follows the verb. For example: Я хотел петь, ja
khotél pet' ("I
wanted to sing") Я хотел бы петь, ja
khotél by pet' ("I
would like, lit.
would want, to sing")...
Zemli Freelance Commander of
Earth 1994 Кого ты хотел удивить? Kogo ty
khotel udivit Whom did you want to surprise? (Who did you
expect to impress) Unpublished...
- 7 "Who Did You Want to Surprise" Russian: Кого ты хотел удивить/Kogo ty
khotel udivit Mikhail Boyarsky,
Mashina Vremeni Lyrics:
Andrey Makarevich Music:...
- Несчастный! видит Бог, я не хотел твоей погибели (Nescastniy!
Vidit Bog, ya ne
khotel tvoey pogibeli) No.19 Finale: Ушёл старик, как сердце бьётся (Ushol starik...
- part of the song went into a
medley along with old
songs such as "Kovo ty
khotel udivit" (Russian: «Кого ты хотел удивить», lit. 'Whom did you want to surprise'...
- – 2006. - № 11. – 22-28 marta. – S. 4. (in Russian) Kartiny,
kotorye ya
khotel by ukrast' -
Katya Medvedeva (in Russian)
Katya Medvedeva. ZHivopis', grafika...
- Tsar i
general Bulgaria Donatas Banionis Nobody Wanted to Die
Nikto ne
khotel umirat Soviet Union 1964 Wieńczysław Gliński Echo
Poland 1962 Not conferred...