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Army organization
Army organization Army organization
The system by which a country raises, classifies, arranges,
and equips its armed land forces. The usual divisions are:
(1) A regular or active army, in which soldiers serve
continuously with the colors and live in barracks or
cantonments when not in the field; (2) the reserves of this
army, in which the soldiers, while remaining constantly
subject to a call to the colors, live at their homes, being
summoned more or less frequently to report for instruction,
drill, or maneuvers; and (3) one or more classes of soldiers
organized largely for territorial defense, living at home and
having only occasional periods of drill and instraction, who
are variously called home reserves (as in the table below),
second, third, etc., line of defense (the regular army and
its reserves ordinarily constituting the first line of
defense), territorial forces, or the like. In countries where
conscription prevails a soldier is supposed to serve a given
number of years. He is usually enrolled first in the regular
army, then passes to its reserve, then into the home
reserves, to serve until he reaches the age limit. It for any
reason he is not enrolled in the regular army, he may begin
his service in the army reserves or even the home reserves,
but then serves the full number of years or up to the age
limit. In equipment the organization of the army is into the
three great arms of infantry, cavalry, and artillery,
together with more or less numerous other branches, such as
engineers, medical corps, etc., besides the staff
organizations such as those of the pay and subsistence
Inorganization In*or`gan*i*za"tion, n.
The state of being without organization.
Merorganization Mer*or`gan*i*za"tion, n. [Gr. ? part + E.
Organization in part. [R.]
Organizability Or`gan*i`za*bil"i*ty, n.
Quality of being organizable; capability of being organized.
Organizable Or"gan*i`za*ble, a.
Capable of being organized; esp. (Biol.), capable of being
formed into living tissue; as, organizable matter.
Organization Or`gan*i*za"tion, n. [Cf. F. organisation.]
1. The act of organizing; the act of arranging in a
systematic way for use or action; as, the organization of
an army, or of a deliberative body. ``The first
organization of the general government.' --Pickering.
2. The state of being organized; also, the relations included
in such a state or condition.
What is organization but the connection of parts in
and for a whole, so that each part is, at once, end
and means? --Coleridge.
3. That which is organized; an organized existence; an
organism; specif. (Biol.), an arrangement of parts for the
performance of the functions necessary to life.
The cell may be regarded as the most simple, the
most common, and the earliest form of organization.
Reorganization Re*or`gan*i*za"tion (-gan-?-z?"sh?n), n.
The act of reorganizing; a reorganized existence; as,
reorganization of the troops.
Meaning of Ganiza from wikipedia