- The Book of the
Later Han, also
known as the
History of the
Later Han and by its
Chinese name Hou
Hanshu (Chinese: 後漢書), is one of the Twenty-Four Histories...
- 遣下軍校尉鮑鴻討葛陂黃巾。)
Houhanshu vol. 8. (盧植破黃巾,圍張角於廣宗。宦官誣奏植,抵罪。)
Houhanshu vol. 8. (遣中郎將董卓攻張角,不剋。)
Houhanshu vol. 8. (時北中郎將盧植及東中郎將董卓討張角,並無功而還,乃詔嵩進兵討之。)
Houhanshu vol....
Houhanshu vol. 72. (允旣不赦涼州人,由是卓將李傕等遂相結,還攻長安。)
Houhanshu vol. 75. (布與傕戰,敗,乃將數百騎,以卓頭繫馬鞌,走出武關,奔南陽。袁術待之甚厚。布自恃殺卓,有德袁氏,遂恣兵鈔掠。術患之。布不安,復去從張楊於河內。)
Houhanshu vol...
- (長七尺一寸。生皇子辯,養於史道人家,號曰史侯。)
Houhanshu vol. 10 (Part 2). (道人謂道術之人也。獻帝春秋曰:「靈帝數失子,不敢正名,養道人史子眇家,號曰史侯。」)
Annotation in
Houhanshu vol. 10 (Part 2). (光和三年,立為皇后。)
Houhanshu vol. 10...
- )
Houhanshu, vol.56;
Emperor Ling's
biography dates the
promotion to the
wuchen day of the 4th
month of the year. (夏四月戊辰,...长乐卫尉王畅为司空。)
Houhanshu vol...
Houhanshu, vol.64 (及车骑将车皇甫嵩讨平黄巾,盛称植行师方略,嵩皆资用规谋,济成其功。以其年复为尚书。)
Houhanshu, vol.64 (度辽将军规之兄子也。父节,雁门太守。)
Houhanshu, vol.71 (初举孝廉、茂才。太尉陈蕃、大将军窦武连辟,并不到。)...
Houhanshu vol. 10 (Part 2). (風俗通曰,漢以八月筭人。后家以金帛賂遺主者以求入也。)
Fengsu Tong
annotation in
Houhanshu vol. 10 (Part 2). (長七尺一寸。生皇子辯,養於史道人家,號曰史侯。)
Houhanshu vol...
- ...)
Houhanshu vol. 78. (少皆給事省中,桓帝時為小黃門。忠以與誅梁兾功封都鄉侯。延熹八年,黜為關內侯,食本縣租千斛。)
Houhanshu vol. 78. (靈帝時,讓、忠並遷中常侍,封列侯,與曹節、王甫等相為表裏。節死後,忠領大長秋。)
Houhanshu vol. 78...
Houhanshu vol. 78. (復以忠為車騎將軍,百餘日罷。)
Houhanshu vol. 78. Fan, Ye (5th century). Book of the
Later Han (
Houhanshu). Sima,
Guang (1084)...
- to 18 Jan 185. ([中平元年冬]十一月,皇甫嵩又破黄巾于下曲阳,斩张角弟宝。)
Houhanshu vol.08. (嵩復與鉅鹿太守馮翊郭典攻角弟寶於下曲陽,又斬之。)
Houhanshu vol. 71.
Emperor Ling's
biography in Book of the...