Masonic artist's
impression of
Biblical phrase 饜饜饜 饜饜饜饜饜 (QDSh
LYHWH) in paleo-Hebrew
script (Macoy 1868: 134),
compared with the
inscribed stone...
- wl拧lm bytk br- ings to (you), Eliashib, and to your household. I bl- kt[k]
lyhwh w士t k峁J総y ess [you] by Yahweh. And now, when I left
mbytk w拧l岣y 示t your...
- elsewhere. (1.) 示mr 示拧yw hm[l]k 示mr
lyhlyw wlyw士拧h wl [ ... ] brkt 示tkm
lyhwh 拧mrn wl示拧rth "Says 示A拧iyaw the k[in]g: Say to Yah膿liyaw, and to Yaw示膩sah...