- Energy") double-album "Пойдем со мной. Лирическая" ("Poydem so mnoy.
Liricheskaya"; "Come with me. Lyrical") 2007 "Самолет на Москву" ("Samolet na Moskvu";...
- Farforovïye
chashki [Porcelain Cups, Porzellantasesen],
piano [1932]
Liricheskaya Simfoniyetta [Lyrical Sinfonietta],
strings [1932]
Blood and Coal, opera...
Youddiph "Vechny strannik" (Вечный странник) 9 1 3
Andrey Misin "Russkaya
liricheskaya" (Русская лирическая) 4 3 4
Tatyana Martsynkovskaya "Raspyatiye" (Распятие)...
Byron (Bairon v gody
izgnaniya (Byron in the
years of exile), 1974,
Liricheskaya poeziya Bairona (Byron's
Lyrical Poetry), 1975)
arose from a long and...