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DispathiesDispathy Dis"pa*thy, n.; pl. Dispathies. [Pref. dis- + Gr. ?
passion. See Pathos.]
Lack of sympathy; want of passion; apathy. [R.]
Many discrepancies and some dispathies between us.
--Southey. DispathyDispathy Dis"pa*thy, n.; pl. Dispathies. [Pref. dis- + Gr. ?
passion. See Pathos.]
Lack of sympathy; want of passion; apathy. [R.]
Many discrepancies and some dispathies between us.
--Southey. Feldspath
Feldspar Feld"spar`, Feldspath Feld"spath`, n. [G.
feldspath; feld field + spath spar.] (Min.)
A name given to a group of minerals, closely related in
crystalline form, and all silicates of alumina with either
potash, soda, lime, or, in one case, baryta. They occur in
crystals and crystalline masses, vitreous in luster, and
breaking rather easily in two directions at right angles to
each other, or nearly so. The colors are usually white or
nearly white, flesh-red, bluish, or greenish.
Note: The group includes the monoclinic (orthoclastic)
species orthoclase or common potash feldspar, and the
rare hyalophane or baryta feldspar; also the triclinic
species (called in general plagioclase) microcline,
like orthoclase a potash feldspar; anorthite or lime
feldspar; albite or soda feldspar; also intermediate
between the last two species, labradorite, andesine,
oligoclase, containing both lime and soda in varying
amounts. The feldspars are essential constituents of
nearly all crystalline rocks, as granite, gneiss, mica,
slate, most kinds of basalt and trachyte, etc. The
decomposition of feldspar has yielded a large part of
the clay of the soil, also the mineral kaolin, an
essential material in the making of fine pottery.
Common feldspar is itself largely used for the same
Feldspathic Feld*spath"ic, Feldspathose Feld*spath"ose, a.
Pertaining to, or consisting of, feldspar.
Feldspathic Feld*spath"ic, Feldspathose Feld*spath"ose, a.
Pertaining to, or consisting of, feldspar.
FelspathFelspar Fel"spar`, Felspath Fel"spath`, n. (Min.)
See Feldspar. SpathaSpatha Spa"tha, n.; pl. Spath[ae]. [L.] (Bot.)
A spathe. Spathaceous
Spathaceous Spa*tha"ceous, a. (Bot.)
Having a spathe; resembling a spathe; spathal.
SpathaeSpatha Spa"tha, n.; pl. Spath[ae]. [L.] (Bot.)
A spathe. Spathal
Spathal Spa"thal, a. (Bot.)
Furnished with a spathe; as, spathal flowers. --Howitt.
SpatheSpathe Spathe, n. [L. spatha, Gr. ?: cf. F. spathe. See
Spade for digging.] (Bot.)
A special involucre formed of one leaf and inclosing a
spadix, as in aroid plants and palms. See the Note under
Bract, and Illust. of Spadix.
Note: The name is also given to the several-leaved involucre
of the iris and other similar plants. Spathed
Spathed Spathed, a. (Bot.)
Having a spathe or calyx like a sheath.
SpathicSpathic Spath"ic, a. [Cf. F. spathique, fr. F. & G. spath
Like spar; foliated or lamellar; spathose.
Spathic iron (Min.), siderite. See Siderite
(a) . spathic ironSiderite Sid"er*ite, n. [L. sideritis loadstone, Gr. ????,
????, of iron, from ???? iron.]
1. (Min.)
(a) Carbonate of iron, an important ore of iron occuring
generally in cleavable masses, but also in
rhombohedral crystals. It is of a light yellowish
brown color. Called also sparry iron, spathic
(b) A meteorite consisting solely of metallic iron.
(c) An indigo-blue variety of quartz.
(d) Formerly, magnetic iron ore, or loadstone.
2. (Bot.) Any plant of the genus Sideritis; ironwort. Spathic ironSpathic Spath"ic, a. [Cf. F. spathique, fr. F. & G. spath
Like spar; foliated or lamellar; spathose.
Spathic iron (Min.), siderite. See Siderite
(a) . Spathiform
Spathiform Spath"i*form, a. [F. spathiforme.]
Resembling spar in form. ``The ocherous, spathiform, and
mineralized forms of uranite.' --Lavoisier (Trans.).
SpathoseSpathose Spath"ose`, a. (Min.)
See Spathic. SpathoseSpathose Spath"ose`, a. [See Spathe.] (Bot.)
Having a spathe; resembling a spathe; spatheceous; spathal. Spathous
Spathous Spath"ous, a. (Bot.)
SpathulateSpathulate Spath"u*late, a.
See Spatulate. spathulateSpatulate Spat"u*late, a. [NL. spatulatus.] (Nat. Hist.)
Shaped like spatula, or like a battledoor, being roundish,
with a long, narrow, linear base. [Also written
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