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a conterboreCountersink Coun"ter*sink`, n.
1. An enlargement of the upper part of a hole, forming a
cavity or depression for receiving the head of a screw or
Note: In the United States a flaring cavity formed by
chamfering the edges of a round hole is called a
countersink, while a cylindrical flat-bottomed
enlargement of the mouth of the hole is usually called
a conterbore.
2. A drill or cutting tool for countersinking holes. Affronter
Affronter Af*front"er, n.
One who affronts, or insults to the face.
Confronter Con*front"er, n.
One who confronts.
A confronter in authority. --Speed.
Conterminable Con*ter"mi*na*ble, a.
Having the same bounds; terminating at the same time or
place; conterminous.
Love and life not conterminable. --Sir H.
Conterminal Con*ter"mi*nal, a. [LL. conterminalis.]
Conterminant Con*ter"mi*nant, a.
Having the same limits; ending at the same time;
conterminous. --Lamb.
Conterminate Con*ter"mi*nate, a. [L. conterminare to border
upon, fr. conterminus conterminous; con- + terminus border.]
Having the same bounds; conterminous. [Obs.] --B. Jonson.
ConterminousConterminous Con*ter"mi*nous, a. [L. conterminus. Cf.
Having the same bounds, or limits; bordering upon;
This conformed so many of them as were conterminous to
the colonies and garrisons, to the Roman laws. --Sir M.
Hale. Conterranean
Conterranean Con`ter*ra"ne*an, Conterraneous
Con`ter*ra"ne*ous, a. [L. conterraneus; con- + terra country.]
Of or belonging to the same country. --Howell.
Conterranean Con`ter*ra"ne*an, Conterraneous
Con`ter*ra"ne*ous, a. [L. conterraneus; con- + terra country.]
Of or belonging to the same country. --Howell.
Contertionist Con*ter"tion*ist, n.
One who makes or practices contortions.
MonteroMontero Mon*te"ro, n. [Sp. montera a hunting cap, fr. montero
a huntsman, monte a mountain, forest, L. mons, montis,
mountain. See Mount, n.]
An ancient kind of cap worn by horsemen or huntsmen. --Bacon. Nonterm
Nonterm Non"term`, n. (Law)
A vacation between two terms of a court.
PentaconterPentaconter Pen"ta*con`ter, n. (Gr. Antiq.)
See Penteconter. pentaconterPenteconter Pen"te*con`ter, n. [Gr. ? (sc. ?), fr. ? fifty.]
(Gr. Antiq.)
A Grecian vessel with fifty oars. [Written also
pentaconter.] PenteconterPenteconter Pen"te*con`ter, n. [Gr. ? (sc. ?), fr. ? fifty.]
(Gr. Antiq.)
A Grecian vessel with fifty oars. [Written also
pentaconter.] Triaconter
Triaconter Tri"a*con`ter, n. [Gr. ?, fr. ? thirty.] (Gr.
A vessel with thirty banks of oars, or, as some say, thirty
ranks of rowers.
Meaning of Onter from wikipedia
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