- uinneig, trì
uinneagan one window, two windows,
three windows 3 aon
ghuth, dà
ghuth, trì
guthan one voice, two voices,
three voices 4 aon bhàta, dà bhàta...
- Dùthchannan,
Comhairlichean agus Luchd-còmhnaidh
Lunnainn agus eile, a-nis le aon
ghuth agus Cead
Teanga agus
Cridhe a'
foillseachadh agus a'
gairm gu
bheil am...
never ceases its
moaning as it
flows through the wood.
Sruth Gráinne ar a
ghuth ní
ghabh Sruth glan áille tre fhiodh. In
medieval times the
McGovern barony...
- "The
Benevolence of Yib" in
Crypt of Cthulhu, no. 51,
Hallowmas 1987. "How
Ghuth Would Have
Hunted the Silth" in
Crypt of Cthulhu, no. 54, 1988. "The Thievery...
never ceases its
moaning as it
flows through the wood.
Sruth Gráinne ar a
ghuth ní
ghabh Sruth glan áille tre fhiodh. The
Annals of Loch Cé for the year...
Benevolence of Yib" (from
Crypt of Cthulhu, no. 51,
Hallowmas 1987) "How
Ghuth Would Have
Hunted the Silth" (from
Crypt of Cthulhu, no. 54, Eastertide...