gladium tuum in lo**** suum:
omnes enim, qui
acceperint gladium,
gladio peribunt. King
James Version (KJV) Then said
Jesus unto him, "Put up
again thy sword...
peccare desistamus.
Peccare desistamus. Et quam
tristes fuerint, qui
eterne peribunt, pene non deficient, nec
propter has obibunt, heu, heu, heu, miserrimi...
- edge of the top slab is written: "1663
ffalax saepe fides testam. vota
peribunt constitues tumulum si
sapis ipse tuum fulim? 1663" (faith
often fails,...
Armored Regiment "Castilla"
Armored Cavalry Group "Calatrava" II/16: Ipsi
peribunt tu
autem permanebis – They will fall, but you
remain (Latin) 6th Infantry...