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Bimetallic Bi"me*tal"lic, a.
Composed of two different metals; formed of two parts, each
of a different metal; as, bimetallic wire; bimetallic
thermometer, etc.
Bimetallist Bi*met"al*list, n.
An advocate of bimetallism.
Electro-metallurgy E*lec`tro-met"al*lur`gy, n.
The act or art precipitating a metal electro-chemical action,
by which a coating is deposited, on a prepared surface, as in
electroplating and electrotyping; galvanoplasty.
HydrometallurgicalHydrometallurgical Hy`dro*met`al*lur"gic*al, a.
Of or pertaining to hydrometallurgy; involving the use of
liquid reagents in the treatment or reduction of ores. --
Hy`dro*met`al*lur"gic*al*ly, adv. HydrometallurgicallyHydrometallurgical Hy`dro*met`al*lur"gic*al, a.
Of or pertaining to hydrometallurgy; involving the use of
liquid reagents in the treatment or reduction of ores. --
Hy`dro*met`al*lur"gic*al*ly, adv. Hydrometallurgy
Hydrometallurgy Hy`dro*met"al*lur`gy, n. [Hydro-, 1 +
The art or process of assaying or reducing ores by means of
liquid reagents.
Metallic iron Metallic iron, iron in the state of the metal, as
distinquished from its ores, as magnetic iron.
Metallic paper, paper covered with a thin solution of lime,
whiting, and size. When written upon with a pewter or
brass pencil, the lines can hardly be effaced.
Metallic tinking (Med.), a sound heard in the chest, when a
cavity communicating with the air passages contains both
air and liquid. Metallic paper Metallic iron, iron in the state of the metal, as
distinquished from its ores, as magnetic iron.
Metallic paper, paper covered with a thin solution of lime,
whiting, and size. When written upon with a pewter or
brass pencil, the lines can hardly be effaced.
Metallic tinking (Med.), a sound heard in the chest, when a
cavity communicating with the air passages contains both
air and liquid. Metallic phosphorusPhosphorus Phos"phor*us, n.; pl. Phosphori. [L., the morning
star, Gr. ?, lit., light bringer; ? light + ? to bring.]
1. The morning star; Phosphor.
2. (Chem.) A poisonous nonmetallic element of the nitrogen
group, obtained as a white, or yellowish, translucent waxy
substance, having a characteristic disagreeable smell. It
is very active chemically, must be preserved under water,
and unites with oxygen even at ordinary temperatures,
giving a faint glow, -- whence its name. It always occurs
compined, usually in phosphates, as in the mineral
apatite, in bones, etc. It is used in the composition on
the tips of friction matches, and for many other purposes.
The molecule contains four atoms. Symbol P. Atomic weight
3. (Chem.) Hence, any substance which shines in the dark like
phosphorus, as certain phosphorescent bodies.
Bologna phosphorus (Chem.), sulphide of barium, which
shines in the dark after exposure to light; -- so called
because this property was discovered by a resident of
Bologna. The term is sometimes applied to other compounds
having similar properties.
Metallic phosphorus (Chem.), an allotropic modification of
phosphorus, obtained as a gray metallic crystalline
substance, having very inert chemical properties. It is
obtained by heating ordinary phosphorus in a closed vessel
at a high temperature.
Phosphorus disease (Med.), a disease common among workers
in phosphorus, giving rise to necrosis of the jawbone, and
other symptoms.
Red, or Amorphous, phosphorus (Chem.), an allotropic
modification of phosphorus, obtained as a dark red powder
by heating ordinary phosphorus in closed vessels. It is
not poisonous, is not phosphorescent, and is only
moderately active chemically. It is valuable as a chemical
reagent, and is used in the composition of the friction
surface on which safety matches are ignited.
Solar phosphori (Chem.), phosphorescent substances which
shine in the dark after exposure to the sunlight or other
intense light. Metallic tinking Metallic iron, iron in the state of the metal, as
distinquished from its ores, as magnetic iron.
Metallic paper, paper covered with a thin solution of lime,
whiting, and size. When written upon with a pewter or
brass pencil, the lines can hardly be effaced.
Metallic tinking (Med.), a sound heard in the chest, when a
cavity communicating with the air passages contains both
air and liquid. MetallicalMetallical Me*tal"lic*al, a.
See Metallic. [Obs.] Metallicly
Metallicly Me*tal"lic*ly, adv.
In a metallic manner; by metallic means.
Metallifacture Me*tal`li*fac"ture (?; 135), n. [L. metallum
metal + facere, factum, to make.]
The production and working or manufacture of metals. [R.]
--R. Park.
Metalline Met"al*line (? or ?), n. (Chem.)
A substance of variable composition, but resembling a soft,
dark-colored metal, used in the bearings of machines for
obviating friction, and as a substitute for lubricants.
Metallist Met"al*list, n.
A worker in metals, or one skilled in metals.
MetallochromeMetallochrome Me*tal"lo*chrome, n. [See Metallochromy.]
A coloring produced by the deposition of some metallic
compound; specifically, the prismatic tints produced by
depositing a film of peroxide of lead on polished steel by
electricity. Metallochromy
Metallochromy Me*tal"lo*chro`my, n. [L. metallum metal + Gr. ?
The art or process of coloring metals.
Metallograph Me*tal"lo*graph, n. [L. metallum metal + -graph.]
A print made by metallography.
Metallographic Me*tal`lo*graph"ic, a.
Pertaining to, or by means of, metallography.
Metallographist Met`al*log"ra*phist, n.
One who writes on the subject of metals.
Metalloid Met"al*loid, a.
1. Having the appearance of a metal.
2. (Chem.) Having the properties of a nonmetal; nonmetallic;
acid; negative.
Metalloidal Met`al*loid"al, a.
Metallophone Me*tal"lo*phone, n. [L. metallum metal + Gr. ?
sound.] (Music)
(a) An instrument like a pianoforte, but having metal bars
instead of strings.
(b) An instrument like the xylophone, but having metallic
instead of wooden bars.
Metallorganic Met`al*lor*gan"ic, a.
metallorganicMetalorganic Met`al*or*gan"ic, a. [Metal, L. metallum + E.
organic.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, or denoting, any one of a series of compounds
of certain metallic elements with organic radicals; as, zinc
methyl, sodium ethyl, etc. [Written also metallorganic.] Metallotherapy
Metallotherapy Me*tal`lo*ther"a*py, n. [L. metallum metal + E.
therapy.] (Med.)
Treatment of disease by applying metallic plates to the
surface of the body.
Monometallic Mon`o*me*tal"lic, a.
Consisting of one metal; of or pertaining to monometallism.
MonometallismMonometallism Mon`o*met"al*lism, n. [Mono- + metal.]
The legalized use of one metal only, as gold, or silver, in
the standard currency of a country, or as a standard of money
values. See Bimetallism. Monometallist
Monometallist Mon`o*met"al*list, n.
One who believes in monometallism as opposed to bimetallism,
Meaning of Metall from wikipedia