- GTM>S n="" GTM>S n=$order(^
nodex(n)) GTM>zwr n n=" building" GTM>S n=$order(^
nodex(n)) GTM>zwr n n=" name:gd" GTM>S n=$order(^
nodex(n)) GTM>zwr n n="%kml:guid"...
- "Vraciu":
Ariton Vraciu,
Limba daco-geților, Timișoara:
Editura Facla, 1980. "
NODEX": Noul dicționar
explicativ al
limbii române [The New
Dictionary of the...
constructed from the
pennant data structure. A
pennant is a tree of 2k
where k is a
nonnegative integer. Each root x in this tree
contains two...