- or pattern;
spire marked with large, evenly-spaced orange-tan
spire flammules extend onto
sharp edge of shoulder,
giving shoulder checkered...
hairstreak brown flammules and
intermittent large pale blue
interior of
aperture white;
inner edge of lip
bordered with dark
brown flammules; protoconch...
- with small,
scattered pale orange-brown
spire whorls with regularly-spaced,
amorphous brown flammules;
early whorls pale orange; periostra****...
flammules along the periphery. In
white and
purple specimens, the
spire is dark
brown but
retains the same
pattern of
evenly spaced white flammules....
vertical flammules; mid-body with
white band;
anterior tip white, with few
scattered tiny,
orange flammules;
bands of
orange vertical flammules sometimes...
- threads;
aperture wide, flaring;
color pale tan with
longitudinal brown flammules,
flammules often coalescing into
large brown patches; base
color pattern overlaid...
- one
below mid-body;
bands often break up into
large brown blotches and
anterior tip of s**** brown;
several rows of dark
brown spots often superimposed...
- reddish-brown to chestnut,
overlaid with 12-15 evenly-spaced
bands of tiny,
white flammules and dots; one wide
white band
around shoulder, one
around anterior tip...
- with closely-packed, thin, vertical, pale tan
spire with
scattered tan, crescent-shaped
interior of
aperture white; periostra**** thin...
above spire; s****
color pale cream-yellow
overlaid with
large amorphous,
flammules of
bright golden-yellow; mid-body with
white band
containing rows of pale...