Kinihira Kagogo Miyove Kisaro Kinoni Kageyo Masoro Kinyababa Mukarange Mbogo Kivuye Muko
Murambi Nemba Mutete Ngoma Rugarama Nyamiyaga Ntarabana Rugendabari...
- Butaro, Cyanika, Cyeru, Gahunga, Gatebe, Gitovu, Kagogo, Kinoni, Kinyababa,
Kivuye, Nemba, Rugarama, Rugendabari, Ruhunde,
Rusarabuye and Rwerere. Citypo****tion...
- also wounded. The
Nyatura APRDC repelled an
attack by NDC-R in
Masisi territory. NDC-R
attacked APCLS fighters in the
villages of Buhiri...