- Aruch,
Hilchot Tefilin; and also
Shulchan Aruch HaRav, ibid. "Building
Block No. 6:
Nefesh HaBahamis (Animal Soul),
Nefesh HoElokis (G‑dly Soul)." http://www...
missing from
newer editions of the Zohar.
Building Block No. 6:
Nefesh HaBahamis (Animal Soul),
Nefesh HoElokis (G‑dly Soul). Freeman, Tzvi. Me and My...
Bahamet (Albanian),
Bahami (Bosnian, Croatian, Slovene),
Bahami - Бахами (Macedonian, Serbian),
Bahami - Багами (Ukrainian),
Bahamis Kundzulebi - ბაჰამის...