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Achirus lineatusHogchoker Hog"chok`er, n. (Zo["o]l.)
An American sole (Achirus lineatus, or A. achirus),
related to the European sole, but of no market value. Alineation
Allineation Al*lin`e*a"tion, Alineation A*lin`e*a"tion, n.
Alignment; position in a straight line, as of two planets
with the sun. --Whewell.
The allineation of the two planets. --C. A. Young.
AlineationAlineation A*lin`e*a"tion, n.
See Allineation. Allineate
Allineate Al*lin"e*ate, v. t. [L. ad + lineatus, p. p. of
lineare to draw a line.]
To align. [R.] --Herschel.
Allineation Al*lin`e*a"tion, Alineation A*lin`e*a"tion, n.
Alignment; position in a straight line, as of two planets
with the sun. --Whewell.
The allineation of the two planets. --C. A. Young.
B lineatusBuzzard Buz"zard (b[u^]z"z[~e]rd), n.[O.E. busard, bosard, F.
busard, fr. buse, L. buteo, a kind of falcon or hawk.]
1. (Zo["o]l.) A bird of prey of the Hawk family, belonging to
the genus Buteo and related genera.
Note: The Buteo vulgaris is the common buzzard of Europe.
The American species (of which the most common are B.
borealis, B. Pennsylvanicus, and B. lineatus) are
usually called hen hawks. -- The rough-legged buzzard,
or bee hawk, of Europe (Pernis apivorus) feeds on
bees and their larv[ae], with other insects, and
reptiles. -- The moor buzzard of Europe is Circus
[ae]ruginosus. See Turkey buzzard, and Carrion
Bald buzzard, the fishhawk or osprey. See Fishhawk.
2. A blockhead; a dunce.
It is common, to a proverb, to call one who can not
be taught, or who continues obstinately ignorant, a
buzzard. --Goldsmith. B lineatusHen Hen, n. [AS. henn, hen, h[ae]n; akin to D. hen, OHG.
henna, G. henne, Icel. h?na, Dan. h["o]na; the fem.
corresponding to AS. hana cock, D. haan, OHG. hano, G. hahn,
Icel. hani, Dan. & Sw. hane. Prob. akin to L. canere to sing,
and orig. meaning, a singer. Cf. Chanticleer.] (Zo["o]l.)
The female of the domestic fowl; also, the female of grouse,
pheasants, or any kind of birds; as, the heath hen; the gray
Note: Used adjectively or in combination to indicate the
female; as, hen canary, hen eagle, hen turkey, peahen.
Hen clam. (Zo["o]l.)
(a) A clam of the Mactra, and allied genera; the sea clam
or surf clam. See Surf clam.
(b) A California clam of the genus Pachydesma.
Hen driver. See Hen harrier (below).
Hen harrier (Zo["o]l.), a hawk (Circus cyaneus), found in
Europe and America; -- called also dove hawk, henharm,
henharrow, hen driver, and usually, in America, marsh
hawk. See Marsh hawk.
Hen hawk (Zo["o]l.), one of several species of large hawks
which capture hens; esp., the American red-tailed hawk
(Buteo borealis), the red-shouldered hawk (B.
lineatus), and the goshawk. Bilinear
Bilinear Bi*lin"e*ar, a. (Math.)
Of, pertaining to, or included by, two lines; as, bilinear
Centrolinead Cen`tro*lin"e*ad, n.
An instrument for drawing lines through a point, or lines
converging to a center.
Centrolineal Cen`tro*lin"e*al, a. [L. centrum + linea line.]
Converging to a center; -- applied to lines drawn so as to
meet in a point or center.
Cidaria diversilineataVine Vine, n. [F. vigne, L. vinea a vineyard, vine from vineus
of or belonging to wine, vinum wine, grapes. See Wine, and
cf. Vignette.] (Bot.)
(a) Any woody climbing plant which bears grapes.
(b) Hence, a climbing or trailing plant; the long, slender
stem of any plant that trails on the ground, or climbs
by winding round a fixed object, or by seizing
anything with its tendrils, or claspers; a creeper;
as, the hop vine; the bean vine; the vines of melons,
squashes, pumpkins, and other cucurbitaceous plants.
There shall be no grapes on the vine. --Jer.
viii. 13.
And one went out into the field to gather herbs,
and found a wild vine, and gathered thereof wild
gourds. --2 Kings iv.
Vine apple (Bot.), a small kind of squash. --Roger
Vine beetle (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of
beetles which are injurious to the leaves or branches of
the grapevine. Among the more important species are the
grapevine fidia (see Fidia), the spotted Pelidnota
(see Rutilian), the vine fleabeetle (Graptodera
chalybea), the rose beetle (see under Rose), the vine
weevil, and several species of Colaspis and Anomala.
Vine borer. (Zo["o]l.)
(a) Any one of several species of beetles whose larv[ae]
bore in the wood or pith of the grapevine, especially
Sinoxylon basilare, a small species the larva of
which bores in the stems, and Ampeloglypter
sesostris, a small reddish brown weevil (called also
vine weevil), which produces knotlike galls on the
(b) A clearwing moth ([AE]geria polistiformis), whose
larva bores in the roots of the grapevine and is often
Vine dragon, an old and fruitless branch of a vine. [Obs.]
Vine forester (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of
moths belonging to Alypia and allied genera, whose
larv[ae] feed on the leaves of the grapevine.
Vine fretter (Zo["o]l.), a plant louse, esp. the phylloxera
that injuries the grapevine.
Vine grub (Zo["o]l.), any one of numerous species of insect
larv[ae] that are injurious to the grapevine.
Vine hopper (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of leaf
hoppers which suck the sap of the grapevine, especially
Erythroneura vitis. See Illust. of Grape hopper, under
Vine inchworm (Zo["o]l.), the larva of any species of
geometrid moths which feed on the leaves of the grapevine,
especially Cidaria diversilineata.
Vine-leaf rooer (Zo["o]l.), a small moth (Desmia
maculalis) whose larva makes a nest by rolling up the
leaves of the grapevine. The moth is brownish black,
spotted with white.
Vine louse (Zo["o]l.), the phylloxera.
Vine mildew (Bot.), a fungous growth which forms a white,
delicate, cottony layer upon the leaves, young shoots, and
fruit of the vine, causing brown spots upon the green
parts, and finally a hardening and destruction of the
vitality of the surface. The plant has been called Oidium
Tuckeri, but is now thought to be the conidia-producing
stage of an Erysiphe.
Vine of Sodom (Bot.), a plant named in the Bible (--Deut.
xxxii. 32), now thought to be identical with the apple of
Sodom. See Apple of Sodom, under Apple.
Vine sawfly (Zo["o]l.), a small black sawfiy (Selandria
vitis) whose larva feeds upon the leaves of the
grapevine. The larv[ae] stand side by side in clusters
while feeding.
Vine slug (Zo["o]l.), the larva of the vine sawfly.
Vine sorrel (Bot.), a climbing plant (Cissus acida)
related to the grapevine, and having acid leaves. It is
found in Florida and the West Indies.
Vine sphinx (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of hawk
moths. The larv[ae] feed on grapevine leaves.
Vine weevil. (Zo["o]l.) See Vine borer
(a) above, and Wound gall, under Wound. CollineationCollineation Col*lin`e*a"tion, n. [L. collineare to direct in
a straight line. See Collimation.]
The act of aiming at, or directing in a line with, a fixed
object. [R.] --Johnson. Curvilinead
Curvilinead Cur`vi*lin"e*ad (k?r`v?-l?n"?-?d), n. (Geom.)
An instrument for drawing curved lines.
Curvilineal Cur`vi*lin"e*al (-al), Curvilinear
Cur`vi*lin"e*ar (-?r), a. [L. curvus bent + E. lineal,
Consisting of, or bounded by, curved lines; as, a curvilinear
Curvilineal Cur`vi*lin"e*al (-al), Curvilinear
Cur`vi*lin"e*ar (-?r), a. [L. curvus bent + E. lineal,
Consisting of, or bounded by, curved lines; as, a curvilinear
Curvilinearity Cur`vi*lin`e*ar"i*ty (-?r"?-t?), n.
The state of being curvilinear or of being bounded by curved
Curvilinearly Cur`vi*lin"e*ar*ly (-?r-l?), adv.
In a curvilinear manner.
Delineable De*lin"e*a*ble, a.
Capable of being, or liable to be, delineated. --Feltham.
DelineamentDelineament De*lin"e*a*ment, ?. [See Delineate.]
Delineation; sketch. --Dr. H. More. DelineateDelineate De*lin"e*ate, a. [L. delineatus, p. p. of delineare
to delineate; de- + lineare to draw, fr. linea line. See
Delineated; portrayed. [R.] Delineator
Delineator De*lin"e*a`tor, n.
1. One who, or that which, delineates; a sketcher.
2. (Surv.) A perambulator which records distances and
delineates a profile, as of a road.
Delineatory De*lin"e*a*to*ry, a.
That delineates; descriptive; drawing the outline;
Delineature De*lin"e*a*ture (?; 135), n.
Delineation. [Obs.]
Diagramma lineatumBodian Bo"di*an, n. (Zo["o]l.)
A large food fish (Diagramma lineatum), native of the East
Indies. Doryphora decemlineataPotato Po*ta"to, n.; pl. Potatoes. [Sp. patata potato,
batata sweet potato, from the native American name (probably
batata) in Hayti.] (Bot.)
(a) A plant (Solanum tuberosum) of the Nightshade
family, and its esculent farinaceous tuber, of which
there are numerous varieties used for food. It is
native of South America, but a form of the species is
found native as far north as New Mexico.
(b) The sweet potato (see below).
Potato beetle, Potato bug. (Zo["o]l.)
(a) A beetle (Doryphora decemlineata) which feeds, both
in the larval and adult stages, upon the leaves of the
potato, often doing great damage. Called also
Colorado potato beetle, and Doryphora. See
Colorado beetle.
(b) The Lema trilineata, a smaller and more slender
striped beetle which feeds upon the potato plant, bur
does less injury than the preceding species.
Potato fly (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of
blister beetles infesting the potato vine. The black
species (Lytta atrata), the striped (L. vittata), and
the gray (L. cinerea, or Fabricii) are the most common.
See Blister beetle, under Blister.
Potato rot, a disease of the tubers of the potato, supposed
to be caused by a kind of mold (Peronospora infestans),
which is first seen upon the leaves and stems.
Potato weevil (Zo["o]l.), an American weevil (Baridius
trinotatus) whose larva lives in and kills the stalks of
potato vines, often causing serious damage to the crop.
Potato whisky, a strong, fiery liquor, having a hot, smoky
taste, and rich in amyl alcohol (fusel oil); it is made
from potatoes or potato starch.
Potato worm (Zo["o]l.), the large green larva of a sphinx,
or hawk moth (Macrosila quinquemaculata); -- called also
tomato worm. See Illust. under Tomato.
Seaside potato (Bot.), Ipom[oe]a Pes-Capr[ae], a kind of
morning-glory with rounded and emarginate or bilobed
leaves. [West Indies]
Sweet potato (Bot.), a climbing plant (Ipom[oe]a Balatas)
allied to the morning-glory. Its farinaceous tubers have a
sweetish taste, and are used, when cooked, for food. It is
probably a native of Brazil, but is cultivated extensively
in the warmer parts of every continent, and even as far
north as New Jersey. The name potato was applied to this
plant before it was to the Solanum tuberosum, and this
is the ``potato' of the Southern United States.
Wild potato. (Bot.)
(a) A vine (Ipom[oe]a pandurata) having a pale purplish
flower and an enormous root. It is common in sandy
places in the United States.
(b) A similar tropical American plant (I. fastigiata)
which it is thought may have been the original stock
of the sweet potato. Doryphora decemlineataColorado beetle Col`o*ra"do bee"tle (Zo["o]l.)
A yellowish beetle (Doryphora decemlineata), with ten
longitudinal, black, dorsal stripes. It has migrated
eastwards from its original habitat in Colorado, and is very
destructive to the potato plant; -- called also potato
beetle and potato bug. See Potato beetle. H aurolineatusGrunt Grunt, n.
1. A deep, guttural sound, as of a hog.
2. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of several species of American food
fishes, of the genus H[ae]mulon, allied to the snappers,
as, the black grunt (A. Plumieri), and the redmouth
grunt (H. aurolineatus), of the Southern United States;
-- also applied to allied species of the genera
Pomadasys, Orthopristis, and Pristopoma. Called also
pigfish, squirrel fish, and grunter; -- so called from the
noise it makes when taken. Interlineary
Interlineary In`ter*lin"e*a*ry, a.
Interlinear. -- n. A book containing interlineations. [R.]
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subfamily Rhabdammininae. It is a
monotypic genus containing the sole species...
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línea in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. La
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Línea (Spanish, "the line") may
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pregnancy line,
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linear area of
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Italian cartoonist Osvaldo Cavandoli. The
series consists of 90 episodes,
which were...
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between 2006 and 2018. The
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