- Dunsfort, Hollymount, Inch, Killinchy, Killough, Killyleagh, Kilmore,
Leggygowan, Portaferry, Quintin, Raholp, Rossconor, Seaforde, Strangford, Tyrells...
Creevyloughgare Drumaconnell East
Drumaconnell West
Drumalig Glasdrumman Killinure Leggygowan Lessans Lisdalgan Lisdoonan Lisnasallagh Lisowen Ouley Saintfield Parks...
Large Park, Largymore,
Launches Little, Legacurry, Legamaddy, Legananny,
Leggygowan, Legmore, Leitrim,
Leitrim Upper, Lenaderg, Lenish, Leode, Lessans, Letalian...
exclusive of the
district electoral divisions of Ballynahinch,
Kilmore and
Leggygowan; the part of the
rural district of
Kilkeel which consists of the district...