sections of 30
scrolls each—'tables' (目錄; mùlù) and 'critical analysis' (考異;
kǎoyì). Sima
Guang departed from the
format used in
traditional Chinese dynastic...
Mirror to Add in Government, Vol.210,
Xuanzhong Kaiyuan 21st Year, January, "
Kaoyi",p.6800 Chen, Tiemin, ed. (2017). 王维集校注. Beijing:
Zhonghua Book Company...
- (后知帝非魏之纯臣,而后既魏氏之甥,帝深忌之。青龙二年,遂以鸩崩,...) Jin Shu, vol.31 In his
Zizhi Tongjian Kaoyi (资治通鉴考异), Sima
Guang expressed his
skepticism of this account. He argued...
- Wei. In 234,
Xiahou **** died
after being poisoned. In his
Zizhi Tongjian Kaoyi (资治通鉴考异), Sima
Guang expressed his
skepticism of this account. He argued...
- the
battle took
place in
early 192 instead. In vol.03 of
Zizhi Tongjian Kaoyi, Sima
Guang dated the
battle to the
spring (1st to 3rd months) of the 3rd...
- vol.03. In his
annotations to Tongjian, Hu Sanxing,
citing Zizhi Tongjian Kaoyi,
noted that both
Sanshi Guo Chun Qiu and Jin Chun Qiu
dated this
event to...
- (鲁肃将北还,周瑜止之,因荐肃于权曰:“肃才宜佐时,当广求其比以成功业。”...). In vol.03 of
Zizhi Tongjian Kaoyi, Sima
Guang expressed his
skepticism that the "Liu Ziyang"
mentioned in...
- into Sections). Peng Xiao 彭曉 (?-955),
dating from 947.
Zhouyi cantong qi
kaoyi 周易參同契考異 (Investigation of
Discrepancies in the
Cantong qi). Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130–1200)...
- (鲁肃将北还,周瑜止之,因荐肃于权曰:“肃才宜佐时,当广求其比以成功业。”...). In vol.03 of
Zizhi Tongjian Kaoyi, Sima
Guang expressed his
skepticism that the "Liu Ziyang"
mentioned in...
- (fl. 1201)
wrote a
textual exegesis. The
analytical commentary (Yinfujing
Kaoyi 陰符經考異)
dubiously attributed to the
leading Neo-Confucian
scholar Zhu Xi...