- or bilobate. Each
locule has one to 50
ovules that are
anatropous or
hemianatropous with
axillar placentation. The
development of the
embryo sack can be...
- papilous,
moist or dry,
ovules 1–100 or more per carpel, anatropous,
amphitropous or orthotropous,
mostly hemitropous, bitegmic, cr****inucellate...
punctate and moist, or not
papillose and dry,
ovules (1-)2 per carpel,
hemianatropous to campylotropous, apotropous,
unitegmic and crasinucelated, horizontal...
- oppositipetalous,
stigma apical, dry, papillous,
ovules 2 per carpel, anatropous,
hemianatropous to campilotropous, uni- or bitegmic, cr****inucellate, the
superior epitropous...
- many in one or two rows on each of the two to six placentas; they are
hemianatropous to campylotropous, bitegmic, and cr****inucellate. The
fruit is a berry...