- indemonstrable, monster, monstrance, monstration, monstrosity, monstrous, muster,
premonstrant, premonstrate, Premonstratensian, premonstration, premonstrator, remonstrance...
- full-time loomer, also held the job of
ringing the
Angelus bells in a
local Premonstrant Abbey. The
abbey monks educated Valentin and he
became a
skilled linguist...
- indemonstrable, monster, monstrance, monstration, monstrosity, monstrous, muster,
premonstrant, premonstrate, Premonstratensian, premonstration, premonstrator, remonstrance...
church brought him to the
attention of the
prior of a
nearby abbey of
Through him, Haüy was
introduced to a
colleague in
Paris and obtained...
Gosdelb were
expelled from the
whole territory. 1250 -
White Canons of the
Premonstrant Order were
taken shortly before Christmas by
Clarus Mac
Mailin from Trinity...
Gosdelb were
expelled from the
whole territory. 1250 -
White Canons of the
Premonstrant Order were
taken shortly before Christmas by
Clarus Mac
Mailin from Trinity...
- was the son of a weaver.
After studying at Charleville, he
joined the
Premonstrants in 1655,
chiefly with a view to
devoting himself entirely to study....