Young جوان Javān Pati
Empty خالی Xāli Babe Baby عزیزم
Azizam Babu Baby نوزاد Nowzād Kap Cap کلاه Kolāh Sol Soil خاک Xāk
Sekal Skeleton استخوان
- "bone" Av ast-, asti- (gen. pl. astąm, instr. pl. azdbīš) "bone"
NPers ostoxan "bone"; Kurd hestî, hestû "bone" OCS kostĭ "bone" OIr asil "limb", MIr...
kallo matʰō matʰō sər šero nose bini, damāġ domāġ naku pan nāk nakh bone
ostoxān ****axān haɖō həɖ xar(ək)
kokalo leaf barg barg panu pan kāġatˤ
patrin root...
fresh bread Izafat is
reversed comparing to
Persian ast-e mezg maqz-e
ostoxân bone
marrow Substantive adjective: -âr +
present stem of the verb pül âdâ-r-âr...