magnesia mica, colorless,
yellow, brown; lepidolite, lithia mica, rose-red,
lilac. Mica (usually muscovite, also biotite) is an
essential constituent of granite, gneiss, and mica
slate; biotite is common in many eruptive rocks;
phlogopite in crystalline limestone and serpentine.
Mica diorite (Min.), an eruptive rock allied to diorite but
containing mica (biotite) instead of hornblende.
Mica powder, a kind of dynamite containing fine scales of
Mica schist, Mica slate (Geol.), a schistose rock,
consisting of mica and quartz with, usually, some
feldspar. Losingly
Losingly Los"ing*ly, adv.
In a manner to incur loss.
Missingly Miss"ing*ly, adv.
With a sense of loss. [Obs.] --Shak.
Musingly Mus"ing*ly, adv.
In a musing manner.
Passingly Pass"ing*ly, adv.
Exceedingly. --Wyclif.
Pausingly Paus"ing*ly, adv.
With pauses; haltingly. --Shak.
PleasinglyPleasing Pleas"ing, a.
Giving pleasure or satisfaction; causing agreeable emotion;
agreeable; delightful; as, a pleasing prospect; pleasing
manners. ``Pleasing harmony.' --Shak. ``Pleasing features.'
--Macaulay. -- Pleas"ing*ly, adv. -- Pleas"ing*ness, n.
Syn: Gratifying; delightful; agreeable. See Pleasant. Posingly
Posingly Pos"ing*ly, adv.
So as to pose or puzzle.
PrepossessinglyPrepossessing Pre`pos*sess"ing, a.
Tending to invite favor; attracting confidence, favor,
esteem, or love; attractive; as, a prepossessing manner. --
Pre`pos*sess"ing*ly, adv. PressinglyPressing Press"ing, a.
Urgent; exacting; importunate; as, a pressing necessity. --
Press"ing*ly, adv. PromisinglyPromising Prom"is*ing, a.
Making a promise or promises; affording hope or assurance;
as, promising person; a promising day. -- Prom"is*ing*ly,
adv. Prosingly
Prosingly Pros"ing*ly, adv.
Meaning of Singl from wikipedia