No result for Mentation. Showing similar results...
Alcoholic fermentation 2. A state of agitation or excitement, as of the intellect or
the feelings.
It puts the soul to fermentation and activity.
--Jer. Taylor.
A univesal fermentation of human thought and faith.
--C. Kingsley.
Acetous, or Acetic, fermentation, a form of oxidation in
which alcohol is converted into vinegar or acetic acid by
the agency of a specific fungus or ferment (Mycoderma
aceti). The process involves two distinct reactions, in
which the oxygen of the air is essential. An intermediate
product, aldehyde, is formed in the first process. 1.
C2H6O + O = H2O + C2H4O
Note: Alcohol. Water. Aldehyde. 2. C2H4O + O = C2H4O2
Note: Aldehyde. Acetic acid.
Alcoholic fermentation, the fermentation which saccharine
bodies undergo when brought in contact with the yeast
plant or Torula. The sugar is converted, either directly
or indirectly, into alcohol and carbonic acid, the rate of
action being dependent on the rapidity with which the
Torul[ae] develop.
Ammoniacal fermentation, the conversion of the urea of the
urine into ammonium carbonate, through the growth of the
special urea ferment. CON2H4 + 2H2O = (NH4)2CO3
Note: Urea. Water. Ammonium carbonate.
Note: Whenever urine is exposed to the air in open vessels
for several days it undergoes this alkaline
Butyric fermentation, the decomposition of various forms of
organic matter, through the agency of a peculiar
worm-shaped vibrio, with formation of more or less butyric
acid. It is one of the many forms of fermentation that
collectively constitute putrefaction. See Lactic
Fermentation by an unorganized ferment or enzyme.
Fermentations of this class are purely chemical reactions,
in which the ferment acts as a simple catalytic agent. Of
this nature are the decomposition or inversion of cane
sugar into levulose and dextrose by boiling with dilute
acids, the conversion of starch into dextrin and sugar by
similar treatment, the conversion of starch into like
products by the action of diastase of malt or ptyalin of
saliva, the conversion of albuminous food into peptones
and other like products by the action of
pepsin-hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice or by the
ferment of the pancreatic juice.
Fermentation theory of disease (Biol. & Med.), the theory
that most if not all, infectious or zymotic disease are
caused by the introduction into the organism of the living
germs of ferments, or ferments already developed
(organized ferments), by which processes of fermentation
are set up injurious to health. See Germ theory.
Glycerin fermentation, the fermentation which occurs on
mixing a dilute solution of glycerin with a peculiar
species of schizomycetes and some carbonate of lime, and
other matter favorable to the growth of the plant, the
glycerin being changed into butyric acid, caproic acid,
butyl, and ethyl alcohol. With another form of bacterium
(Bacillus subtilis) ethyl alcohol and butyric acid are
mainly formed.
Lactic fermentation, the transformation of milk sugar or
other saccharine body into lactic acid, as in the souring
of milk, through the agency of a special bacterium
(Bacterium lactis of Lister). In this change the milk
sugar, before assuming the form of lactic acid, presumably
passes through the stage of glucose. C12H22O11.H2O =
Note: Hydrated milk sugar. Lactic acid.
Note: In the lactic fermentation of dextrose or glucose, the
lactic acid which is formed is very prone to undergo
butyric fermentation after the manner indicated in the
following equation: 2C3H6O3 (lactic acid) = C4H8O2
(butyric acid) + 2CO2 (carbonic acid) + 2H2 (hydrogen
Putrefactive fermentation. See Putrefaction. Alimentation
Alimentation Al`i*men*ta"tion, n. [Cf. F. alimentation, LL.
1. The act or process of affording nutriment; the function of
the alimentary canal.
2. State or mode of being nourished. --Bacon.
Ammoniacal fermentation
Ammoniacal fermentation Am`mo*ni"a*cal fer`men*ta"tion
Any fermentation process by which ammonia is formed, as that
by which urea is converted into ammonium carbonate when urine
is exposed to the air.
Ammoniacal fermentation 2. A state of agitation or excitement, as of the intellect or
the feelings.
It puts the soul to fermentation and activity.
--Jer. Taylor.
A univesal fermentation of human thought and faith.
--C. Kingsley.
Acetous, or Acetic, fermentation, a form of oxidation in
which alcohol is converted into vinegar or acetic acid by
the agency of a specific fungus or ferment (Mycoderma
aceti). The process involves two distinct reactions, in
which the oxygen of the air is essential. An intermediate
product, aldehyde, is formed in the first process. 1.
C2H6O + O = H2O + C2H4O
Note: Alcohol. Water. Aldehyde. 2. C2H4O + O = C2H4O2
Note: Aldehyde. Acetic acid.
Alcoholic fermentation, the fermentation which saccharine
bodies undergo when brought in contact with the yeast
plant or Torula. The sugar is converted, either directly
or indirectly, into alcohol and carbonic acid, the rate of
action being dependent on the rapidity with which the
Torul[ae] develop.
Ammoniacal fermentation, the conversion of the urea of the
urine into ammonium carbonate, through the growth of the
special urea ferment. CON2H4 + 2H2O = (NH4)2CO3
Note: Urea. Water. Ammonium carbonate.
Note: Whenever urine is exposed to the air in open vessels
for several days it undergoes this alkaline
Butyric fermentation, the decomposition of various forms of
organic matter, through the agency of a peculiar
worm-shaped vibrio, with formation of more or less butyric
acid. It is one of the many forms of fermentation that
collectively constitute putrefaction. See Lactic
Fermentation by an unorganized ferment or enzyme.
Fermentations of this class are purely chemical reactions,
in which the ferment acts as a simple catalytic agent. Of
this nature are the decomposition or inversion of cane
sugar into levulose and dextrose by boiling with dilute
acids, the conversion of starch into dextrin and sugar by
similar treatment, the conversion of starch into like
products by the action of diastase of malt or ptyalin of
saliva, the conversion of albuminous food into peptones
and other like products by the action of
pepsin-hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice or by the
ferment of the pancreatic juice.
Fermentation theory of disease (Biol. & Med.), the theory
that most if not all, infectious or zymotic disease are
caused by the introduction into the organism of the living
germs of ferments, or ferments already developed
(organized ferments), by which processes of fermentation
are set up injurious to health. See Germ theory.
Glycerin fermentation, the fermentation which occurs on
mixing a dilute solution of glycerin with a peculiar
species of schizomycetes and some carbonate of lime, and
other matter favorable to the growth of the plant, the
glycerin being changed into butyric acid, caproic acid,
butyl, and ethyl alcohol. With another form of bacterium
(Bacillus subtilis) ethyl alcohol and butyric acid are
mainly formed.
Lactic fermentation, the transformation of milk sugar or
other saccharine body into lactic acid, as in the souring
of milk, through the agency of a special bacterium
(Bacterium lactis of Lister). In this change the milk
sugar, before assuming the form of lactic acid, presumably
passes through the stage of glucose. C12H22O11.H2O =
Note: Hydrated milk sugar. Lactic acid.
Note: In the lactic fermentation of dextrose or glucose, the
lactic acid which is formed is very prone to undergo
butyric fermentation after the manner indicated in the
following equation: 2C3H6O3 (lactic acid) = C4H8O2
(butyric acid) + 2CO2 (carbonic acid) + 2H2 (hydrogen
Putrefactive fermentation. See Putrefaction. Amylic fermentationAmylic A*myl"ic, a. (Chem.)
Pertaining to, or derived from, amyl; as, amylic ether.
Amylic alcohol (Chem.), one of the series of alcohols, a
transparent, colorless liquid, having a peculiar odor. It
is the hydroxide of amyl.
Amylic fermentation (Chem.), a process of fermentation in
starch or sugar in which amylic alcohol is produced.
--Gregory. ArgumentationArgumentation Ar`gu*men*ta"tion, n. [L. argumentatio, from
argumentari: cf. F. argumentation.]
1. The act of forming reasons, making inductions, drawing
conclusions, and applying them to the case in discussion;
the operation of inferring propositions, not known or
admitted as true, from facts or principles known,
admitted, or proved to be true.
Which manner of argumentation, how false and naught
it is, . . . every man that hath with perceiveth.
2. Debate; discussion.
Syn: Reasoning; discussion; controversy. See Reasoning. AugmentationAugmentation Aug`men*ta"tion, n. [LL. augmentatio: cf. F.
1. The act or process of augmenting, or making larger, by
addition, expansion, or dilation; increase.
2. The state of being augmented; enlargement.
3. The thing added by way of enlargement.
4. (Her.) A additional charge to a coat of arms, given as a
mark of honor. --Cussans.
5. (Med.) The stage of a disease in which the symptoms go on
increasing. --Dunglison.
6. (Mus.) In counterpoint and fugue, a repetition of the
subject in tones of twice the original length.
Augmentation court (Eng. Hist.), a court erected by Stat.
27 Hen. VIII., to augment the revenues of the crown by the
suppression of monasteries. It was long ago dissolved.
--Encyc. Brit.
Syn: Increase; enlargement; growth; extension; accession;
addition. Augmentation courtAugmentation Aug`men*ta"tion, n. [LL. augmentatio: cf. F.
1. The act or process of augmenting, or making larger, by
addition, expansion, or dilation; increase.
2. The state of being augmented; enlargement.
3. The thing added by way of enlargement.
4. (Her.) A additional charge to a coat of arms, given as a
mark of honor. --Cussans.
5. (Med.) The stage of a disease in which the symptoms go on
increasing. --Dunglison.
6. (Mus.) In counterpoint and fugue, a repetition of the
subject in tones of twice the original length.
Augmentation court (Eng. Hist.), a court erected by Stat.
27 Hen. VIII., to augment the revenues of the crown by the
suppression of monasteries. It was long ago dissolved.
--Encyc. Brit.
Syn: Increase; enlargement; growth; extension; accession;
addition. Bottom fermentation
Bottom fermentation Bot"tom fer`men*ta"tion
A slow alcoholic fermentation during which the yeast cells
collect at the bottom of the fermenting liquid. It takes
place at a temperature of 4[deg] - 10[deg] C. (39[deg] -
50[deg]F.). It is used in making lager beer and wines of low
alcohol content but fine bouquet.
Butyric fermentation 2. A state of agitation or excitement, as of the intellect or
the feelings.
It puts the soul to fermentation and activity.
--Jer. Taylor.
A univesal fermentation of human thought and faith.
--C. Kingsley.
Acetous, or Acetic, fermentation, a form of oxidation in
which alcohol is converted into vinegar or acetic acid by
the agency of a specific fungus or ferment (Mycoderma
aceti). The process involves two distinct reactions, in
which the oxygen of the air is essential. An intermediate
product, aldehyde, is formed in the first process. 1.
C2H6O + O = H2O + C2H4O
Note: Alcohol. Water. Aldehyde. 2. C2H4O + O = C2H4O2
Note: Aldehyde. Acetic acid.
Alcoholic fermentation, the fermentation which saccharine
bodies undergo when brought in contact with the yeast
plant or Torula. The sugar is converted, either directly
or indirectly, into alcohol and carbonic acid, the rate of
action being dependent on the rapidity with which the
Torul[ae] develop.
Ammoniacal fermentation, the conversion of the urea of the
urine into ammonium carbonate, through the growth of the
special urea ferment. CON2H4 + 2H2O = (NH4)2CO3
Note: Urea. Water. Ammonium carbonate.
Note: Whenever urine is exposed to the air in open vessels
for several days it undergoes this alkaline
Butyric fermentation, the decomposition of various forms of
organic matter, through the agency of a peculiar
worm-shaped vibrio, with formation of more or less butyric
acid. It is one of the many forms of fermentation that
collectively constitute putrefaction. See Lactic
Fermentation by an unorganized ferment or enzyme.
Fermentations of this class are purely chemical reactions,
in which the ferment acts as a simple catalytic agent. Of
this nature are the decomposition or inversion of cane
sugar into levulose and dextrose by boiling with dilute
acids, the conversion of starch into dextrin and sugar by
similar treatment, the conversion of starch into like
products by the action of diastase of malt or ptyalin of
saliva, the conversion of albuminous food into peptones
and other like products by the action of
pepsin-hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice or by the
ferment of the pancreatic juice.
Fermentation theory of disease (Biol. & Med.), the theory
that most if not all, infectious or zymotic disease are
caused by the introduction into the organism of the living
germs of ferments, or ferments already developed
(organized ferments), by which processes of fermentation
are set up injurious to health. See Germ theory.
Glycerin fermentation, the fermentation which occurs on
mixing a dilute solution of glycerin with a peculiar
species of schizomycetes and some carbonate of lime, and
other matter favorable to the growth of the plant, the
glycerin being changed into butyric acid, caproic acid,
butyl, and ethyl alcohol. With another form of bacterium
(Bacillus subtilis) ethyl alcohol and butyric acid are
mainly formed.
Lactic fermentation, the transformation of milk sugar or
other saccharine body into lactic acid, as in the souring
of milk, through the agency of a special bacterium
(Bacterium lactis of Lister). In this change the milk
sugar, before assuming the form of lactic acid, presumably
passes through the stage of glucose. C12H22O11.H2O =
Note: Hydrated milk sugar. Lactic acid.
Note: In the lactic fermentation of dextrose or glucose, the
lactic acid which is formed is very prone to undergo
butyric fermentation after the manner indicated in the
following equation: 2C3H6O3 (lactic acid) = C4H8O2
(butyric acid) + 2CO2 (carbonic acid) + 2H2 (hydrogen
Putrefactive fermentation. See Putrefaction. Cementation
Cementation Cem`en*ta"tion, n.
1. The act or process of cementing.
2. (Chem.) A process which consists in surrounding a solid
body with the powder of other substances, and heating the
whole to a degree not sufficient to cause fusion, the
physical properties of the body being changed by chemical
combination with powder; thus iron becomes steel by
cementation with charcoal, and green glass becomes
porcelain by cementation with sand.
Coagmentation Co*ag`men*ta"tion, n. [L. coagmentatio.]
The act of joining, or the state of being joined, together;
union. [Obs.] --B. Jonson.
Commentation Com`men*ta"tion, n.
1. The act or process of commenting or criticising;
exposition. [R.]
The spirit of commentation. --Whewell.
2. The result of the labors of a commentator.
Dementation De`men*ta"tion, n.
The act of depriving of reason; madness. --Whitlock.
Desegmentation De*seg`men*ta"tion, n. (Anat.)
The loss or obliteration of division into segments; as, a
desegmentation of the body.
Elementation El`e*men*ta"tion, n.
Instruction in the elements or first principles. [R.]
Experimentation Ex*per`i*men*ta"tion, n.
The act of experimenting; practice by experiment. --J. S.
fermentation 2. A state of agitation or excitement, as of the intellect or
the feelings.
It puts the soul to fermentation and activity.
--Jer. Taylor.
A univesal fermentation of human thought and faith.
--C. Kingsley.
Acetous, or Acetic, fermentation, a form of oxidation in
which alcohol is converted into vinegar or acetic acid by
the agency of a specific fungus or ferment (Mycoderma
aceti). The process involves two distinct reactions, in
which the oxygen of the air is essential. An intermediate
product, aldehyde, is formed in the first process. 1.
C2H6O + O = H2O + C2H4O
Note: Alcohol. Water. Aldehyde. 2. C2H4O + O = C2H4O2
Note: Aldehyde. Acetic acid.
Alcoholic fermentation, the fermentation which saccharine
bodies undergo when brought in contact with the yeast
plant or Torula. The sugar is converted, either directly
or indirectly, into alcohol and carbonic acid, the rate of
action being dependent on the rapidity with which the
Torul[ae] develop.
Ammoniacal fermentation, the conversion of the urea of the
urine into ammonium carbonate, through the growth of the
special urea ferment. CON2H4 + 2H2O = (NH4)2CO3
Note: Urea. Water. Ammonium carbonate.
Note: Whenever urine is exposed to the air in open vessels
for several days it undergoes this alkaline
Butyric fermentation, the decomposition of various forms of
organic matter, through the agency of a peculiar
worm-shaped vibrio, with formation of more or less butyric
acid. It is one of the many forms of fermentation that
collectively constitute putrefaction. See Lactic
Fermentation by an unorganized ferment or enzyme.
Fermentations of this class are purely chemical reactions,
in which the ferment acts as a simple catalytic agent. Of
this nature are the decomposition or inversion of cane
sugar into levulose and dextrose by boiling with dilute
acids, the conversion of starch into dextrin and sugar by
similar treatment, the conversion of starch into like
products by the action of diastase of malt or ptyalin of
saliva, the conversion of albuminous food into peptones
and other like products by the action of
pepsin-hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice or by the
ferment of the pancreatic juice.
Fermentation theory of disease (Biol. & Med.), the theory
that most if not all, infectious or zymotic disease are
caused by the introduction into the organism of the living
germs of ferments, or ferments already developed
(organized ferments), by which processes of fermentation
are set up injurious to health. See Germ theory.
Glycerin fermentation, the fermentation which occurs on
mixing a dilute solution of glycerin with a peculiar
species of schizomycetes and some carbonate of lime, and
other matter favorable to the growth of the plant, the
glycerin being changed into butyric acid, caproic acid,
butyl, and ethyl alcohol. With another form of bacterium
(Bacillus subtilis) ethyl alcohol and butyric acid are
mainly formed.
Lactic fermentation, the transformation of milk sugar or
other saccharine body into lactic acid, as in the souring
of milk, through the agency of a special bacterium
(Bacterium lactis of Lister). In this change the milk
sugar, before assuming the form of lactic acid, presumably
passes through the stage of glucose. C12H22O11.H2O =
Note: Hydrated milk sugar. Lactic acid.
Note: In the lactic fermentation of dextrose or glucose, the
lactic acid which is formed is very prone to undergo
butyric fermentation after the manner indicated in the
following equation: 2C3H6O3 (lactic acid) = C4H8O2
(butyric acid) + 2CO2 (carbonic acid) + 2H2 (hydrogen
Putrefactive fermentation. See Putrefaction. Fermentation
Fermentation Fer`men*ta"tion, n. [Cf. F. fermentation.]
1. The process of undergoing an effervescent change, as by
the action of yeast; in a wider sense (Physiol. Chem.),
the transformation of an organic substance into new
compounds by the action of a ferment, either formed or
unorganized. It differs in kind according to the nature of
the ferment which causes it.
Fermentation by an 2. A state of agitation or excitement, as of the intellect or
the feelings.
It puts the soul to fermentation and activity.
--Jer. Taylor.
A univesal fermentation of human thought and faith.
--C. Kingsley.
Acetous, or Acetic, fermentation, a form of oxidation in
which alcohol is converted into vinegar or acetic acid by
the agency of a specific fungus or ferment (Mycoderma
aceti). The process involves two distinct reactions, in
which the oxygen of the air is essential. An intermediate
product, aldehyde, is formed in the first process. 1.
C2H6O + O = H2O + C2H4O
Note: Alcohol. Water. Aldehyde. 2. C2H4O + O = C2H4O2
Note: Aldehyde. Acetic acid.
Alcoholic fermentation, the fermentation which saccharine
bodies undergo when brought in contact with the yeast
plant or Torula. The sugar is converted, either directly
or indirectly, into alcohol and carbonic acid, the rate of
action being dependent on the rapidity with which the
Torul[ae] develop.
Ammoniacal fermentation, the conversion of the urea of the
urine into ammonium carbonate, through the growth of the
special urea ferment. CON2H4 + 2H2O = (NH4)2CO3
Note: Urea. Water. Ammonium carbonate.
Note: Whenever urine is exposed to the air in open vessels
for several days it undergoes this alkaline
Butyric fermentation, the decomposition of various forms of
organic matter, through the agency of a peculiar
worm-shaped vibrio, with formation of more or less butyric
acid. It is one of the many forms of fermentation that
collectively constitute putrefaction. See Lactic
Fermentation by an unorganized ferment or enzyme.
Fermentations of this class are purely chemical reactions,
in which the ferment acts as a simple catalytic agent. Of
this nature are the decomposition or inversion of cane
sugar into levulose and dextrose by boiling with dilute
acids, the conversion of starch into dextrin and sugar by
similar treatment, the conversion of starch into like
products by the action of diastase of malt or ptyalin of
saliva, the conversion of albuminous food into peptones
and other like products by the action of
pepsin-hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice or by the
ferment of the pancreatic juice.
Fermentation theory of disease (Biol. & Med.), the theory
that most if not all, infectious or zymotic disease are
caused by the introduction into the organism of the living
germs of ferments, or ferments already developed
(organized ferments), by which processes of fermentation
are set up injurious to health. See Germ theory.
Glycerin fermentation, the fermentation which occurs on
mixing a dilute solution of glycerin with a peculiar
species of schizomycetes and some carbonate of lime, and
other matter favorable to the growth of the plant, the
glycerin being changed into butyric acid, caproic acid,
butyl, and ethyl alcohol. With another form of bacterium
(Bacillus subtilis) ethyl alcohol and butyric acid are
mainly formed.
Lactic fermentation, the transformation of milk sugar or
other saccharine body into lactic acid, as in the souring
of milk, through the agency of a special bacterium
(Bacterium lactis of Lister). In this change the milk
sugar, before assuming the form of lactic acid, presumably
passes through the stage of glucose. C12H22O11.H2O =
Note: Hydrated milk sugar. Lactic acid.
Note: In the lactic fermentation of dextrose or glucose, the
lactic acid which is formed is very prone to undergo
butyric fermentation after the manner indicated in the
following equation: 2C3H6O3 (lactic acid) = C4H8O2
(butyric acid) + 2CO2 (carbonic acid) + 2H2 (hydrogen
Putrefactive fermentation. See Putrefaction. Fermentation theory
Fermentation theory Fer`men*ta"tion the"o*ry (Med.)
The theory which likens the course of certain diseases (esp.
infectious diseases) to the process of fermentation, and
attributes them to the organized ferments in the body. It
does not differ materially from the accepted germ theory
(which see).
Fermentation theory of disease 2. A state of agitation or excitement, as of the intellect or
the feelings.
It puts the soul to fermentation and activity.
--Jer. Taylor.
A univesal fermentation of human thought and faith.
--C. Kingsley.
Acetous, or Acetic, fermentation, a form of oxidation in
which alcohol is converted into vinegar or acetic acid by
the agency of a specific fungus or ferment (Mycoderma
aceti). The process involves two distinct reactions, in
which the oxygen of the air is essential. An intermediate
product, aldehyde, is formed in the first process. 1.
C2H6O + O = H2O + C2H4O
Note: Alcohol. Water. Aldehyde. 2. C2H4O + O = C2H4O2
Note: Aldehyde. Acetic acid.
Alcoholic fermentation, the fermentation which saccharine
bodies undergo when brought in contact with the yeast
plant or Torula. The sugar is converted, either directly
or indirectly, into alcohol and carbonic acid, the rate of
action being dependent on the rapidity with which the
Torul[ae] develop.
Ammoniacal fermentation, the conversion of the urea of the
urine into ammonium carbonate, through the growth of the
special urea ferment. CON2H4 + 2H2O = (NH4)2CO3
Note: Urea. Water. Ammonium carbonate.
Note: Whenever urine is exposed to the air in open vessels
for several days it undergoes this alkaline
Butyric fermentation, the decomposition of various forms of
organic matter, through the agency of a peculiar
worm-shaped vibrio, with formation of more or less butyric
acid. It is one of the many forms of fermentation that
collectively constitute putrefaction. See Lactic
Fermentation by an unorganized ferment or enzyme.
Fermentations of this class are purely chemical reactions,
in which the ferment acts as a simple catalytic agent. Of
this nature are the decomposition or inversion of cane
sugar into levulose and dextrose by boiling with dilute
acids, the conversion of starch into dextrin and sugar by
similar treatment, the conversion of starch into like
products by the action of diastase of malt or ptyalin of
saliva, the conversion of albuminous food into peptones
and other like products by the action of
pepsin-hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice or by the
ferment of the pancreatic juice.
Fermentation theory of disease (Biol. & Med.), the theory
that most if not all, infectious or zymotic disease are
caused by the introduction into the organism of the living
germs of ferments, or ferments already developed
(organized ferments), by which processes of fermentation
are set up injurious to health. See Germ theory.
Glycerin fermentation, the fermentation which occurs on
mixing a dilute solution of glycerin with a peculiar
species of schizomycetes and some carbonate of lime, and
other matter favorable to the growth of the plant, the
glycerin being changed into butyric acid, caproic acid,
butyl, and ethyl alcohol. With another form of bacterium
(Bacillus subtilis) ethyl alcohol and butyric acid are
mainly formed.
Lactic fermentation, the transformation of milk sugar or
other saccharine body into lactic acid, as in the souring
of milk, through the agency of a special bacterium
(Bacterium lactis of Lister). In this change the milk
sugar, before assuming the form of lactic acid, presumably
passes through the stage of glucose. C12H22O11.H2O =
Note: Hydrated milk sugar. Lactic acid.
Note: In the lactic fermentation of dextrose or glucose, the
lactic acid which is formed is very prone to undergo
butyric fermentation after the manner indicated in the
following equation: 2C3H6O3 (lactic acid) = C4H8O2
(butyric acid) + 2CO2 (carbonic acid) + 2H2 (hydrogen
Putrefactive fermentation. See Putrefaction. Fomentation
Fomentation Fo`men*ta"tion, n. [?. fomentatio: cf. F.
1. (Med.)
(a) The act of fomenting; the application of warm, soft,
medicinal substances, as for the purpose of easing
pain, by relaxing the skin, or of discussing tumors.
(b) The lotion applied to a diseased part.
2. Excitation; instigation; encouragement.
Dishonest fomentation of your pride. --Young.
Frumentation Fru`men*ta"tion, n. [L. frumentatio.] (Rom.
A largess of grain bestowed upon the people, to quiet them
when uneasy.
Glycerin fermentation 2. A state of agitation or excitement, as of the intellect or
the feelings.
It puts the soul to fermentation and activity.
--Jer. Taylor.
A univesal fermentation of human thought and faith.
--C. Kingsley.
Acetous, or Acetic, fermentation, a form of oxidation in
which alcohol is converted into vinegar or acetic acid by
the agency of a specific fungus or ferment (Mycoderma
aceti). The process involves two distinct reactions, in
which the oxygen of the air is essential. An intermediate
product, aldehyde, is formed in the first process. 1.
C2H6O + O = H2O + C2H4O
Note: Alcohol. Water. Aldehyde. 2. C2H4O + O = C2H4O2
Note: Aldehyde. Acetic acid.
Alcoholic fermentation, the fermentation which saccharine
bodies undergo when brought in contact with the yeast
plant or Torula. The sugar is converted, either directly
or indirectly, into alcohol and carbonic acid, the rate of
action being dependent on the rapidity with which the
Torul[ae] develop.
Ammoniacal fermentation, the conversion of the urea of the
urine into ammonium carbonate, through the growth of the
special urea ferment. CON2H4 + 2H2O = (NH4)2CO3
Note: Urea. Water. Ammonium carbonate.
Note: Whenever urine is exposed to the air in open vessels
for several days it undergoes this alkaline
Butyric fermentation, the decomposition of various forms of
organic matter, through the agency of a peculiar
worm-shaped vibrio, with formation of more or less butyric
acid. It is one of the many forms of fermentation that
collectively constitute putrefaction. See Lactic
Fermentation by an unorganized ferment or enzyme.
Fermentations of this class are purely chemical reactions,
in which the ferment acts as a simple catalytic agent. Of
this nature are the decomposition or inversion of cane
sugar into levulose and dextrose by boiling with dilute
acids, the conversion of starch into dextrin and sugar by
similar treatment, the conversion of starch into like
products by the action of diastase of malt or ptyalin of
saliva, the conversion of albuminous food into peptones
and other like products by the action of
pepsin-hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice or by the
ferment of the pancreatic juice.
Fermentation theory of disease (Biol. & Med.), the theory
that most if not all, infectious or zymotic disease are
caused by the introduction into the organism of the living
germs of ferments, or ferments already developed
(organized ferments), by which processes of fermentation
are set up injurious to health. See Germ theory.
Glycerin fermentation, the fermentation which occurs on
mixing a dilute solution of glycerin with a peculiar
species of schizomycetes and some carbonate of lime, and
other matter favorable to the growth of the plant, the
glycerin being changed into butyric acid, caproic acid,
butyl, and ethyl alcohol. With another form of bacterium
(Bacillus subtilis) ethyl alcohol and butyric acid are
mainly formed.
Lactic fermentation, the transformation of milk sugar or
other saccharine body into lactic acid, as in the souring
of milk, through the agency of a special bacterium
(Bacterium lactis of Lister). In this change the milk
sugar, before assuming the form of lactic acid, presumably
passes through the stage of glucose. C12H22O11.H2O =
Note: Hydrated milk sugar. Lactic acid.
Note: In the lactic fermentation of dextrose or glucose, the
lactic acid which is formed is very prone to undergo
butyric fermentation after the manner indicated in the
following equation: 2C3H6O3 (lactic acid) = C4H8O2
(butyric acid) + 2CO2 (carbonic acid) + 2H2 (hydrogen
Putrefactive fermentation. See Putrefaction. Instrumentation
Instrumentation In`stru*men*ta"tion, n.
1. The act of using or adapting as an instrument; a series or
combination of instruments; means; agency.
Otherwise we have no sufficient instrumentation for
our human use or handling of so great a fact. --H.
instrumentationOrchestration Or`ches*tra"tion, n. (Mus.)
The arrangement of music for an orchestra; orchestral
treatment of a composition; -- called also instrumentation. Integumentation
Integumentation In*teg`u*men*ta"tion, n.
The act or process of covering with integuments; the state or
manner of being thus covered.
Lactic fermentationLactic Lac"tic, a. [L. lac, lactis, milk: cf. F. lactique. See
Lacteal, and cf. Galactic.] (Physiol. Chem.)
Of or pertaining to milk; procured from sour milk or whey;
as, lactic acid; lactic fermentation, etc.
Lactic acid (Physiol. Chem.), a sirupy, colorless fluid,
soluble in water, with an intensely sour taste and strong
acid reaction. There are at least three isomeric
modifications all having the formula C3H6O3. Sarcolactic
or paralactic acid occurs chiefly in dead muscle tissue,
while ordinary lactic acid results from fermentation. The
two acids are alike in having the same constitution
(expressed by the name ethylidene lactic acid), but the
latter is optically inactive, while sarcolactic acid
rotates the plane of polarization to the right. The third
acid, ethylene lactic acid, accompanies sarcolactic acid
in the juice of flesh, and is optically inactive.
Lactic ferment, an organized ferment (Bacterium lacticum
or lactis), which produces lactic fermentation,
decomposing the sugar of milk into carbonic and lactic
acids, the latter, of which renders the milk sour, and
precipitates the casein, thus giving rise to the so-called
spontaneous coagulation of milk.
Lactic fermentation. See under Fermentation. Lactic fermentation 2. A state of agitation or excitement, as of the intellect or
the feelings.
It puts the soul to fermentation and activity.
--Jer. Taylor.
A univesal fermentation of human thought and faith.
--C. Kingsley.
Acetous, or Acetic, fermentation, a form of oxidation in
which alcohol is converted into vinegar or acetic acid by
the agency of a specific fungus or ferment (Mycoderma
aceti). The process involves two distinct reactions, in
which the oxygen of the air is essential. An intermediate
product, aldehyde, is formed in the first process. 1.
C2H6O + O = H2O + C2H4O
Note: Alcohol. Water. Aldehyde. 2. C2H4O + O = C2H4O2
Note: Aldehyde. Acetic acid.
Alcoholic fermentation, the fermentation which saccharine
bodies undergo when brought in contact with the yeast
plant or Torula. The sugar is converted, either directly
or indirectly, into alcohol and carbonic acid, the rate of
action being dependent on the rapidity with which the
Torul[ae] develop.
Ammoniacal fermentation, the conversion of the urea of the
urine into ammonium carbonate, through the growth of the
special urea ferment. CON2H4 + 2H2O = (NH4)2CO3
Note: Urea. Water. Ammonium carbonate.
Note: Whenever urine is exposed to the air in open vessels
for several days it undergoes this alkaline
Butyric fermentation, the decomposition of various forms of
organic matter, through the agency of a peculiar
worm-shaped vibrio, with formation of more or less butyric
acid. It is one of the many forms of fermentation that
collectively constitute putrefaction. See Lactic
Fermentation by an unorganized ferment or enzyme.
Fermentations of this class are purely chemical reactions,
in which the ferment acts as a simple catalytic agent. Of
this nature are the decomposition or inversion of cane
sugar into levulose and dextrose by boiling with dilute
acids, the conversion of starch into dextrin and sugar by
similar treatment, the conversion of starch into like
products by the action of diastase of malt or ptyalin of
saliva, the conversion of albuminous food into peptones
and other like products by the action of
pepsin-hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice or by the
ferment of the pancreatic juice.
Fermentation theory of disease (Biol. & Med.), the theory
that most if not all, infectious or zymotic disease are
caused by the introduction into the organism of the living
germs of ferments, or ferments already developed
(organized ferments), by which processes of fermentation
are set up injurious to health. See Germ theory.
Glycerin fermentation, the fermentation which occurs on
mixing a dilute solution of glycerin with a peculiar
species of schizomycetes and some carbonate of lime, and
other matter favorable to the growth of the plant, the
glycerin being changed into butyric acid, caproic acid,
butyl, and ethyl alcohol. With another form of bacterium
(Bacillus subtilis) ethyl alcohol and butyric acid are
mainly formed.
Lactic fermentation, the transformation of milk sugar or
other saccharine body into lactic acid, as in the souring
of milk, through the agency of a special bacterium
(Bacterium lactis of Lister). In this change the milk
sugar, before assuming the form of lactic acid, presumably
passes through the stage of glucose. C12H22O11.H2O =
Note: Hydrated milk sugar. Lactic acid.
Note: In the lactic fermentation of dextrose or glucose, the
lactic acid which is formed is very prone to undergo
butyric fermentation after the manner indicated in the
following equation: 2C3H6O3 (lactic acid) = C4H8O2
(butyric acid) + 2CO2 (carbonic acid) + 2H2 (hydrogen
Putrefactive fermentation. See Putrefaction.
Meaning of Mentation from wikipedia
- In
their most
common sense, the
terms thought and
thinking refer to
cognitive processes that can
happen independently of
sensory stimulation.
Their most...
Chinta (Sanskrit: चिन्ता) in
Hindu philosophy refers to
mentation i.e.
mental activity,
especially thinking. The word, Chintā (चिन्ता) is
derived from...
gives rise to boredom, rancor, apathy, and a p****ive
inert or
sluggish mentation. Physically,
acedia is
fundamentally ****ociated with a
cessation of motion...
comprising three systems: The
System Ucs – the unconscious: "primary process"
mentation governed by the
pleasure principle characterised by "exemption from mutual...
- only
including its 3
clinical criteria and by
including "any
altered mentation"
instead of
requiring a GCS <15.
qSOFA can
easily and
quickly be repeated...
begins with very high fever,
severe headache,
convulsions and
altered mentation. A
person with
measles encephalitis may
become comatose, and
death or...
- as a new form of
meditation in that it
involves deliberate control of
involving meta-cognition in
general and meta-cognitive
control in particular...
- disease. The
UPDRS is made up of
these sections: Part I:
evaluation of
mentation, behavior, and mood Part II: self-evaluation of the
activities of daily...
gives rise to boredom, rancor, apathy, and a p****ive, inert, or
sluggish mentation. Physically,
acedia is
fundamentally a
cessation of
motion and an indifference...
- meta-analysis
found that
gabapentin also
increased the risk of
difficulties in
mentation and
visual disturbances as
compared to a placebo.
Gabapentin is ****ociated...