- were: "); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { printf("%02X ", buffer[i]); }
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
Several alternatives to
stdio have been developed...
- { c =+ v[i]*10; v[i++] = c%a; c =/ a--; }
putchar(c+'0'); if(!(++col%5))
putchar(col%50?' ':'*n'); }
putchar('*n*n'); } v[2000]; n 2000; "Its name most...
illustrate external variables: main( ) {
extrn a, b, c;
putchar('!*n'); } a '****'; b 'o, w'; c 'orld'; The
program above...
putchar(MyFunction(-1)); /*
Correctly formatted call */
putchar(MyFunction(1.5)); /*
Compiler generates a
warning because of type
mismatch */
- isspace(c)) {
putchar(c); s = INSIDE; } break; case INSIDE: if (c == '\n') {
putchar(c); s = BEFORE; } else if (isspace(c)) { s = AFTER; } else {
putchar(c); }...
putchar(c); break; case 0x80 ... 0x7FF :
putchar(0xC0 + c>>6);
putchar( 0x80 + c&0x3f); break; case 0x800 ... 0xFFFF :
putchar(0xE0 + c>>12);
unsigned int x ) { int i=0; for (i = (sizeof(int) * 8) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
putchar(x & (1u << i) ? '1' : '0'); } printf("\n"); } int main( void ) { int j...
- code
prints mapM_ print [1..4] 1 2 3 4
forM_ "test" $ \char -> do
putChar char
putChar char tteesstt...
- N:0;}main(){Z++B<121)*G ++=B/x%x<2|B%x<2?7:B/x&4?0:*l++&31;Z B=19){Z B++<99)
putchar(B%x?l[B[I]|16]:x)_ x-(B=F)){i=I[B+=(x-F)*x]&z;b=F;b+=(x-F)*x;Z x-(*G=F))i=*G^8^y;}else...
- 20000120 T AT91F_DBGU_Printk 20000190 t AT91F_US_TxReady 200001c0 t AT91F_US_
PutChar 200001f8 T AT91F_SpuriousHandler 20000214 T AT91F_DataAbort 20000230 T...