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Aurora borealisAurora Au*ro"ra, n.; pl. E. Auroras, L. (rarely used)
Auror[ae]. [L. aurora, for ausosa, akin to Gr. ?, ?, dawn,
Skr. ushas, and E. east.]
1. The rising light of the morning; the dawn of day; the
redness of the sky just before the sun rises.
2. The rise, dawn, or beginning. --Hawthorne.
3. (Class. Myth.) The Roman personification of the dawn of
day; the goddess of the morning. The poets represented her
a rising out of the ocean, in a chariot, with rosy fingers
dropping gentle dew.
4. (Bot.) A species of crowfoot. --Johnson.
5. The aurora borealis or aurora australis (northern or
southern lights).
Aurora borealis, i. e., northern daybreak; popularly called
northern lights. A luminous meteoric phenomenon, visible
only at night, and supposed to be of electrical origin.
This species of light usually appears in streams,
ascending toward the zenith from a dusky line or bank, a
few degrees above the northern horizon; when reaching
south beyond the zenith, it forms what is called the
corona, about a spot in the heavens toward which the
dipping needle points. Occasionally the aurora appears as
an arch of light across the heavens from east to west.
Sometimes it assumes a wavy appearance, and the streams of
light are then called merry dancers. They assume a variety
of colors, from a pale red or yellow to a deep red or
blood color. The
Aurora australisis a corresponding phenomenon in the
southern hemisphere, the streams of light ascending in the
same manner from near the southern horizon. B borealisBuzzard Buz"zard (b[u^]z"z[~e]rd), n.[O.E. busard, bosard, F.
busard, fr. buse, L. buteo, a kind of falcon or hawk.]
1. (Zo["o]l.) A bird of prey of the Hawk family, belonging to
the genus Buteo and related genera.
Note: The Buteo vulgaris is the common buzzard of Europe.
The American species (of which the most common are B.
borealis, B. Pennsylvanicus, and B. lineatus) are
usually called hen hawks. -- The rough-legged buzzard,
or bee hawk, of Europe (Pernis apivorus) feeds on
bees and their larv[ae], with other insects, and
reptiles. -- The moor buzzard of Europe is Circus
[ae]ruginosus. See Turkey buzzard, and Carrion
Bald buzzard, the fishhawk or osprey. See Fishhawk.
2. A blockhead; a dunce.
It is common, to a proverb, to call one who can not
be taught, or who continues obstinately ignorant, a
buzzard. --Goldsmith. Buteo borealisHen Hen, n. [AS. henn, hen, h[ae]n; akin to D. hen, OHG.
henna, G. henne, Icel. h?na, Dan. h["o]na; the fem.
corresponding to AS. hana cock, D. haan, OHG. hano, G. hahn,
Icel. hani, Dan. & Sw. hane. Prob. akin to L. canere to sing,
and orig. meaning, a singer. Cf. Chanticleer.] (Zo["o]l.)
The female of the domestic fowl; also, the female of grouse,
pheasants, or any kind of birds; as, the heath hen; the gray
Note: Used adjectively or in combination to indicate the
female; as, hen canary, hen eagle, hen turkey, peahen.
Hen clam. (Zo["o]l.)
(a) A clam of the Mactra, and allied genera; the sea clam
or surf clam. See Surf clam.
(b) A California clam of the genus Pachydesma.
Hen driver. See Hen harrier (below).
Hen harrier (Zo["o]l.), a hawk (Circus cyaneus), found in
Europe and America; -- called also dove hawk, henharm,
henharrow, hen driver, and usually, in America, marsh
hawk. See Marsh hawk.
Hen hawk (Zo["o]l.), one of several species of large hawks
which capture hens; esp., the American red-tailed hawk
(Buteo borealis), the red-shouldered hawk (B.
lineatus), and the goshawk. Calypso borealisCalypso Ca*lyp"so (k[.a]*l[i^]p"s[-o]), n. [The Latinized
Greek name of a beautiful nymph.] (Bot.)
A small and beautiful species of orchid, having a flower
variegated with purple, pink, and yellow. It grows in cold
and wet localities in the northern part of the United States.
The Calypso borealis is the only orchid which reaches
68[deg] N. Cancer borealisJonah Jo"nah, n.
The Hebrew prophet, who was cast overboard as one who
endangered the ship; hence, any person whose presence is
Jonah crab (Zo["o]l.), a large crab (Cancer borealis) of
the eastern coast of the United States, sometimes found
between tides, but usually in deep water. CerealiaCerealia Ce`re*a"li*a, n. pl. [L. See Cereal.]
1. (Antiq.) Public festivals in honor of Ceres.
2. The cereals. --Crabb. Cerealin
Cerealin Ce"re*a*lin, n. (Chem.)
A nitrogenous substance closely resembling diastase, obtained
from bran, and possessing the power of converting starch into
dextrin, sugar, and lactic acid. --Watts.
Corporealist Cor*po"re*al*ist (k[o^]r*p[=o]"r[-e]*al*[i^]st),
One who denies the reality of spiritual existences; a
Some corporealists pretended . . . to make a world
without a God. --Bp.
CorporealitiesCorporeality Cor*po`re*al"i*ty (-?l"?-t?), n.: pl.
Corporealities (-t[i^]z).
The state of being corporeal; corporeal existence. CorporealityCorporeality Cor*po`re*al"i*ty (-?l"?-t?), n.: pl.
Corporealities (-t[i^]z).
The state of being corporeal; corporeal existence. Disrealize
Disrealize Dis*re"al*ize, v. t.
To divest of reality; to make uncertain. [Obs.] --Udall.
Etherealism E*the"re*al*ism, n.
Etherealization E*the`re*al*i*za"tion, n.
An ethereal or spiritlike state. --J. H. Stirling.
Etherealize E*the"re*al*ize, v. t.
1. To convert into ether, or into subtile fluid; to saturate
with ether.
2. To render ethereal or spiritlike.
Etherealized, moreover, by spiritual communications
with the other world. --Hawthorne.
Felis borealis Note: Among the well-known species are the European lynx
(Felis borealis); the Canada lynx or loup-cervier
(F. Canadensis); the bay lynx of America (F. rufa),
and its western spotted variety (var. maculata); and
the pardine lynx (F. pardina) of Southern Europe.
2. (Astron.) One of the northern constellations. G borealis Duck mole. See under Duck.
Golden mole. See Chrysochlore.
Mole cricket (Zo["o]l.), an orthopterous insect of the
genus Gryllotalpa, which excavates subterranean
galleries, and throws up mounds of earth resembling those
of the mole. It is said to do damage by injuring the roots
of plants. The common European species (Gryllotalpa
vulgaris), and the American (G. borealis), are the best
Mole rat (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of Old
World rodents of the genera Spalax, Georychus, and
several allied genera. They are molelike in appearance and
habits, and their eyes are small or rudimentary.
Mole shrew (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of
short-tailed American shrews of the genus Blarina, esp.
B. brevicauda.
Water mole, the duck mole. Incorporealism
Incorporealism In`cor*po"re*al*ism, n.
Existence without a body or material form; immateriality.
Incorporealist In`cor*po"re*al*ist, n.
One who believes in incorporealism. --Cudworth.
Incorporeality In`cor*po`re*al"i*ty, n.
The state or quality of being incorporeal or bodiless;
immateriality; incorporealism. --G. Eliot.
L borealisShrike Shrike, n. [Akin to Icel. skr[=i]kja a shrieker, the
shrike, and E. shriek; cf. AS. scr[=i]c a thrush. See
Shriek, v. i.] (Zo["o]l.)
Any one of numerous species of oscinine birds of the family
Laniid[ae], having a strong hooked bill, toothed at the
tip. Most shrikes are insectivorous, but the common European
gray shrike (Lanius excubitor), the great northern shrike
(L. borealis), and several others, kill mice, small birds,
etc., and often impale them on thorns, and are, on that
account called also butcher birds. See under Butcher.
Note: The ant shrikes, or bush shrikes, are clamatorial birds
of the family Formicarid[ae]. The cuckoo shrikes of
the East Indies and Australia are Oscines of the family
Campephagid[ae]. The drongo shrikes of the same
regions belong to the related family Dicrurid[ae].
See Drongo.
Crow shrike. See under Crow.
Shrike thrush.
(a) Any one of several species of Asiatic timaline birds of
the genera Thamnocataphus, Gampsorhynchus, and
(b) Any one of several species of shrikelike Australian
singing birds of the genus Colluricincla.
Shrike tit.
(a) Any one of several Australian birds of the genus
Falcunculus, having a strong toothed bill and sharp
claws. They creep over the bark of trees, like titmice,
in search of insects.
(b) Any one of several species of small Asiatic birds
belonging to Allotrius, Pteruthius, Cutia,
Leioptila, and allied genera, related to the true tits.
Called also hill tit.
Swallow shrike. See under Swallow. Linnaea borealis
Linnaea borealis Lin*n[ae]"a bo`re*a"lis (l[i^]n*n[=e]"[.a]
b[=o]`r[-e]*[=a]"l[i^]s). [NL. Linnaeus Linn[ae]an + L.
borealis northern.] (Bot.)
The twin flower which grows in cold northern climates.
Linnaea borealisTwin Twin, a. [OE. twin double, AS. getwinne two and two, pl.,
twins; akin to D. tweeling a twin, G. zwilling, OHG.
zwiniling, Icel. tvennr, tvinnr, two and two, twin, and to
AS. twi- two. See Twice, Two.]
1. Being one of two born at a birth; as, a twin brother or
2. Being one of a pair much resembling one another; standing
the relation of a twin to something else; -- often
followed by to or with. --Shak.
3. (Bot.) Double; consisting of two similar and corresponding
4. (Crystallog.) Composed of parts united according to some
definite law of twinning. See Twin, n., 4.
Twin boat, or Twin ship (Naut.), a vessel whose deck and
upper works rest on two parallel hulls.
Twin crystal. See Twin, n., 4.
Twin flower (Bot.), a delicate evergreen plant (Linn[ae]a
borealis) of northern climates, which has pretty,
fragrant, pendulous flowers borne in pairs on a slender
Twin-screw steamer, a steam vessel propelled by two screws,
one on either side of the plane of the keel. Lomaria borealisHardfern Hard"fern`, n. (Bot.)
A species of fern (Lomaria borealis), growing in Europe and
Northwestern America. N borealisCurlew Cur"lew (k[^u]r"l[=u]), n. [F. courlieu, corlieu,
courlis; perh. of imitative origin, but cf. OF. corlieus
courier; L. currere to run + levis light.] (Zo["o]l.)
A wading bird of the genus Numenius, remarkable for its
long, slender, curved bill.
Note: The common European curlew is N. arquatus. The
long-billed (N. longirostris), the Hudsonian (N.
Hudsonicus), and the Eskimo curlew (N. borealis, are
American species. The name is said to imitate the note
of the European species.
Curlew Jack (Zo["o]l.) the whimbrel or lesser curlew.
Curlew sandpiper (Zo["o]l.), a sandpiper (Tringa
ferruginea, or subarquata), common in Europe, rare in
America, resembling a curlew in having a long, curved
bill. See Illustation in Appendix. Nova Coronae BorealisNova No"va (n[=o]"v[.a]), n.; pl. L. Nov[ae] (-v[=e]), E.
Novas (-v[.a]z). [L., fem. sing. of novus new.] (Astron.)
A new star, usually appearing suddenly, shining for a brief
period, and then sinking into obscurity. Such appearances are
supposed to result from cosmic collisions, as of a dark star
with interstellar nebulosities.
Note: The most important modern nov[ae] are:
No"va Co*ro"n[ae] Bo`re*a"lis[1866];
No"va Cyg"ni[1876];
No"va An*dro"me*d[ae][1885];
No"va Au*ri"g[ae][1891-92];
No"va Per"se*i[1901]. There are two nov[ae] called Nova
Persei. They are:
(a) A small nova which appeared in 1881.
(b) An extraordinary nova which appeared in Perseus in 1901.
It was first sighted on February 22, and for one night
(February 23) was the brightest star in the sky. By July
it had almost disappeared, after which faint surrounding
nebulous masses were discovered, apparently moving
radially outward from the star at incredible velocity. Realistic
Realistic Re`al*is"tic, a.
Of or pertaining to the realists; in the manner of the
realists; characterized by realism rather than by
Realistically Re`al*is"tic*al*ly, adv.
In the realistic manner.
Realizable Re"al*i`za*ble, a.
Capable of being realized.
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