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asexual reproductionReproduction Re`pro*duc"tion (-d?k"sh?n), n. [Cf. F.
1. The act or process of reproducing; the state of being
reproduced; specifically (Biol.), the process by which
plants and animals give rise to offspring.
Note: There are two distinct methods of reproduction; viz.:
asexual reproduction (agamogenesis) and sexual
reproduction (gamogenesis). In both cases the new
individual is developed from detached portions of the
parent organism. In asexual reproduction (gemmation,
fission, etc.), the detached portions of the organism
develop into new individuals without the intervention
of other living matter. In sexual reproduction, the
detached portion, which is always a single cell, called
the female germ cell, is acted upon by another portion
of living matter, the male germ cell, usually from
another organism, and in the fusion of the two
(impregnation) a new cell is formed, from the
development of which arises a new individual.
2. That which is reproduced. Fireproof
Fireproof Fire"proof`, a.
Proof against fire; incombustible.
Forepromised Fore`prom"ised, a.
Promised beforehand; pre["e]ngaged. --Bp. Hall.
Irreproachableness Ir`re*proach"a*ble*ness, n.
The quality or state of being irreproachable; integrity;
Irreproachably Ir`re*proach"a*bly, adv.
In an irreproachable manner; blamelessly.
Preprovide Pre`pro*vide", v. t.
To provide beforehand. ``The materials preprovided.'
ReproachReproach Re*proach", n. [F. reproche. See Reproach, v.]
1. The act of reproaching; censure mingled with contempt;
contumelious or opprobrious language toward any person;
abusive reflections; as, severe reproach.
No reproaches even, even when pointed and barbed
with the sharpest wit, appeared to give him pain.
Give not thine heritage to reproach. --Joel ii. 17.
2. A cause of blame or censure; shame; disgrace.
3. An object of blame, censure, scorn, or derision.
Come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem,
that we be no more a reproach. --Neh. ii. 17.
Syn: Disrepute; discredit; dishonor; opprobrium; invective;
contumely; reviling; abuse; vilification; scurrility;
insolence; insult; scorn; contempt; ignominy; shame;
scandal;; disgrace; infamy. Reproacher
Reproacher Re*proach"er (-?r), n.
One who reproaches.
ReproachfulReproachful Re*proach"ful (-f?l), a.
1. Expressing or containing reproach; upbraiding;
opprobrious; abusive.
The reproachful speeches . . . That he hath breathed
in my dishonor here. --Shak.
2. Occasioning or deserving reproach; shameful; base; as, a
reproachful life.
Syn: Opprobrious; contumelious; abusive; offensive;
insulting; contemptuous; scornful; insolent; scurrilous;
disreputable; discreditable; dishonorable; shameful;
disgraceful; scandalous; base; vile; infamous. --
Re*proach"ful*ly (r?-pr?ch"f?l-l?), adv. --
Re*proach"ful*ness, n. ReproachfullyReproachful Re*proach"ful (-f?l), a.
1. Expressing or containing reproach; upbraiding;
opprobrious; abusive.
The reproachful speeches . . . That he hath breathed
in my dishonor here. --Shak.
2. Occasioning or deserving reproach; shameful; base; as, a
reproachful life.
Syn: Opprobrious; contumelious; abusive; offensive;
insulting; contemptuous; scornful; insolent; scurrilous;
disreputable; discreditable; dishonorable; shameful;
disgraceful; scandalous; base; vile; infamous. --
Re*proach"ful*ly (r?-pr?ch"f?l-l?), adv. --
Re*proach"ful*ness, n. ReproachfulnessReproachful Re*proach"ful (-f?l), a.
1. Expressing or containing reproach; upbraiding;
opprobrious; abusive.
The reproachful speeches . . . That he hath breathed
in my dishonor here. --Shak.
2. Occasioning or deserving reproach; shameful; base; as, a
reproachful life.
Syn: Opprobrious; contumelious; abusive; offensive;
insulting; contemptuous; scornful; insolent; scurrilous;
disreputable; discreditable; dishonorable; shameful;
disgraceful; scandalous; base; vile; infamous. --
Re*proach"ful*ly (r?-pr?ch"f?l-l?), adv. --
Re*proach"ful*ness, n. Reproachless
Reproachless Re*proach"less, a.
Being without reproach.
Reprobance Rep"ro*bance (-bans), n.
Reprobation. [Obs.] --Shak.
ReprobateReprobate Rep"ro*bate (-b?t), a. [L. reprobatus, p. p. of
reprobare to disapprove, condemn. See Reprieve, Reprove.]
1. Not enduring proof or trial; not of standard purity or
fineness; disallowed; rejected. [Obs.]
Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the
Lord hath rejected them. --Jer. vi. 30.
2. Abandoned to punishment; hence, morally abandoned and
lost; given up to vice; depraved.
And strength, and art, are easily outdone By spirits
reprobate. --Milton.
3. Of or pertaining to one who is given up to wickedness; as,
reprobate conduct. ``Reprobate desire.' --Shak.
Syn: Abandoned; vitiated; depraved; corrupt; wicked;
profligate; base; vile. See Abandoned. Reprobate
Reprobate Rep"ro*bate, n.
One morally abandoned and lost.
I acknowledge myself for a reprobate, a villain, a
traitor to the king. --Sir W.
ReprobateReprobate Rep"ro*bate (-b?t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reprobated
(-b?`t?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Reprobating.]
1. To disapprove with detestation or marks of extreme
dislike; to condemn as unworthy; to disallow; to reject.
Such an answer as this is reprobated and disallowed
of in law; I do not believe it, unless the deed
appears. --Ayliffe.
Every scheme, every person, recommended by one of
them, was reprobated by the other. --Macaulay.
2. To abandon to punishment without hope of pardon.
Syn: To condemn; reprehend; censure; disown; abandon; reject. ReprobatedReprobate Rep"ro*bate (-b?t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reprobated
(-b?`t?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Reprobating.]
1. To disapprove with detestation or marks of extreme
dislike; to condemn as unworthy; to disallow; to reject.
Such an answer as this is reprobated and disallowed
of in law; I do not believe it, unless the deed
appears. --Ayliffe.
Every scheme, every person, recommended by one of
them, was reprobated by the other. --Macaulay.
2. To abandon to punishment without hope of pardon.
Syn: To condemn; reprehend; censure; disown; abandon; reject. Reprobateness
Reprobateness Rep"ro*bate*ness, n.
The state of being reprobate.
Reprobater Rep"ro*ba`ter (-b?`t?r), n.
One who reprobates.
ReprobatingReprobate Rep"ro*bate (-b?t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Reprobated
(-b?`t?d); p. pr. & vb. n. Reprobating.]
1. To disapprove with detestation or marks of extreme
dislike; to condemn as unworthy; to disallow; to reject.
Such an answer as this is reprobated and disallowed
of in law; I do not believe it, unless the deed
appears. --Ayliffe.
Every scheme, every person, recommended by one of
them, was reprobated by the other. --Macaulay.
2. To abandon to punishment without hope of pardon.
Syn: To condemn; reprehend; censure; disown; abandon; reject. ReprobationerReprobationer Rep`ro*ba"tion*er (-?r), n. (Theol.)
One who believes in reprobation. See Reprobation, 2.
--South. Reprobative
Reprobative Rep"ro*ba*tive (-b?-t?v), a.
Of or pertaining to reprobation; expressing reprobation.
Reprobatory Rep"ro*ba`to*ry (-b?`t?-r?), a.
Reproducer Re`pro*duc"er, n.
1. In a phonograph, a device containing a sounding diaphragm
and the needle or stylus that traverses the moving record,
for reproducing the sound.
2. In a manograph, a device for reproducing the engine stroke
on a reduced scale.
Reproducer Re`pro*du"cer (-d?"s?r), n.
One who, or that which, reproduces. --Burke.
ReproductionReproduction Re`pro*duc"tion (-d?k"sh?n), n. [Cf. F.
1. The act or process of reproducing; the state of being
reproduced; specifically (Biol.), the process by which
plants and animals give rise to offspring.
Note: There are two distinct methods of reproduction; viz.:
asexual reproduction (agamogenesis) and sexual
reproduction (gamogenesis). In both cases the new
individual is developed from detached portions of the
parent organism. In asexual reproduction (gemmation,
fission, etc.), the detached portions of the organism
develop into new individuals without the intervention
of other living matter. In sexual reproduction, the
detached portion, which is always a single cell, called
the female germ cell, is acted upon by another portion
of living matter, the male germ cell, usually from
another organism, and in the fusion of the two
(impregnation) a new cell is formed, from the
development of which arises a new individual.
2. That which is reproduced.
Meaning of RePRO from wikipedia
Apple ProRes is a high quality, "visually lossless"
lossy video compression format developed by
Apple Inc. for use in post-production that
supports video...
Reprography (a
portmanteau of
reproduction and photography) is the
reproduction of
graphics through mechanical or
electrical means, such as photography...
Pro re nata is a
Latin phrase meaning "in the cir****stances" or "as the cir****stance arises" (literally "for the
thing born"). In
medical terminology,...
started a
group within their organization called Rabbis for
Rabbis for
Repro was
created as an
avenue for
Jewish leadership to
speak up for...
- definitions,
would include them. In 2020, the NCJW
launched Rabbis for
Repro, an
organization of
rabbis supporting reproductive rights. In 2021, the...
- 2006
under the name of "
Pro Patria and
Res Publica Union", by the
merger of two
conservative parties,
Pro Patria Union and
Res Publica Party. Up to the...
- solutions[buzzword] for
cultural heritage preservation imaging projects worldwide (
Repro camera solutions[buzzword]). The
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Digital Transitions digitization...
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repro blue) is a
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graphic design and
print industry,
being a
particular shade of blue that
cannot be detected...
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Abortion in
Cinema |
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logistics Téta Kft. -
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consumables for printing,
repro machines prepress and film
materials Ulbrich Kft. - power-operated hydraulic...