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Annihilator An*ni"hi*la`tor, n.
One who, or that which, annihilates; as, a fire annihilator.
Annihilatory An*ni"hi*la*to*ry, a.
Assimilatory As*sim"i*la*to*ry, a.
Tending to assimilate, or produce assimilation; as,
assimilatory organs.
Compilator Com"pi*la`tor, n. [L.]
Compiler. [Obs.]
Dilatometer Dil`a*tom"e*ter, n. [Dilate + -meter.] (Physiol.)
An instrument for measuring the dilatation or expansion of a
substance, especially of a fluid.
DilatorDilator Di*lat"or, n. [See Dilate.]
1. One who, or that which, widens or expands.
2. (Anat.) A muscle that dilates any part.
3. (Med.) An instrument for expanding a part; as, a urethral
dilator. Dilatorily
Dilatorily Dil"a*to*ri*ly, adv.
With delay; tardily.
Dilatoriness Dil"a*to*ri*ness, n.
The quality of being dilatory; lateness; slowness; tardiness;
DilatoryDilatory Dil"a*to*ry, a. [L. dilatorius, fr. dilator a
delayer, fr. dilatus, used as p. p. of differe to defer,
delay: cf. F. dilatoire. See Dilate, Differ, Defer.]
1. Inclined to defer or put off what ought to be done at
once; given the procrastination; delaying;
procrastinating; loitering; as, a dilatory servant.
2. Marked by procrastination or delay; tardy; slow; sluggish;
-- said of actions or measures.
Alva, as usual, brought his dilatory policy to bear
upon hi? adversary. --Motley.
Dilatory plea (Law), a plea designed to create delay in the
trial of a cause, generally founded upon some matter not
connected with the merits of the case.
Syn: Slow; delaying; sluggish; inactive; loitering;
behindhand; backward; procrastinating. See Slow. Dilatory pleaDilatory Dil"a*to*ry, a. [L. dilatorius, fr. dilator a
delayer, fr. dilatus, used as p. p. of differe to defer,
delay: cf. F. dilatoire. See Dilate, Differ, Defer.]
1. Inclined to defer or put off what ought to be done at
once; given the procrastination; delaying;
procrastinating; loitering; as, a dilatory servant.
2. Marked by procrastination or delay; tardy; slow; sluggish;
-- said of actions or measures.
Alva, as usual, brought his dilatory policy to bear
upon hi? adversary. --Motley.
Dilatory plea (Law), a plea designed to create delay in the
trial of a cause, generally founded upon some matter not
connected with the merits of the case.
Syn: Slow; delaying; sluggish; inactive; loitering;
behindhand; backward; procrastinating. See Slow. Expilator
Expilator Ex"pi*la`tor, n. [L.]
One who pillages; a plunderer; a pillager. [Obs.] --Sir T.
Filatory Fil"a*to*ry, n. [LL. filatorium place for spinning,
fr. filare to spin, fr. L. filum a thread.]
A machine for forming threads. [Obs.] --W. Tooke.
Habilatory Hab"i*la*to*ry, a.
Of or pertaining to clothing; wearing clothes. --Ld. Lytton.
Indilatory In*dil"a*to*ry, a.
Not dilatory. [Obs.]
Mutilator Mu"ti*la"tor, n. [Cf. F. mutilateur.]
One who mutilates.
PhilatoryPhilatory Phil"a*to*ry, n. [OF. filatiere, philatiere. See
Phylactery.] (Eccl.)
A kind of transparent reliquary with an ornamental top. Sibilatory
Sibilatory Sib"i*la*to*ry, a.
Hissing; sibilant.
VasodilatorVasodilator Vas`o*di*lat"or, a.[L. vas a vessel + dilator.]
Causing dilation or relaxation of the blood vessels; as, the
vasodilator nerves, stimulation of which causes dilation of
the blood vessels to which they go. These nerves are also
called vaso-inhibitory, and vasohypotonic nerves, since
their stimulation causes relaxation and rest. Ventilator
Ventilator Ven"ti*la`tor, n. [Cf. F. ventilateur, L.
ventilator a winnower.]
A contrivance for effecting ventilation; especially, a
contrivance or machine for drawing off or expelling foul or
stagnant air from any place or apartment, or for introducing
that which is fresh and pure.
Meaning of Ilato from wikipedia
Schieder (July 25, 1991, The
Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado, pub. in, pub date unknown) A
Conversation with
Kathy Acker (interviewed by Benjamin...
Gorontalo province Suwalesi Island, Indonesia. It was
built in 1522 by King
Ilato from
Gorontalo Kingdom and
Portuguese sailors to
strengthen the area security...
begin the
construction of Fort Kastela. The Portuguese,
allied with King
Ilato of the
Goratalo kingdom,
construct the
Otanaha Fortress.
January 22 – Charles...
begin the
construction of Fort Kastela. The Portuguese,
allied with King
Ilato of the
Goratalo kingdom,
construct the
Otanaha Fortress.
January 20 – Christian...
- Chupinguaia-LOC ojabu'ru-da-ki arrive.there-1S-DEC
ilato yesterday ʃupi'ngwaja-na ojabu'ru-da-ki
ilato Chupinguaia-LOC arrive.there-1S-DEC
yesterday 'I...