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Amyloplastic Am`y*lo*plas"tic, a. [Amylum + -plastic.]
Starch-forming; amylogenic.
Anaplastic An`a*plas"tic, a.
Of or pertaining to anaplasty.
Anaplasty An`a*plas`ty, n. [Gr. ? again + ? to form: cf. F.
anaplastie.] (Surg.)
The art of operation of restoring lost parts or the normal
shape by the use of healthy tissue.
Antiplastic An`ti*plas"tic, a.
1. Diminishing plasticity.
2. (Med.) Preventing or checking the process of healing, or
Aplastic A*plas"tic, a. [Pref. a- not + plastic.]
Not plastic or easily molded.
Autoplastic Au`to*plas"tic, a.
Of or pertaining to autoplasty.
Autoplasty Au"to*plas`ty, n. [Auto- + -plasty.] (Surg.)
The process of artificially repairing lesions by taking a
piece of healthy tissue, as from a neighboring part, to
supply the deficiency caused by disease or wounds.
BeplasterBeplaster Be*plas"ter, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Beplastered; p.
pr. & vb. n. Beplastering.]
To plaster over; to cover or smear thickly; to bedaub.
Beplastered with rouge. --Goldsmith. BeplasteredBeplaster Be*plas"ter, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Beplastered; p.
pr. & vb. n. Beplastering.]
To plaster over; to cover or smear thickly; to bedaub.
Beplastered with rouge. --Goldsmith. BeplasteringBeplaster Be*plas"ter, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Beplastered; p.
pr. & vb. n. Beplastering.]
To plaster over; to cover or smear thickly; to bedaub.
Beplastered with rouge. --Goldsmith. Bioplast
Bioplast Bi"o*plast (-pl[a^]st), n. [Gr. bi`os life +
pla`ssein to form.] (Biol.)
A tiny mass of bioplasm, in itself a living unit and having
formative power, as a living white blood corpuscle; bioblast.
Bioplastic Bi`o*plas"tic, a. (Biol.)
Bioplastic Bi`o*plas"tic (b[imac]`[-o]*pl[a^]s"t[i^]k), a.
Blister plasterBlister Blis"ter, n. [OE.; akin to OD. bluyster, fr. the same
root as blast, bladder, blow. See Blow to eject wind.]
1. A vesicle of the skin, containing watery matter or serum,
whether occasioned by a burn or other injury, or by a
vesicatory; a collection of serous fluid causing a
bladderlike elevation of the cuticle.
And painful blisters swelled my tender hands.
2. Any elevation made by the separation of the film or skin,
as on plants; or by the swelling of the substance at the
surface, as on steel.
3. A vesicatory; a plaster of Spanish flies, or other matter,
applied to raise a blister. --Dunglison.
Blister beetle, a beetle used to raise blisters, esp. the
Lytta (or Cantharis) vesicatoria, called Cantharis or
Spanish fly by druggists. See Cantharis.
Blister fly, a blister beetle.
Blister plaster, a plaster designed to raise a blister; --
usually made of Spanish flies.
Blister steel, crude steel formed from wrought iron by
cementation; -- so called because of its blistered
surface. Called also blistered steel.
Blood blister. See under Blood. Canthoplasty
Canthoplasty Can"tho*plas`ty, n. [Gr.?, corner of the eye + ?
to from.] (Surg.)
The operation of forming a new canthus, when one has been
destroyed by injury or disease.
Ceroplastes cirripediformisBarnacle Bar"na*cle, n. [Prob. from E. barnacle a kind of
goose, which was popularly supposed to grow from this
shellfish; but perh. from LL. bernacula for pernacula, dim.
of perna ham, sea mussel; cf. Gr. ? ham Cf. F. bernacle,
barnacle, E. barnacle a goose; and Ir. bairneach, barneach,
limpet.] (Zo["o]l.)
Any cirriped crustacean adhering to rocks, floating timber,
ships, etc., esp.
(a) the sessile species (genus Balanus and allies), and
(b) the stalked or goose barnacles (genus Lepas and
allies). See Cirripedia, and Goose barnacle.
Barnacle eater (Zo["o]l.), the orange filefish.
Barnacle scale (Zo["o]l.), a bark louse (Ceroplastes
cirripediformis) of the orange and quince trees in
Florida. The female scale curiously resembles a sessile
barnacle in form. Ceroplastic
Ceroplastic Ce`ro*plas"tic, a. [Gr. ? for modeling in wax;
khro`s wax + ? to form, mold.] (Fine arts)
(a) Relating to the art of modeling in wax.
(b) Modeled in wax; as, a ceroplastic figure.
Cheiloplasty Chei"lo*plas`ty, n. [Gr. ? a lip + -plasty.]
The process of forming an artificial tip or part of a lip, by
using for the purpose a piece of healthy tissue taken from
some neighboring part.
Chiroplast Chi"ro*plast, n. [Gr. ? formed by hand; chei`r hand
+ ? to shape.] (Mus.)
An instrument to guid the hands and fingers of pupils in
playing on the piano, etc.
Chloroplast Chlo"ro*plast, n. [Pref. chloro- + Gr. ? to mold,
form.] (Biol.)
A plastid containing chlorophyll, developed only in cells
exposed to the light. Chloroplasts are minute flattened
granules, usually occurring in great numbers in the cytoplasm
near the cell wall, and consist of a colorless ground
substance saturated with chlorophyll pigments. Under light of
varying intensity they exhibit phototactic movements. In
animals chloroplasts occur only in certain low forms.
ChloroplastidChloroplastid Chlo`ro*plas"tid, n. [Gr. ? light green + E.
plastid.] (Bot.)
A granule of chlorophyll; -- also called chloroleucite. ChromoplastidChromoplastid Chro`mo*plas"tid, n. [Gr. ? + E. plastid.]
A protoplasmic granule of some other color than green; --
also called chromoleucite. CoreplasticCoreplasty Cor"e*plas`ty (k[o^]r"[-e]*pl[a^]s`t[y^]), n. [Gr.
ko`rh pupil + -plasty.] (Med.)
A plastic operation on the pupil, as for forming an
artificial pupil. -- Cor`e*plas"tic (-pl[a^]s"t[i^]k), a. CoreplastyCoreplasty Cor"e*plas`ty (k[o^]r"[-e]*pl[a^]s`t[y^]), n. [Gr.
ko`rh pupil + -plasty.] (Med.)
A plastic operation on the pupil, as for forming an
artificial pupil. -- Cor`e*plas"tic (-pl[a^]s"t[i^]k), a. Cosmoplastic
Cosmoplastic Cos`mo*plas"tic (k?z`m?-pl?s"t?k), a. [Gr.
ko`smos the world + pla`ssein to form.]
Pertaining to a plastic force as operative in the formation
of the world independently of God; world-forming.
``Cosmoplastic and hylozoic atheisms.' --Gudworth.
Court-plaster Court"-plas`ter (k?rt"pl?s`t?r), n.
Sticking plaster made by coating taffeta or silk on one side
with some adhesive substance, commonly a mixture of isinglass
and glycerin.
Cystoplast Cys"to*plast (-pl?st), n. [Gr. ???? bladder + ???
to form.] (Biol.)
A nucleated cell having an envelope or cell wall, as a red
blood corpuscle or an epithelial cell; a cell concerned in
Deutoplastic Deu`to*plas"tic, a. [Pref. deuto- + Gr. ?
plastic.] (Biol.)
Pertaining to, or composed of, deutoplasm.
Ectoplastic Ec`to*plas"tic, a. [Ecto- + Gr. ? to mold.]
Pertaining to, or composed of, ectoplasm.
Embryoplastic Em`bry*o*plas"tic, n. [Embryo + plastic.]
Relating to, or aiding in, the formation of an embryo; as,
embryoplastic cells.
Meaning of Plast from wikipedia