- predator, predatory, prey prehend-, prend-, prehens-
grasp Latin prehendere,
prehensus apprehend, comprehend, comprehensive, enterprise, prehensility, prehension...
- predator, predatory, prey prehend-, prend-, prehens-
grasp Latin prehendere,
prehensus apprehend, comprehend, comprehensive, enterprise, prehensility, prehension...
- Lake
Unita 1
specimen A
thorny stem of
unidentified affiliation. †C.
prehensus R.W. Brown, 1929 Lake
Unita 1
specimen A
climbing plant tendril of unidentified...
- //
libenter periūrārīs, ubi parietēs perfōderīs, // in fūrt(ō) ubi sīs
prehēnsus, ubi
saepe causam dīxerīs // pendēns
adversus octō artūtōs, audācīs virōs...