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Accorporate Ac*cor"po*rate, v. t. [L. accorporare; ad +
corpus, corporis, body.]
To unite; to attach; to incorporate. [Obs.] --Milton.
Bicorporate Bi*cor"po*rate, a. [Pref. bi- + corporate.] (Her.)
Double-bodied, as a lion having one head and two bodies.
CamporatedCamphorate Cam"phor*ate, Camporated Cam"por*a`ted,
Combined or impregnated with camphor.
Camphorated oil, an oleaginous preparation containing
camphor, much used as an embrocation. Close corporationCorporation Cor`po*ra"tion (k[^o]r`p[-o]*r[=a]"sh[u^]n), n.
[L. corporatio incarnation: cf. F. corporation corporation.]
A body politic or corporate, formed and authorized by law to
act as a single person, and endowed by law with the capacity
of succession; a society having the capacity of transacting
business as an individual.
Note: Corporations are aggregate or sole. Corporations
aggregate consist of two or more persons united in a
society, which is preserved by a succession of members,
either forever or till the corporation is dissolved by
the power that formed it, by the death of all its
members, by surrender of its charter or franchises, or
by forfeiture. Such corporations are the mayor and
aldermen of cities, the head and fellows of a college,
the dean and chapter of a cathedral church, the
stockholders of a bank or insurance company, etc. A
corporation sole consists of a single person, who is
made a body corporate and politic, in order to give him
some legal capacities, and especially that of
succession, which as a natural person he can not have.
Kings, bishops, deans, parsons, and vicars, are in
England sole corporations. A fee will not pass to a
corporation sole without the word ``successors' in the
grant. There are instances in the United States of a
minister of a parish seized of parsonage lands in the
right of his parish, being a corporation sole, as in
Massachusetts. Corporations are sometimes classified as
public and private; public being convertible with
municipal, and private corporations being all
corporations not municipal.
Close corporation. See under Close. Concorporate
Concorporate Con*cor"po*rate, v. t. & i. [L. concorporatus, p.
p. of concorporare.]
To unite in one mass or body; to incorporate. [Archaic.]
--Jer. Taylor.
Concorporate Con*cor"po*rate, a.
United in one body; incorporated. [Archaic] --B. Jonson.
Concorporation Con*cor`po*ra"tion, n. [L. concorporatio.]
Union of things in one mass or body. [R.] --Dr. H. More.
Corporate Cor"po*rate (-r?t), v. t.
To incorporate. [Obs.] -- Stow.
Corporate Cor"po*rate, v. i.
To become incorporated. [Obs.]
CorporateCorporate Cor"po*rate (k?r"p?-r?t), a. [L. corporatus, p. p.
of corporare to shape into a body, fr. corpus body. See
1. Formed into a body by legal enactment; united in an
association, and endowed by law with the rights and
liabilities of an individual; incorporated; as, a
corporate town.
2. Belonging to a corporation or incorporated body.
``Corporate property.' --Hallam.
3. United; general; collectively one.
They answer in a joint and corporate voice. --Shak.
Corporate member, an actual or voting member of a
corporation, as distinguished from an associate or an
honorary member; as, a corporate member of the American
Board. Corporate memberCorporate Cor"po*rate (k?r"p?-r?t), a. [L. corporatus, p. p.
of corporare to shape into a body, fr. corpus body. See
1. Formed into a body by legal enactment; united in an
association, and endowed by law with the rights and
liabilities of an individual; incorporated; as, a
corporate town.
2. Belonging to a corporation or incorporated body.
``Corporate property.' --Hallam.
3. United; general; collectively one.
They answer in a joint and corporate voice. --Shak.
Corporate member, an actual or voting member of a
corporation, as distinguished from an associate or an
honorary member; as, a corporate member of the American
Board. Corporately
Corporately Cor"po*rate*ly (-r?t-l?), adv.
1. In a corporate capacity; acting as a corporate body.
2. In, or as regarda, the body. --Fabyan.
CorporationCorporation Cor`po*ra"tion (k[^o]r`p[-o]*r[=a]"sh[u^]n), n.
[L. corporatio incarnation: cf. F. corporation corporation.]
A body politic or corporate, formed and authorized by law to
act as a single person, and endowed by law with the capacity
of succession; a society having the capacity of transacting
business as an individual.
Note: Corporations are aggregate or sole. Corporations
aggregate consist of two or more persons united in a
society, which is preserved by a succession of members,
either forever or till the corporation is dissolved by
the power that formed it, by the death of all its
members, by surrender of its charter or franchises, or
by forfeiture. Such corporations are the mayor and
aldermen of cities, the head and fellows of a college,
the dean and chapter of a cathedral church, the
stockholders of a bank or insurance company, etc. A
corporation sole consists of a single person, who is
made a body corporate and politic, in order to give him
some legal capacities, and especially that of
succession, which as a natural person he can not have.
Kings, bishops, deans, parsons, and vicars, are in
England sole corporations. A fee will not pass to a
corporation sole without the word ``successors' in the
grant. There are instances in the United States of a
minister of a parish seized of parsonage lands in the
right of his parish, being a corporation sole, as in
Massachusetts. Corporations are sometimes classified as
public and private; public being convertible with
municipal, and private corporations being all
corporations not municipal.
Close corporation. See under Close. Corporation aggregateAggregate Ag"gre*gate, a. [L. aggregatus, p. p.]
1. Formed by a collection of particulars into a whole mass or
sum; collective.
The aggregate testimony of many hundreds. --Sir T.
2. (Anat.) Formed into clusters or groups of lobules; as,
aggregate glands.
3. (Bot.) Composed of several florets within a common
involucre, as in the daisy; or of several carpels formed
from one flower, as in the raspberry.
4. (Min. & Geol.) Having the several component parts adherent
to each other only to such a degree as to be separable by
mechanical means.
5. (Zo["o]l.) United into a common organized mass; -- said of
certain compound animals.
Corporation aggregate. (Law) See under Corporation. Corporation soleSole Sole, a. [L. solus, or OF. sol, F. seul (fr. L. solus;
cf. L. sollus whole, entire. Cf. Desolate, Solemn,
Solo, Sullen.]
1. Being or acting without another; single; individual; only.
``The sole son of my queen.' --Shak.
He, be sure . . . first and last will reign Sole
king. --Milton.
2. (Law) Single; unmarried; as, a feme sole.
Corporation sole. See the Note under Corporation.
Syn: Single; individual; only; alone; solitary. corporation soleCorporation Cor`po*ra"tion (k[^o]r`p[-o]*r[=a]"sh[u^]n), n.
[L. corporatio incarnation: cf. F. corporation corporation.]
A body politic or corporate, formed and authorized by law to
act as a single person, and endowed by law with the capacity
of succession; a society having the capacity of transacting
business as an individual.
Note: Corporations are aggregate or sole. Corporations
aggregate consist of two or more persons united in a
society, which is preserved by a succession of members,
either forever or till the corporation is dissolved by
the power that formed it, by the death of all its
members, by surrender of its charter or franchises, or
by forfeiture. Such corporations are the mayor and
aldermen of cities, the head and fellows of a college,
the dean and chapter of a cathedral church, the
stockholders of a bank or insurance company, etc. A
corporation sole consists of a single person, who is
made a body corporate and politic, in order to give him
some legal capacities, and especially that of
succession, which as a natural person he can not have.
Kings, bishops, deans, parsons, and vicars, are in
England sole corporations. A fee will not pass to a
corporation sole without the word ``successors' in the
grant. There are instances in the United States of a
minister of a parish seized of parsonage lands in the
right of his parish, being a corporation sole, as in
Massachusetts. Corporations are sometimes classified as
public and private; public being convertible with
municipal, and private corporations being all
corporations not municipal.
Close corporation. See under Close. Corporations aggregateCorporation Cor`po*ra"tion (k[^o]r`p[-o]*r[=a]"sh[u^]n), n.
[L. corporatio incarnation: cf. F. corporation corporation.]
A body politic or corporate, formed and authorized by law to
act as a single person, and endowed by law with the capacity
of succession; a society having the capacity of transacting
business as an individual.
Note: Corporations are aggregate or sole. Corporations
aggregate consist of two or more persons united in a
society, which is preserved by a succession of members,
either forever or till the corporation is dissolved by
the power that formed it, by the death of all its
members, by surrender of its charter or franchises, or
by forfeiture. Such corporations are the mayor and
aldermen of cities, the head and fellows of a college,
the dean and chapter of a cathedral church, the
stockholders of a bank or insurance company, etc. A
corporation sole consists of a single person, who is
made a body corporate and politic, in order to give him
some legal capacities, and especially that of
succession, which as a natural person he can not have.
Kings, bishops, deans, parsons, and vicars, are in
England sole corporations. A fee will not pass to a
corporation sole without the word ``successors' in the
grant. There are instances in the United States of a
minister of a parish seized of parsonage lands in the
right of his parish, being a corporation sole, as in
Massachusetts. Corporations are sometimes classified as
public and private; public being convertible with
municipal, and private corporations being all
corporations not municipal.
Close corporation. See under Close. Corporator
Corporator Cor"po*ra`tor (k[^o]"p?-r?`t?r), n.
A member of a corporation, esp. one of the original members.
Corporature Cor"po*ra*ture (k[^o]r"p?-r?-t?r), n.
The state of being embodied; bodily existence. [Obs.] --Dr.
H. More.
County corporate 3. A count; an earl or lord. [Obs.] --Shak.
County commissioners. See Commissioner.
County corporate, a city or town having the privilege to be
a county by itself, and to be governed by its own sheriffs
and other magistrates, irrespective of the officers of the
county in which it is situated; as London, York, Bristol,
etc. [Eng.] --Mozley & W.
County court, a court whose jurisdiction is limited to
County palatine, a county distinguished by particular
privileges; -- so called a palatio (from the palace),
because the owner had originally royal powers, or the same
powers, in the administration of justice, as the king had
in his palace; but these powers are now abridged. The
counties palatine, in England, are Lancaster, Chester, and
County rates, rates levied upon the county, and collected
by the boards of guardians, for the purpose of defraying
the expenses to which counties are liable, such as
repairing bridges, jails, etc. [Eng.]
County seat, a county town. [U.S.]
County sessions, the general quarter sessions of the peace
for each county, held four times a year. [Eng.]
County town, the town of a county, where the county
business is transacted; a shire town. Devaporation
Devaporation De*vap`o*ra"tion, n.
The change of vapor into water, as in the formation of rain.
Discorporate Dis*cor"po*rate, a.
Deprived of the privileges or form of a body corporate.
[Obs.] --Jas. II.
DisincorporateDisincorporate Dis`in*cor"po*rate, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Disincorporated; p. pr. & vb. n. Disincorporating.]
1. To deprive of corporate powers, rights, or privileges; to
divest of the condition of a corporate body.
2. To detach or separate from a corporation. --Bacon. Disincorporate
Disincorporate Dis`in*cor"po*rate, a.
Separated from, or not included in, a corporation;
disincorporated. --Bacon.
DisincorporatedDisincorporate Dis`in*cor"po*rate, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Disincorporated; p. pr. & vb. n. Disincorporating.]
1. To deprive of corporate powers, rights, or privileges; to
divest of the condition of a corporate body.
2. To detach or separate from a corporation. --Bacon. DisincorporatingDisincorporate Dis`in*cor"po*rate, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Disincorporated; p. pr. & vb. n. Disincorporating.]
1. To deprive of corporate powers, rights, or privileges; to
divest of the condition of a corporate body.
2. To detach or separate from a corporation. --Bacon. Disincorporation
Disincorporation Dis`in*cor`po*ra"tion, n.
Deprivation of the rights and privileges of a corporation.
--T. Warton.
EvaporateEvaporate E*vap"o*rate, v. t.
1. To convert from a liquid or solid state into vapor
(usually) by the agency of heat; to dissipate in vapor or
2. To expel moisture from (usually by means of artificial
heat), leaving the solid portion; to subject to
evaporation; as, to evaporate apples.
3. To give vent to; to dissipate. [R.]
My lord of Essex evaporated his thoughts in a
sonnet. --Sir. H.
Evaporating surface (Steam Boilers), that part of the
heating surface with which water is in contact. EvaporateEvaporate E*vap"o*rate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Evaporated; p.
pr. & vb. n. Evaporating.] [L. evaporatus, p. p. of
evaporare; e out + vapor steam or vapor. See Vapor.]
1. To pass off in vapor, as a fluid; to escape and be
dissipated, either in visible vapor, or in practice too
minute to be visible.
2. To escape or pass off without effect; to be dissipated; to
be wasted, as, the spirit of writer often evaporates in
the process of translation.
To give moderate liberty for griefs and discontents
to evaporate . . . is a safe way. --Bacon. Evaporate
Evaporate E*vap"o*rate, a. [L. evaporatus, p. p.]
Dispersed in vapors. --Thomson.
Meaning of Porat from wikipedia
Porat may
refer to:
Porat (surname), a
Jewish surname (not to be
confused with von
Porat, a
Swedish noble family.)
Porat, Israel, a
moshav settlement in...
- Ruth
Porat (born 1957) is a British-American
business executive who is the
President and
Chief Investment Officer of
Alphabet and its
subsidiary Google...
Porat is a
Jewish surname (not to be
confused with von
Porat, a
Swedish noble family name).
Notable people with the
surname include:
Ariel Porat (born...
- Ben-
Porat (Hebrew: בן-פורת) is a
Hebrew language surname. The name is ****ociated with the line "Ben
Porat Yosef" from the Book of Genesis,
Chapter 39...
- Marc
Porat is an
American tech
entrepreneur and
angel investor. He is
founder of six
companies including General Magic. In the
early 2000s,
Porat was a...
- Dan
Porat is an
Israeli historian and
author who
works for the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Porat, Dan (2019).
Bitter Reckoning:
Israel Tries Holocaust...
older half-brother, Neil Ben-
Porat, from her mother's
first marriage to
Israeli businessman Yehousha "Shuki" Ben-
Refaeli began modeling at the...
Juval Porat (Hebrew: יובל פורת) is a
Jewish cantor known for his work in
promoting LGBT
inclusion within the
Jewish community. He has also
performed music...
- 259.
Porat 2009, p. 226.
Porat 2009, p. 218.
Porat 2009, p. 219.
Porat 2009, pp. 222–223.
Porat 2009, pp. 223–224.
Porat 2009, pp. 225–226.
Porat 2009...
- Ruby
Porat-Shoval (Hebrew: רובי פורת-שובל; born 15 June 1957) is an
Israeli actress, screenwriter, playwright,
theatre director and
television presenter...