No result for Natur. Showing similar results...
Connaturality Con*nat`u*ral"i*ty, n.
Participation of the same nature; natural union or
connection. [R.]
A congruity and connaturality between them. --Sir M.
Connaturalize Con*nat"u*ral*ize (?; 135), v. t.
To bring to the same nature as something else; to adapt.
[Obs.] --Dr. J. Scott.
Connaturally Con*nat"u*ral*ly, adv.
By the act of nature; originally; from birth. --Sir M. Hale.
Connaturalness Con*nat"u*ral*ness, n.
Participation of the same nature; natural union. --I. Walton.
Connature Con*na"ture (?; 135), n.
Participation in a common nature or character. [R.]
Connature was defined as likeness in kind between
either two changes in consciousness, or two states of
consciousness. --H. Spencer.
Consignature Con*sig"na*ture; 135), n.
Joint signature. [R.] --Colgrave.
ContranaturalContranatural Con"tra*nat"u*ral (?; 135), a. [Cf.
Opposed to or against nature; unnatural. [R.] --Bp. Rust. Counter signatureCounter Coun"ter, a.
Contrary; opposite; contrasted; opposed; adverse;
antagonistic; as, a counter current; a counter revolution; a
counter poison; a counter agent; counter fugue. ``Innumerable
facts attesting the counter principle.' --I. Taylor.
Counter approach (Fort.), a trench or work pushed forward
from defensive works to meet the approaches of besiegers.
See Approach.
Counter bond (Law), in old practice, a bond to secure one
who has given bond for another.
Counter brace. See Counter brace, in Vocabulary.
Counter deed (Law), a secret writing which destroys,
invalidates, or alters, a public deed.
Counter distinction, contradistinction. [Obs.]
Counter drain, a drain at the foot of the embankment of a
canal or watercourse, for carrying off the water that may
soak through.
Counter extension (Surg.), the fixation of the upper part
of a limb, while extension is practiced on the lower part,
as in cases of luxation or fracture.
Counter fissure (Surg.) Same as Contrafissure.
Counter indication. (Med.) Same as Contraindication.
Counter irritant (Med.), an irritant to produce a blister,
a pustular eruption, or other irritation in some part of
the body, in order to relieve an existing irritation in
some other part. ``Counter irritants are of as great use
in moral as in physical diseases.' --Macaulay.
Counter irritation (Med.), the act or the result of
applying a counter irritant.
Counter opening, an aperture or vent on the opposite side,
or in a different place.
Counter parole (Mil.), a word in addition to the password,
given in time of alarm as a signal.
Counter plea (Law), a replication to a plea. --Cowell.
Counter pressure, force or pressure that acts in a contrary
direction to some other opposing pressure.
Counter project, a project, scheme, or proposal brought
forward in opposition to another, as in the negotiation of
a treaty. --Swift.
Counter proof, in engraving, a print taken off from another
just printed, which, by being passed through the press,
gives a copy in reverse, and of course in the same
position as that of plate from which the first was
printed, the object being to enable the engraver to
inspect the state of the plate.
Counter revolution, a revolution opposed to a former one,
and restoring a former state of things.
Counter revolutionist, one engaged in, or befriending, a
counter revolution.
Counter round (Mil.), a body of officers whose duty it is
to visit and inspect the rounds and sentinels.
Counter sea (Naut.), a sea running in an opposite direction
from the wind.
Counter sense, opposite meaning.
Counter signal, a signal to answer or correspond to
Counter signature, the name of a secretary or other officer
countersigned to a writing. --Tooke.
Counter slope, an overhanging slope; as, a wall with a
counter slope. --Mahan.
Counter statement, a statement made in opposition to, or
denial of, another statement.
Counter surety, a counter bond, or a surety to secure one
who has given security.
Counter tally, a tally corresponding to another.
Counter tide, contrary tide. Counternatural
Counternatural Coun"ter*nat`u*ral (koun"t?r-n?t`?-ral; 135),
Contrary to nature. [R.] --Harvey.
CrenatureCrenature Cren"a*ture (kr?n"?-t?r or kr?"n?-; 135), n.
1. (Bot.) A rounded tooth or notch of a crenate leaf, or any
part that is crenate; -- called also crenelle.
2. The state of being crenated or notched. Declinature
Declinature De*clin"a*ture (?; 135), n.
The act of declining or refusing; as, the declinature of an
Deminatured Dem"i*na"tured (?; 135), a.
Having half the nature of another. [R.] --Shak.
Denature De*na"ture, v. t. [De- + nature.]
To deprive of its natural qualities; change the nature of.
Disnaturalize Dis*nat"u*ral*ize, v. t.
To make alien; to deprive of the privileges of birth.
Fair-natured Fair"-na`tured, a.
Well-disposed. ``A fair-natured prince.' --Ford.
Ferae naturae
Ferae naturae Fe"r[ae] na*tu"r[ae] [L.]
Of a wild nature; -- applied to animals, as foxes, wild
ducks, etc., in which no one can claim property.
Good-naturedly Good`-na"tured*ly, adv.
With maldness of temper.
Ill-naturedIll-natured Ill`-na"tured, a.
1. Of habitual bad temper; peevish; fractious; cross;
crabbed; surly; as, an ill-natured person.
2. Dictated by, or indicating, ill nature; spiteful. ``The
ill-natured task refuse.' --Addison.
3. Intractable; not yielding to culture. [R.] ``Ill-natured
land.' --J. Philips. -- Ill`-na"tured*ly, adv. --
Ill`-na"tured*ness, n. Ill-naturedlyIll-natured Ill`-na"tured, a.
1. Of habitual bad temper; peevish; fractious; cross;
crabbed; surly; as, an ill-natured person.
2. Dictated by, or indicating, ill nature; spiteful. ``The
ill-natured task refuse.' --Addison.
3. Intractable; not yielding to culture. [R.] ``Ill-natured
land.' --J. Philips. -- Ill`-na"tured*ly, adv. --
Ill`-na"tured*ness, n. Ill-naturednessIll-natured Ill`-na"tured, a.
1. Of habitual bad temper; peevish; fractious; cross;
crabbed; surly; as, an ill-natured person.
2. Dictated by, or indicating, ill nature; spiteful. ``The
ill-natured task refuse.' --Addison.
3. Intractable; not yielding to culture. [R.] ``Ill-natured
land.' --J. Philips. -- Ill`-na"tured*ly, adv. --
Ill`-na"tured*ness, n. Lusus naturae
Lusus naturae Lu"sus na*tu"r[ae] [L., fr. lusus sport +
naturae, gen. of natura nature.]
Sport or freak of nature; a deformed or unnatural production.
Natural Nat"u*ral (?; 135), n.
1. A native; an aboriginal. [Obs.] --Sir W. Raleigh.
2. pl. Natural gifts, impulses, etc. [Obs.] --Fuller.
3. One born without the usual powers of reason or
understanding; an idiot. ``The minds of naturals.'
4. (Mus.) A character [[natural]] used to contradict, or to
remove the effect of, a sharp or flat which has preceded
it, and to restore the unaltered note.
Natural day 10. (Mus.)
(a) Produced by natural organs, as those of the human
throat, in distinction from instrumental music.
(b) Of or pertaining to a key which has neither a flat
nor a sharp for its signature, as the key of C major.
(c) Applied to an air or modulation of harmony which
moves by easy and smooth transitions, digressing but
little from the original key. --Moore (Encyc. of
Natural day, the space of twenty-four hours. --Chaucer.
Natural fats, Natural gas, etc. See under Fat, Gas.
Natural Harmony (Mus.), the harmony of the triad or common
Natural history, in its broadest sense, a history or
description of nature as a whole, incuding the sciences of
botany, zo["o]logy, geology, mineralogy,
paleontology, chemistry, and physics. In recent
usage the term is often restricted to the sciences of
botany and zo["o]logy collectively, and sometimes to the
science of zoology alone.
Natural law, that instinctive sense of justice and of right
and wrong, which is native in mankind, as distinguished
from specifically revealed divine law, and formulated
human law.
Natural modulation (Mus.), transition from one key to its
relative keys.
Natural order. (Nat. Hist.) See under order.
Natural person. (Law) See under person, n.
Natural philosophy, originally, the study of nature in
general; in modern usage, that branch of physical science,
commonly called physics, which treats of the phenomena
and laws of matter and considers those effects only which
are unaccompanied by any change of a chemical nature; --
contrasted with mental and moral philosophy.
Natural scale (Mus.), a scale which is written without
flats or sharps. Model would be a preferable term, as less
likely to mislead, the so-called artificial scales (scales
represented by the use of flats and sharps) being equally
natural with the so-called natural scale
Natural science, natural history, in its broadest sense; --
used especially in contradistinction to mental or moral
Natural selection (Biol.), a supposed operation of natural
laws analogous, in its operation and results, to designed
selection in breeding plants and animals, and resulting in
the survival of the fittest. The theory of natural
selection supposes that this has been brought about mainly
by gradual changes of environment which have led to
corresponding changes of structure, and that those forms
which have become so modified as to be best adapted to the
changed environment have tended to survive and leave
similarly adapted descendants, while those less perfectly
adapted have tended to die out though lack of fitness for
the environment, thus resulting in the survival of the
fittest. See Darwinism.
Natural system (Bot. & Zo["o]l.), a classification based
upon real affinities, as shown in the structure of all
parts of the organisms, and by their embryology.
It should be borne in mind that the natural system
of botany is natural only in the constitution of its
genera, tribes, orders, etc., and in its grand
divisions. --Gray.
Natural theology, or Natural religion, that part of
theological science which treats of those evidences of the
existence and attributes of the Supreme Being which are
exhibited in nature; -- distinguished from revealed
religion. See Quotation under Natural, a., 3.
Natural vowel, the vowel sound heard in urn, furl, sir,
her, etc.; -- so called as being uttered in the easiest
open position of the mouth organs. See Neutral vowel,
under Neutral and Guide to Pronunciation, [sect] 17.
Syn: See Native. Natural fatherFather Fa"ther, n. [OE. fader, AS. f[ae]der; akin to OS.
fadar, D. vader, OHG. fatar, G. vater, Icel. Fa?ir Sw. & Dan.
fader, OIr. athir, L. pater, Gr. ?????, Skr. pitr, perh. fr.
Skr. p[=a] protect. ???,???. Cf. Papa, Paternal,
Patriot, Potential, Pablum.]
1. One who has begotten a child, whether son or daughter; a
generator; a male parent.
A wise son maketh a glad father. --Prov. x. 1.
2. A male ancestor more remote than a parent; a progenitor;
especially, a first ancestor; a founder of a race or
family; -- in the plural, fathers, ancestors.
David slept with his fathers. --1 Kings ii.
Abraham, who is the father of us all. --Rom. iv. 16.
3. One who performs the offices of a parent by maintenance,
affetionate care, counsel, or protection.
I was a father to the poor. --Job xxix.
He hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all
his house. --Gen. xiv. 8.
4. A respectful mode of address to an old man.
And Joash the king og Israel came down unto him
[Elisha], . . . and said, O my father, my father!
--2 Kings
xiii. 14.
5. A senator of ancient Rome.
6. A dignitary of the church, a superior of a convent, a
confessor (called also father confessor), or a priest;
also, the eldest member of a profession, or of a
legislative assembly, etc.
Bless you, good father friar ! --Shak.
7. One of the chief esslesiastical authorities of the first
centuries after Christ; -- often spoken of collectively as
the Fathers; as, the Latin, Greek, or apostolic Fathers.
8. One who, or that which, gives origin; an originator; a
producer, author, or contriver; the first to practice any
art, profession, or occupation; a distinguished example or
The father of all such as handle the harp and organ.
--Gen. iv. 21.
Might be the father, Harry, to that thought. --Shak.
The father of good news. --Shak.
9. The Supreme Being and Creator; God; in theology, the first
person in the Trinity.
Our Father, which art in heaven. --Matt. vi. 9.
Now had the almighty Father from above . . . Bent
down his eye. --Milton.
Adoptive father, one who adopts the child of another,
treating it as his own.
Apostolic father, Conscript fathers, etc. See under
Apostolic, Conscript, etc.
Father in God, a title given to bishops.
Father of lies, the Devil.
Father of the bar, the oldest practitioner at the bar.
Fathers of the city, the aldermen.
Father of the Faithful.
(a) Abraham. --Rom. iv. --Gal. iii. 6-9.
(b) Mohammed, or one of the sultans, his successors.
Father of the house, the member of a legislative body who
has had the longest continuous service.
Most Reverend Father in God, a title given to archbishops
and metropolitans, as to the archbishops of Canterbury and
Natural father, the father of an illegitimate child.
Putative father, one who is presumed to be the father of an
illegitimate child; the supposed father.
Spiritual father.
(a) A religious teacher or guide, esp. one instrumental in
leading a soul to God.
(b) (R. C. Ch.) A priest who hears confession in the
sacrament of penance.
The Holy Father (R. C. Ch.), the pope. Natural fats 10. (Mus.)
(a) Produced by natural organs, as those of the human
throat, in distinction from instrumental music.
(b) Of or pertaining to a key which has neither a flat
nor a sharp for its signature, as the key of C major.
(c) Applied to an air or modulation of harmony which
moves by easy and smooth transitions, digressing but
little from the original key. --Moore (Encyc. of
Natural day, the space of twenty-four hours. --Chaucer.
Natural fats, Natural gas, etc. See under Fat, Gas.
Natural Harmony (Mus.), the harmony of the triad or common
Natural history, in its broadest sense, a history or
description of nature as a whole, incuding the sciences of
botany, zo["o]logy, geology, mineralogy,
paleontology, chemistry, and physics. In recent
usage the term is often restricted to the sciences of
botany and zo["o]logy collectively, and sometimes to the
science of zoology alone.
Natural law, that instinctive sense of justice and of right
and wrong, which is native in mankind, as distinguished
from specifically revealed divine law, and formulated
human law.
Natural modulation (Mus.), transition from one key to its
relative keys.
Natural order. (Nat. Hist.) See under order.
Natural person. (Law) See under person, n.
Natural philosophy, originally, the study of nature in
general; in modern usage, that branch of physical science,
commonly called physics, which treats of the phenomena
and laws of matter and considers those effects only which
are unaccompanied by any change of a chemical nature; --
contrasted with mental and moral philosophy.
Natural scale (Mus.), a scale which is written without
flats or sharps. Model would be a preferable term, as less
likely to mislead, the so-called artificial scales (scales
represented by the use of flats and sharps) being equally
natural with the so-called natural scale
Natural science, natural history, in its broadest sense; --
used especially in contradistinction to mental or moral
Natural selection (Biol.), a supposed operation of natural
laws analogous, in its operation and results, to designed
selection in breeding plants and animals, and resulting in
the survival of the fittest. The theory of natural
selection supposes that this has been brought about mainly
by gradual changes of environment which have led to
corresponding changes of structure, and that those forms
which have become so modified as to be best adapted to the
changed environment have tended to survive and leave
similarly adapted descendants, while those less perfectly
adapted have tended to die out though lack of fitness for
the environment, thus resulting in the survival of the
fittest. See Darwinism.
Natural system (Bot. & Zo["o]l.), a classification based
upon real affinities, as shown in the structure of all
parts of the organisms, and by their embryology.
It should be borne in mind that the natural system
of botany is natural only in the constitution of its
genera, tribes, orders, etc., and in its grand
divisions. --Gray.
Natural theology, or Natural religion, that part of
theological science which treats of those evidences of the
existence and attributes of the Supreme Being which are
exhibited in nature; -- distinguished from revealed
religion. See Quotation under Natural, a., 3.
Natural vowel, the vowel sound heard in urn, furl, sir,
her, etc.; -- so called as being uttered in the easiest
open position of the mouth organs. See Neutral vowel,
under Neutral and Guide to Pronunciation, [sect] 17.
Syn: See Native. Natural fatsFat Fat, n.
1. (Physiol. Chem.) An oily liquid or greasy substance making
up the main bulk of the adipose tissue of animals, and
widely distributed in the seeds of plants. See Adipose
tissue, under Adipose.
Note: Animal fats are composed mainly of three distinct fats,
tristearin, tripalmitin, and triolein, mixed in varying
proportions. As olein is liquid at ordinary
temperatures, while the other two fats are solid, it
follows that the consistency or hardness of fats
depends upon the relative proportion of the three
individual fats. During the life of an animal, the fat
is mainly in a liquid state in the fat cells, owing to
the solubility of the two solid fats in the more liquid
olein at the body temperature. Chemically, fats are
composed of fatty acid, as stearic, palmitic, oleic,
etc., united with glyceryl. In butter fat, olein and
palmitin predominate, mixed with another fat
characteristic of butter, butyrin. In the vegetable
kingdom many other fats or glycerides are to be found,
as myristin from nutmegs, a glyceride of lauric acid in
the fat of the bay tree, etc.
2. The best or richest productions; the best part; as, to
live on the fat of the land.
3. (Typog.) Work. containing much blank, or its equivalent,
and, therefore, profitable to the compositor.
Fat acid. (Chem.) See Sebacic acid, under Sebacic.
Fat series, Fatty series (Chem.), the series of the
paraffine hydrocarbons and their derivatives; the marsh
gas or methane series.
Natural fats (Chem.), the group of oily substances of
natural occurrence, as butter, lard, tallow, etc., as
distinguished from certain fatlike substance of artificial
production, as paraffin. Most natural fats are essentially
mixtures of triglycerides of fatty acids. Natural gas 10. (Mus.)
(a) Produced by natural organs, as those of the human
throat, in distinction from instrumental music.
(b) Of or pertaining to a key which has neither a flat
nor a sharp for its signature, as the key of C major.
(c) Applied to an air or modulation of harmony which
moves by easy and smooth transitions, digressing but
little from the original key. --Moore (Encyc. of
Natural day, the space of twenty-four hours. --Chaucer.
Natural fats, Natural gas, etc. See under Fat, Gas.
Natural Harmony (Mus.), the harmony of the triad or common
Natural history, in its broadest sense, a history or
description of nature as a whole, incuding the sciences of
botany, zo["o]logy, geology, mineralogy,
paleontology, chemistry, and physics. In recent
usage the term is often restricted to the sciences of
botany and zo["o]logy collectively, and sometimes to the
science of zoology alone.
Natural law, that instinctive sense of justice and of right
and wrong, which is native in mankind, as distinguished
from specifically revealed divine law, and formulated
human law.
Natural modulation (Mus.), transition from one key to its
relative keys.
Natural order. (Nat. Hist.) See under order.
Natural person. (Law) See under person, n.
Natural philosophy, originally, the study of nature in
general; in modern usage, that branch of physical science,
commonly called physics, which treats of the phenomena
and laws of matter and considers those effects only which
are unaccompanied by any change of a chemical nature; --
contrasted with mental and moral philosophy.
Natural scale (Mus.), a scale which is written without
flats or sharps. Model would be a preferable term, as less
likely to mislead, the so-called artificial scales (scales
represented by the use of flats and sharps) being equally
natural with the so-called natural scale
Natural science, natural history, in its broadest sense; --
used especially in contradistinction to mental or moral
Natural selection (Biol.), a supposed operation of natural
laws analogous, in its operation and results, to designed
selection in breeding plants and animals, and resulting in
the survival of the fittest. The theory of natural
selection supposes that this has been brought about mainly
by gradual changes of environment which have led to
corresponding changes of structure, and that those forms
which have become so modified as to be best adapted to the
changed environment have tended to survive and leave
similarly adapted descendants, while those less perfectly
adapted have tended to die out though lack of fitness for
the environment, thus resulting in the survival of the
fittest. See Darwinism.
Natural system (Bot. & Zo["o]l.), a classification based
upon real affinities, as shown in the structure of all
parts of the organisms, and by their embryology.
It should be borne in mind that the natural system
of botany is natural only in the constitution of its
genera, tribes, orders, etc., and in its grand
divisions. --Gray.
Natural theology, or Natural religion, that part of
theological science which treats of those evidences of the
existence and attributes of the Supreme Being which are
exhibited in nature; -- distinguished from revealed
religion. See Quotation under Natural, a., 3.
Natural vowel, the vowel sound heard in urn, furl, sir,
her, etc.; -- so called as being uttered in the easiest
open position of the mouth organs. See Neutral vowel,
under Neutral and Guide to Pronunciation, [sect] 17.
Syn: See Native. Natural gas Gas fitter, one who lays pipes and puts up fixtures for
Gas fitting.
(a) The occupation of a gas fitter.
(b) pl. The appliances needed for the introduction of gas
into a building, as meters, pipes, burners, etc.
Gas fixture, a device for conveying illuminating or
combustible gas from the pipe to the gas-burner,
consisting of an appendage of cast, wrought, or drawn
metal, with tubes upon which the burners, keys, etc., are
Gas generator, an apparatus in which gas is evolved; as:
(a) a retort in which volatile hydrocarbons are evolved by
(b) a machine in which air is saturated with the vapor of
liquid hydrocarbon; a carburetor;
(c) a machine for the production of carbonic acid gas, for
a["e]rating water, bread, etc. --Knight.
Gas jet, a flame of illuminating gas.
Gas machine, an apparatus for carbureting air for use as
illuminating gas.
Gas meter, an instrument for recording the quantity of gas
consumed in a given time, at a particular place.
Gas retort, a retort which contains the coal and other
materials, and in which the gas is generated, in the
manufacture of gas.
Gas stove, a stove for cooking or other purposes, heated by
Gas tar, coal tar.
Gas trap, a drain trap; a sewer trap. See 4th Trap, 5.
Gas washer (Gas Works), an apparatus within which gas from
the condenser is brought in contact with a falling stream
of water, to precipitate the tar remaining in it.
Gas water, water through which gas has been passed for
purification; -- called also gas liquor and ammoniacal
water, and used for the manufacture of sal ammoniac,
carbonate of ammonia, and Prussian blue. --Tomlinson.
Gas well, a deep boring, from which natural gas is
discharged. --Raymond.
Gas works, a manufactory of gas, with all the machinery and
appurtenances; a place where gas is generated for lighting
Laughing gas. See under Laughing.
Marsh gas (Chem.), a light, combustible, gaseous
hydrocarbon, CH4, produced artificially by the dry
distillation of many organic substances, and occurring as
a natural product of decomposition in stagnant pools,
whence its name. It is an abundant ingredient of ordinary
illuminating gas, and is the first member of the paraffin
series. Called also methane, and in coal mines, fire
Natural gas, gas obtained from wells, etc., in
Pennsylvania, Ohio, and elsewhere, and largely used for
fuel and illuminating purposes. It is chiefly derived from
the Coal Measures.
Olefiant gas (Chem.). See Ethylene.
Water gas (Chem.), a kind of gas made by forcing steam over
glowing coals, whereby there results a mixture of hydrogen
and carbon monoxide. This gives a gas of intense heating
power, but destitute of light-giving properties, and which
is charged by passing through some volatile hydrocarbon,
as gasoline. Natural Harmony 10. (Mus.)
(a) Produced by natural organs, as those of the human
throat, in distinction from instrumental music.
(b) Of or pertaining to a key which has neither a flat
nor a sharp for its signature, as the key of C major.
(c) Applied to an air or modulation of harmony which
moves by easy and smooth transitions, digressing but
little from the original key. --Moore (Encyc. of
Natural day, the space of twenty-four hours. --Chaucer.
Natural fats, Natural gas, etc. See under Fat, Gas.
Natural Harmony (Mus.), the harmony of the triad or common
Natural history, in its broadest sense, a history or
description of nature as a whole, incuding the sciences of
botany, zo["o]logy, geology, mineralogy,
paleontology, chemistry, and physics. In recent
usage the term is often restricted to the sciences of
botany and zo["o]logy collectively, and sometimes to the
science of zoology alone.
Natural law, that instinctive sense of justice and of right
and wrong, which is native in mankind, as distinguished
from specifically revealed divine law, and formulated
human law.
Natural modulation (Mus.), transition from one key to its
relative keys.
Natural order. (Nat. Hist.) See under order.
Natural person. (Law) See under person, n.
Natural philosophy, originally, the study of nature in
general; in modern usage, that branch of physical science,
commonly called physics, which treats of the phenomena
and laws of matter and considers those effects only which
are unaccompanied by any change of a chemical nature; --
contrasted with mental and moral philosophy.
Natural scale (Mus.), a scale which is written without
flats or sharps. Model would be a preferable term, as less
likely to mislead, the so-called artificial scales (scales
represented by the use of flats and sharps) being equally
natural with the so-called natural scale
Natural science, natural history, in its broadest sense; --
used especially in contradistinction to mental or moral
Natural selection (Biol.), a supposed operation of natural
laws analogous, in its operation and results, to designed
selection in breeding plants and animals, and resulting in
the survival of the fittest. The theory of natural
selection supposes that this has been brought about mainly
by gradual changes of environment which have led to
corresponding changes of structure, and that those forms
which have become so modified as to be best adapted to the
changed environment have tended to survive and leave
similarly adapted descendants, while those less perfectly
adapted have tended to die out though lack of fitness for
the environment, thus resulting in the survival of the
fittest. See Darwinism.
Natural system (Bot. & Zo["o]l.), a classification based
upon real affinities, as shown in the structure of all
parts of the organisms, and by their embryology.
It should be borne in mind that the natural system
of botany is natural only in the constitution of its
genera, tribes, orders, etc., and in its grand
divisions. --Gray.
Natural theology, or Natural religion, that part of
theological science which treats of those evidences of the
existence and attributes of the Supreme Being which are
exhibited in nature; -- distinguished from revealed
religion. See Quotation under Natural, a., 3.
Natural vowel, the vowel sound heard in urn, furl, sir,
her, etc.; -- so called as being uttered in the easiest
open position of the mouth organs. See Neutral vowel,
under Neutral and Guide to Pronunciation, [sect] 17.
Syn: See Native. Natural history 10. (Mus.)
(a) Produced by natural organs, as those of the human
throat, in distinction from instrumental music.
(b) Of or pertaining to a key which has neither a flat
nor a sharp for its signature, as the key of C major.
(c) Applied to an air or modulation of harmony which
moves by easy and smooth transitions, digressing but
little from the original key. --Moore (Encyc. of
Natural day, the space of twenty-four hours. --Chaucer.
Natural fats, Natural gas, etc. See under Fat, Gas.
Natural Harmony (Mus.), the harmony of the triad or common
Natural history, in its broadest sense, a history or
description of nature as a whole, incuding the sciences of
botany, zo["o]logy, geology, mineralogy,
paleontology, chemistry, and physics. In recent
usage the term is often restricted to the sciences of
botany and zo["o]logy collectively, and sometimes to the
science of zoology alone.
Natural law, that instinctive sense of justice and of right
and wrong, which is native in mankind, as distinguished
from specifically revealed divine law, and formulated
human law.
Natural modulation (Mus.), transition from one key to its
relative keys.
Natural order. (Nat. Hist.) See under order.
Natural person. (Law) See under person, n.
Natural philosophy, originally, the study of nature in
general; in modern usage, that branch of physical science,
commonly called physics, which treats of the phenomena
and laws of matter and considers those effects only which
are unaccompanied by any change of a chemical nature; --
contrasted with mental and moral philosophy.
Natural scale (Mus.), a scale which is written without
flats or sharps. Model would be a preferable term, as less
likely to mislead, the so-called artificial scales (scales
represented by the use of flats and sharps) being equally
natural with the so-called natural scale
Natural science, natural history, in its broadest sense; --
used especially in contradistinction to mental or moral
Natural selection (Biol.), a supposed operation of natural
laws analogous, in its operation and results, to designed
selection in breeding plants and animals, and resulting in
the survival of the fittest. The theory of natural
selection supposes that this has been brought about mainly
by gradual changes of environment which have led to
corresponding changes of structure, and that those forms
which have become so modified as to be best adapted to the
changed environment have tended to survive and leave
similarly adapted descendants, while those less perfectly
adapted have tended to die out though lack of fitness for
the environment, thus resulting in the survival of the
fittest. See Darwinism.
Natural system (Bot. & Zo["o]l.), a classification based
upon real affinities, as shown in the structure of all
parts of the organisms, and by their embryology.
It should be borne in mind that the natural system
of botany is natural only in the constitution of its
genera, tribes, orders, etc., and in its grand
divisions. --Gray.
Natural theology, or Natural religion, that part of
theological science which treats of those evidences of the
existence and attributes of the Supreme Being which are
exhibited in nature; -- distinguished from revealed
religion. See Quotation under Natural, a., 3.
Natural vowel, the vowel sound heard in urn, furl, sir,
her, etc.; -- so called as being uttered in the easiest
open position of the mouth organs. See Neutral vowel,
under Neutral and Guide to Pronunciation, [sect] 17.
Syn: See Native.
Meaning of Natur from wikipedia