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Anaplasty An`a*plas`ty, n. [Gr. ? again + ? to form: cf. F.
anaplastie.] (Surg.)
The art of operation of restoring lost parts or the normal
shape by the use of healthy tissue.
Autoplasty Au"to*plas`ty, n. [Auto- + -plasty.] (Surg.)
The process of artificially repairing lesions by taking a
piece of healthy tissue, as from a neighboring part, to
supply the deficiency caused by disease or wounds.
Canthoplasty Can"tho*plas`ty, n. [Gr.?, corner of the eye + ?
to from.] (Surg.)
The operation of forming a new canthus, when one has been
destroyed by injury or disease.
Cheiloplasty Chei"lo*plas`ty, n. [Gr. ? a lip + -plasty.]
The process of forming an artificial tip or part of a lip, by
using for the purpose a piece of healthy tissue taken from
some neighboring part.
CoreplastyCoreplasty Cor"e*plas`ty (k[o^]r"[-e]*pl[a^]s`t[y^]), n. [Gr.
ko`rh pupil + -plasty.] (Med.)
A plastic operation on the pupil, as for forming an
artificial pupil. -- Cor`e*plas"tic (-pl[a^]s"t[i^]k), a. Galvanoplasty
Galvanoplasty Gal*van"o*plas`ty, n. [Cf. F. galanoplastie.]
The art or process of electrotypy.
Helcoplasty Hel"co*plas`ty, n. [Gr. ? a wound + -plasty.]
The act or process of repairing lesions made by ulcers,
especially by a plastic operation.
Homoplasty Ho"mo*plas`ty, n. [Homo- + plasty.] (Biol.)
The formation of homologous tissues.
Labioplasty La"bi*o*plas`ty, n. [Labium + -plasty.] (Surgh.)
A plastic operation for making a new lip, or for replacing a
lost tissue of a lip.
Morioplasty Mo"ri*o*plas`ty, n. [Gr. ? piece (dim. of ? a part
+ -plasty.] (Surg.)
The restoration of lost parts of the body.
NeoplastyNeoplasty Ne"o*plas`ty, n. [See Neoplasia.] (Physiol. &
Restoration of a part by granulation, adhesive inflammation,
or autoplasty. Osteoplasty
Osteoplasty Os"te*o*plas`ty, n. [Osteo- + -plasty.] (Med.)
An operation or process by which the total or partial loss of
a bone is remedied. --Dunglison.
Perineoplasty Per`i*ne"o*plas`ty, n. [Perineum + -plasty.]
The act or process of restoring an injured perineum.
-plasty -plas"ty [Gr. ? to mold, form.]
A combining form denoting the act or process of forming,
development, growth; as, autoplasty, perineoplasty.
StaphyloplastyStaphyloplasty Staph"y*lo*plas`ty, n. [Gr. ? a bunch of
grapes, also, the uvula when swollen at the lower end +
-plasty.] (Surg.)
The operation for restoring or replacing the soft palate when
it has been lost. --Dunglison. -- Staph`y*lo*plas"tic, a. Stomatoplasty
Stomatoplasty Stom"a*to*plas`ty, n. [Gr. ?, ?, mouth +
Plastic surgery of the mouth.
Thoracoplasty Tho`ra*co*plas"ty, n. [Thorax + plasty.] (Med.)
A remodeling or reshaping of the thorax; especially, the
operation of removing the ribs, so as to obliterate the
pleural cavity in cases of empyema.
Uraniscoplasty U`ra*nis"co*plas`ty, n. [Gr. ? top of a tent,
plate (fr. ? sky) + -plasty.] (Surg.)
The process of forming an artificial palate.
UranoplastyUranoplasty U"ra*no*plas`ty, n. [See Uraniscoplasty.]
The plastic operation for closing a fissure in the hard
palate. UrethroplastyUrethroplasty U*re"thro*plas`ty, n. [Urethra + -plasty.]
An operation for the repair of an injury or a defect in the
walls of the urethra. -- U*re`thro*plas"tic, a.
Meaning of Plasty from wikipedia