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AnachronousAnachronous An*ach"ro*nous, a.
Containing an anachronism; anachronistic. --
An*ach"ro*nous*ly, adv. AnachronouslyAnachronous An*ach"ro*nous, a.
Containing an anachronism; anachronistic. --
An*ach"ro*nous*ly, adv. AsynchronousAsynchronous A*syn"chro*nous, a. [Gr. ? not + synchronous.]
Not simultaneous; not concurrent in time; -- opposed to
synchronous. asynchronous generatorInduction generator In*duc"tion gen"er*a`tor
A machine built as an induction motor and driven above
synchronous speed, thus acting as an alternating-current
generator; -- called also asynchronous generator. Below
synchronism the machine takes in electrical energy and acts
as an induction motor; at synchronism the power component of
current becomes zero and changes sign, so that above
synchronism the machine (driven for thus purpose by
mechanical power) gives out electrical energy as a generator. Autochronograph
Autochronograph Au`to*chron"o*graph, n. [Auto- + chronograph.]
An instrument for the instantaneous self-recording or
printing of time. --Knight.
Box chronometerChronometer Chro*nom"e*ter, n. [Gr. ? time + -meter: cf. F.
1. An instrument for measuring time; a timekeeper.
2. A portable timekeeper, with a heavy compensation balance,
and usually beating half seconds; -- intended to keep time
with great accuracy for use an astronomical observations,
in determining longitude, etc.
3. (Mus.) A metronome.
Box chronometer. See under Box.
Pocket chronometer, a chronometer in the form of a large
To rate a chronometer. See Rate, v. t. Chronogram
Chronogram Chron"o*gram, n. [Gr. ? time + ? writing,
character: cf. F. chronogramme.]
1. An inscription in which certain numeral letters, made to
appear specially conspicuous, on being added together,
express a particular date or epoch, as in the motto of a
medal struck by Gustavus Adolphus in 1632: ChrIstVs DVX;
ergo trIVMphVs. - the capitals of which give, when added
as numerals, the sum 1632.
2. The record or inscription made by a chronograph.
Chronogrammatic Chron`o*gram*mat"ic, Chronogrammatical
Chron`o*gram*mat"ic*al, a. [Cf. F. chronogrammatique.]
Belonging to a chronogram, or containing one.
Chronogrammatic Chron`o*gram*mat"ic, Chronogrammatical
Chron`o*gram*mat"ic*al, a. [Cf. F. chronogrammatique.]
Belonging to a chronogram, or containing one.
Chronogrammatist Chron`o*gram"ma*tist, n.
A writer of chronograms.
ChronographChronograph Chron"o*graph, n. [Gr. ? time + -graph: cf. F.
1. An instrument for measuring or recording intervals of
time, upon a revolving drum or strip of paper moved by
clockwork. The action of the stylus or pen is controlled
by electricity.
2. Same as Chronogram, 1. [R.]
3. A chronoscope. Chronographer
Chronographer Chro*nog"ra*pher, n.
One who writes a chronography; a chronologer. --Tooke.
Chronographic Chron`o*graph"ic, a.
Of or pertaining to a chronograph.
ChronographyChronography Chro*nog"ra*phy, n. [Gr. ?. See Chronograph.]
A description or record of past time; history. [Obs.] --Bp.
Hall. Chronologer
Chronologist Chro*nol"o*gist, Chronologer Chro*nol"o*ger, n.
[Gr. ?.]
A person who investigates dates of events and transactions;
one skilled in chronology.
That learned noise and dust of the chronologist is
wholly to be avoided. --Locke.
THe most exact chronologers tell us that Christ was
born in October, and not in December. --John Knox.
ChronologerChronologer Chro*nol"o*ger, n.
Same as Chronologist. ChronologicChronologic Chron`o*log"ic, Chronological Chron`o*log"ic*al,
a. [Gr. ?.]
Relating to chronology; containing an account of events in
the order of time; according to the order of time; as,
chronological tables. --Raleigh. -- Chron`o*log"ic*al*ly,
adv. ChronologicalChronologic Chron`o*log"ic, Chronological Chron`o*log"ic*al,
a. [Gr. ?.]
Relating to chronology; containing an account of events in
the order of time; according to the order of time; as,
chronological tables. --Raleigh. -- Chron`o*log"ic*al*ly,
adv. ChronologicallyChronologic Chron`o*log"ic, Chronological Chron`o*log"ic*al,
a. [Gr. ?.]
Relating to chronology; containing an account of events in
the order of time; according to the order of time; as,
chronological tables. --Raleigh. -- Chron`o*log"ic*al*ly,
adv. ChronologiesChronology Chro*nol"o*gy, n.; pl. Chronologies. [Gr. ?; ?
time + ? discourse: cf. F. chronologie.]
The science which treats of measuring time by regular
divisions or periods, and which assigns to events or
transactions their proper dates.
If history without chronology is dark and confused,
chronology without history is dry and insipid. --A.
Holmes. Chronologist
Chronologist Chro*nol"o*gist, Chronologer Chro*nol"o*ger, n.
[Gr. ?.]
A person who investigates dates of events and transactions;
one skilled in chronology.
That learned noise and dust of the chronologist is
wholly to be avoided. --Locke.
THe most exact chronologers tell us that Christ was
born in October, and not in December. --John Knox.
ChronologyChronology Chro*nol"o*gy, n.; pl. Chronologies. [Gr. ?; ?
time + ? discourse: cf. F. chronologie.]
The science which treats of measuring time by regular
divisions or periods, and which assigns to events or
transactions their proper dates.
If history without chronology is dark and confused,
chronology without history is dry and insipid. --A.
Holmes. ChronometerChronometer Chro*nom"e*ter, n. [Gr. ? time + -meter: cf. F.
1. An instrument for measuring time; a timekeeper.
2. A portable timekeeper, with a heavy compensation balance,
and usually beating half seconds; -- intended to keep time
with great accuracy for use an astronomical observations,
in determining longitude, etc.
3. (Mus.) A metronome.
Box chronometer. See under Box.
Pocket chronometer, a chronometer in the form of a large
To rate a chronometer. See Rate, v. t. Chronopher
Chronopher Chron"o*pher, n. [Gr. ? time + ? to carry.]
An instrument signaling the correct time to distant points by
ChronophotographChronophotograph Chron`o*pho"to*graph, n. [Gr. ? time +
One of a set of photographs of a moving object, taken for the
purpose of recording and exhibiting successive phases of the
motion. -- Chron`o*pho*tog"ra*phy, n. ChronophotographyChronophotograph Chron`o*pho"to*graph, n. [Gr. ? time +
One of a set of photographs of a moving object, taken for the
purpose of recording and exhibiting successive phases of the
motion. -- Chron`o*pho*tog"ra*phy, n. Chronoscope
Chronoscope Chron"o*scope, n. [Gr. ? time + -scope.]
An instrument for measuring minute intervals of time; used in
determining the velocity of projectiles, the duration of
short-lived luminous phenomena, etc.
Electro-chronographElectro-chronograph E*lec`tro-chron"o*graph, n. (Astron.
An instrument for obtaining an accurate record of the time at
which any observed phenomenon occurs, or of its duration. It
has an electro-magnetic register connected with a clock. See
Chronograph. Electro-chronographic
Electro-chronographic E*lec`tro-chron`o*graph"ic, a.
Belonging to the electro-chronograph, or recorded by the aid
of it.
IsochrononIsochronon I*soch"ro*non, n. [NL. See Isochronous.]
A clock that is designed to keep very accurate time.
Meaning of Hrono from wikipedia