another version: And her Æðelfrið lædde his færde to Legercyestre, ⁊ ðar
ofsloh unrim Walena. ⁊ swa wearþ
gefyld Augustinus witegunge. þe he cwæþ. Gif Wealas...
- 7 mid landfyrde, 7
feaht wið Scottas, 7
aflymde þone kyng Macbeoðen, 7
ofsloh eall þæt þær
betst wæs on þam lande, 7 lædde þonan
micele herehuðe swilce...
- The
entry reads "Her
Ludecan Myrcna cing 7 his fif
ealdormenn mid him man
ofsloh, 7
Wiglaf feng to rice",
which means "Here Ludeca, King of Mercia, was killed...
- and hine on hæft sette, and his
geferan he todraf, and sume
mislice ofsloh; sume hi man wið feo sealde, sume
hreowlice acwealde, sume hi man bende...