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Coagulated proteidCoagulated Co*ag"u*la`ted, a.
Changed into, or contained in, a coagulum or a curdlike mass;
Coagulated proteid (Physiol. Chem.), one of a class of
bodies formed in the coagulation of a albuminous substance
by heat, acids, or other agents. Defensive proteidProteid Pro"te*id, n.
Defensive proteid (Physiol. Chem.), one of a class of
proteid substances, present in some animal tissues and
fluids, that make the body immune to certain infectious
diseases by destroying or rendering inactive the toxic
products of bacterial growth. Hemiprotein
Hemiprotein Hem`i*pro"te*in, n. [Hemi- + protein.] (Physiol.
An insoluble, proteid substance, described by
Sch["u]tzenberger, formed when albumin is heated for some
time with dilute sulphuric acid. It is apparently identical
with antialbumid and dyspeptone.
Lactoprotein Lac`to*pro"te*in, n. [L. lac, lactis, milk + E.
protein.] (Physiol. Chem.)
A peculiar albuminous body considered a normal constituent of
Mycoprotein My`co*pro"te*in, n. [Gr. (spirious) my^kos mucus
(L. mucus) + E. protein.] (Biol.)
The protoplasmic matter of which bacteria are composed.
ProteidProteid Pro"te*id, n.
Defensive proteid (Physiol. Chem.), one of a class of
proteid substances, present in some animal tissues and
fluids, that make the body immune to certain infectious
diseases by destroying or rendering inactive the toxic
products of bacterial growth. ProteidProteid Pro"te*id, n. [Gr. prw^tos first.] (Physiol. Chem.)
One of a class of amorphous nitrogenous principles,
containing, as a rule, a small amount of sulphur; an
albuminoid, as blood fibrin, casein of milk, etc. Proteids
are present in nearly all animal fluids and make up the
greater part of animal tissues and organs. They are also
important constituents of vegetable tissues. See 2d Note
under Food. -- Pro"te*id, a. ProteidProteid Pro"te*id, n. [Gr. prw^tos first.] (Physiol. Chem.)
One of a class of amorphous nitrogenous principles,
containing, as a rule, a small amount of sulphur; an
albuminoid, as blood fibrin, casein of milk, etc. Proteids
are present in nearly all animal fluids and make up the
greater part of animal tissues and organs. They are also
important constituents of vegetable tissues. See 2d Note
under Food. -- Pro"te*id, a. ProteidaProteidea Pro`te*id"e*a, n. pl. [NL. See Proteus, and
-oid.] (Zo["o]l.)
An order of aquatic amphibians having prominent external
gills and four legs. It includes Proteus and Menobranchus
(Necturus). Called also Proteoidea, and Proteida. ProteideaProteidea Pro`te*id"e*a, n. pl. [NL. See Proteus, and
-oid.] (Zo["o]l.)
An order of aquatic amphibians having prominent external
gills and four legs. It includes Proteus and Menobranchus
(Necturus). Called also Proteoidea, and Proteida. proteidsAlbuminoid Al*bu"mi*noid, a. [L. albumen + -oid.] (Chem.)
Resembling albumin. -- n. One of a class of organic
principles (called also proteids) which form the main part
of organized tissues. Proteiform
Proteiform Pro*te"i*form, a. (Zo["o]l.)
Changeable in form; resembling a Proteus, or an am[oe]ba.
Protein Pro"te*in, n. (Physiol. Chem.)
In chemical analysis, the total nitrogenous material in
vegetable or animal substances, obtained by multiplying the
total nitrogen found by a factor, usually 6.25, assuming most
proteids to contain approximately 16 per cent of nitrogen.
Protein Pro"te*in, n. [Gr. prw^tos first: cf. prwtei^on the
first place.] (Physiol. Chem.)
A body now known as alkali albumin, but originally considered
to be the basis of all albuminous substances, whence its
protein crystalCrystalloid Crys"tal*loid, n.
1. (Chem.) A body which, in solution, diffuses readily
through animal membranes, and generally is capable of
being crystallized; -- opposed to colloid.
2. (Bot.) One of the microscopic particles resembling
crystals, consisting of protein matter, which occur in
certain plant cells; -- called also protein crystal. Proteinaceous
Proteinaceous Pro`te*i*na"*ceous, a. (Physiol. Chem.)
Of or related to protein; albuminous; proteid.
Proteinous Pro*te"i*nous, a.
Xanthoproteic Xan`tho*pro*te"ic, a. (Physiol. Chem.)
Pertaining to, or derived from, xanthoprotein; showing the
characters of xanthoprotein; as, xanthoproteic acid; the
xanthoproteic reaction for albumin.
Xanthoprotein Xan`tho*pro"te*in, n. [Xantho- + protein.]
(Physiol. Chem.)
A yellow acid substance formed by the action of hot nitric
acid on albuminous or proteid matter. It is changed to a deep
orange-yellow color by the addition of ammonia.
Meaning of Protei from wikipedia