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AfferentAfferent Af"fer*ent, a. [L. afferens, p. pr. of afferre; ad +
ferre to bear.] (Physiol.)
Bearing or conducting inwards to a part or organ; -- opposed
to efferent; as, afferent vessels; afferent nerves, which
convey sensations from the external organs to the brain. Circumferential
Circumferential Cir*cum`fer*en"tial, a. [LL.
Pertaining to the circumference; encompassing; encircling;
circuitous. --Parkhurst.
Circumferentially Cir*cum`fer*en"tial*ly, adv.
So as to surround or encircle.
Conferential Con`fer*en"tial, a.
Relating to conference. [R.] --Clarke.
DeferentDeferent Def"er*ent, a. [L. deferens, p. pr. of deferre. See
3d Defer.]
Serving to carry; bearing. [R.] ``Bodies deferent.' --Bacon. DeferentialDeferential Def`er*en"tial, a. [See Deference.]
Expressing deference; accustomed to defer. Deferentially
Deferentially Def`er*en"tial*ly, adv.
With deference.
DifferentiaDifferentia Dif`fer*en"ti*a, n.; pl. Differenti[ae]. [L. See
Difference.] (Logic)
The formal or distinguishing part of the essence of a
species; the characteristic attribute of a species; specific
difference. DifferentiaeDifferentia Dif`fer*en"ti*a, n.; pl. Differenti[ae]. [L. See
Difference.] (Logic)
The formal or distinguishing part of the essence of a
species; the characteristic attribute of a species; specific
difference. DifferentialDifferential Dif`fer*en"tial, n.
1. (Math.) An increment, usually an indefinitely small one,
which is given to a variable quantity.
Note: According to the more modern writers upon the
differential and integral calculus, if two or more
quantities are dependent on each other, and subject to
increments of value, their differentials need not be
small, but are any quantities whose ratios to each
other are the limits to which the ratios of the
increments approximate, as these increments are reduced
nearer and nearer to zero.
2. A small difference in rates which competing railroad
lines, in establishing a common tariff, allow one of their
number to make, in order to get a fair share of the
business. The lower rate is called a differential rate.
Differentials are also sometimes granted to cities.
3. (Elec.)
(a) One of two coils of conducting wire so related to one
another or to a magnet or armature common to both,
that one coil produces polar action contrary to that
of the other.
(b) A form of conductor used for dividing and distributing
the current to a series of electric lamps so as to
maintain equal action in all. --Knight.
Partial differential (Math.), the differential of a
function of two or more variables, when only one of the
variables receives an increment.
Total differential (Math.), the differential of a function
of two or more variables, when each of the variables
receives an increment. The total differential of the
function is the sum of all the partial differentials. Differential calculusCalculus Cal"cu*lus, n.; pl. Calculi. [L, calculus. See
Calculate, and Calcule.]
1. (Med.) Any solid concretion, formed in any part of the
body, but most frequent in the organs that act as
reservoirs, and in the passages connected with them; as,
biliary calculi; urinary calculi, etc.
2. (Math.) A method of computation; any process of reasoning
by the use of symbols; any branch of mathematics that may
involve calculation.
Barycentric calculus, a method of treating geometry by
defining a point as the center of gravity of certain other
points to which co["e]fficients or weights are ascribed.
Calculus of functions, that branch of mathematics which
treats of the forms of functions that shall satisfy given
Calculus of operations, that branch of mathematical logic
that treats of all operations that satisfy given
Calculus of probabilities, the science that treats of the
computation of the probabilities of events, or the
application of numbers to chance.
Calculus of variations, a branch of mathematics in which
the laws of dependence which bind the variable quantities
together are themselves subject to change.
Differential calculus, a method of investigating
mathematical questions by using the ratio of certain
indefinitely small quantities called differentials. The
problems are primarily of this form: to find how the
change in some variable quantity alters at each instant
the value of a quantity dependent upon it.
Exponential calculus, that part of algebra which treats of
Imaginary calculus, a method of investigating the relations
of real or imaginary quantities by the use of the
imaginary symbols and quantities of algebra.
Integral calculus, a method which in the reverse of the
differential, the primary object of which is to learn from
the known ratio of the indefinitely small changes of two
or more magnitudes, the relation of the magnitudes
themselves, or, in other words, from having the
differential of an algebraic expression to find the
expression itself. Differential galvanometerGalvanometer Gal`va*nom"e*ter, n. [Galvanic + -meter: cf. F.
galvanom[`e]tre.] (Elec.)
An instrument or apparatus for measuring the intensity of an
electric current, usually by the deflection of a magnetic
Differential galvanometer. See under Differental, a.
Sine galvanometer, Cosine galvanometer, Tangent
galvanometer (Elec.), a galvanometer in which the sine,
cosine, or tangent respectively, of the angle through
which the needle is deflected, is proportional to the
strength of the current passed through the instrument. Differentially
Differentially Dif`fer*en"tial*ly, adv.
In the way of differentiation.
Differentiate Dif`fer*en"ti*ate, v. i. (Biol.)
To acquire a distinct and separate character. --Huxley.
Differentiate Dif`fer*en"ti*ate, v. t.
1. To distinguish or mark by a specific difference; to effect
a difference in, as regards classification; to develop
differential characteristics in; to specialize; to
The word then was differentiated into the two forms
then and than. --Earle.
Two or more of the forms assumed by the same
original word become differentiated in
signification. --Dr. Murray.
2. To express the specific difference of; to describe the
properties of (a thing) whereby it is differenced from
another of the same class; to discriminate. --Earle.
3. (Math.) To obtain the differential, or differential
coefficient, of; as, to differentiate an algebraic
expression, or an equation.
Differentiation Dif`fer*en`ti*a"tion, n.
1. The act of differentiating.
Further investigation of the Sanskrit may lead to
differentiation of the meaning of such of these
roots as are real roots. --J. Peile.
2. (Logic) The act of distinguishing or describing a thing,
by giving its different, or specific difference; exact
definition or determination.
3. (Biol.) The gradual formation or production of organs or
parts by a process of evolution or development, as when
the seed develops the root and the stem, the initial stem
develops the leaf, branches, and flower buds; or in animal
life, when the germ evolves the digestive and other organs
and members, or when the animals as they advance in
organization acquire special organs for specific purposes.
4. (Metaph.) The supposed act or tendency in being of every
kind, whether organic or inorganic, to assume or produce a
more complex structure or functions.
Differentiator Dif`fer*en"ti*a`tor, n.
One who, or that which, differentiates.
Differently Dif"fer*ent*ly, adv.
In a different manner; variously.
EfferentEfferent Ef"fe*rent, a. [L. efferens, -entis, p. pr. of effere
to bear out; ex out + ferre to bear.] (Physiol.)
(a) Conveying outward, or discharging; -- applied to certain
blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves, etc.
(b) Conveyed outward; as, efferent impulses, i. e., such as
are conveyed by the motor or efferent nerves from the
central nervous organ outwards; -- opposed to afferent. Efferent
Efferent Ef"fe*rent, n.
An efferent duct or stream.
Indifferent In*dif"fer*ent, adv.
To a moderate degree; passably; tolerably. [Obs.] ``News
indifferent good.' --Shak.
Indifferentist In*dif"fer*ent*ist, n.
One governed by indifferentism.
Inferential In`fer*en"tial, a.
Deduced or deducible by inference. ``Inferential proofs.'
--J. S. Mill.
Inferentially In`fer*en"tial*ly, adv.
By way of inference.
Partial differentialDifferential Dif`fer*en"tial, n.
1. (Math.) An increment, usually an indefinitely small one,
which is given to a variable quantity.
Note: According to the more modern writers upon the
differential and integral calculus, if two or more
quantities are dependent on each other, and subject to
increments of value, their differentials need not be
small, but are any quantities whose ratios to each
other are the limits to which the ratios of the
increments approximate, as these increments are reduced
nearer and nearer to zero.
2. A small difference in rates which competing railroad
lines, in establishing a common tariff, allow one of their
number to make, in order to get a fair share of the
business. The lower rate is called a differential rate.
Differentials are also sometimes granted to cities.
3. (Elec.)
(a) One of two coils of conducting wire so related to one
another or to a magnet or armature common to both,
that one coil produces polar action contrary to that
of the other.
(b) A form of conductor used for dividing and distributing
the current to a series of electric lamps so as to
maintain equal action in all. --Knight.
Partial differential (Math.), the differential of a
function of two or more variables, when only one of the
variables receives an increment.
Total differential (Math.), the differential of a function
of two or more variables, when each of the variables
receives an increment. The total differential of the
function is the sum of all the partial differentials. Partial differential coefficientsPartial Par"tial, a. [F., fr. LL. partials, fr. L. pars, gen.
partis, a part; cf. (for sense 1) F. partiel. See Part, n.]
1. Of, pertaining to, or affecting, a part only; not general
or universal; not total or entire; as, a partial eclipse
of the moon. ``Partial dissolutions of the earth.' --T.
2. Inclined to favor one party in a cause, or one side of a
question, more then the other; baised; not indifferent;
as, a judge should not be partial.
Ye have been partial in the law. --Mal. ii. 9.
3. Having a predelection for; inclined to favor unreasonably;
foolishly fond. ``A partial parent.' --Pope.
Not partial to an ostentatious display. --Sir W.
4. (Bot.) Pertaining to a subordinate portion; as, a compound
umbel is made up of a several partial umbels; a leaflet is
often supported by a partial petiole.
Partial differentials, Partial differential coefficients,
Partial differentiation, etc. (of a function of two or more
variables), the differentials, differential coefficients,
differentiation etc., of the function, upon the hypothesis
that some of the variables are for the time constant.
Partial fractions (Alg.), fractions whose sum equals a
given fraction.
Partial tones (Music), the simple tones which in
combination form an ordinary tone; the overtones, or
harmonics, which, blending with a fundamental tone, cause
its special quality of sound, or timbre, or tone color.
See, also, Tone. Partial differentialsPartial Par"tial, a. [F., fr. LL. partials, fr. L. pars, gen.
partis, a part; cf. (for sense 1) F. partiel. See Part, n.]
1. Of, pertaining to, or affecting, a part only; not general
or universal; not total or entire; as, a partial eclipse
of the moon. ``Partial dissolutions of the earth.' --T.
2. Inclined to favor one party in a cause, or one side of a
question, more then the other; baised; not indifferent;
as, a judge should not be partial.
Ye have been partial in the law. --Mal. ii. 9.
3. Having a predelection for; inclined to favor unreasonably;
foolishly fond. ``A partial parent.' --Pope.
Not partial to an ostentatious display. --Sir W.
4. (Bot.) Pertaining to a subordinate portion; as, a compound
umbel is made up of a several partial umbels; a leaflet is
often supported by a partial petiole.
Partial differentials, Partial differential coefficients,
Partial differentiation, etc. (of a function of two or more
variables), the differentials, differential coefficients,
differentiation etc., of the function, upon the hypothesis
that some of the variables are for the time constant.
Partial fractions (Alg.), fractions whose sum equals a
given fraction.
Partial tones (Music), the simple tones which in
combination form an ordinary tone; the overtones, or
harmonics, which, blending with a fundamental tone, cause
its special quality of sound, or timbre, or tone color.
See, also, Tone. Partial differentiationPartial Par"tial, a. [F., fr. LL. partials, fr. L. pars, gen.
partis, a part; cf. (for sense 1) F. partiel. See Part, n.]
1. Of, pertaining to, or affecting, a part only; not general
or universal; not total or entire; as, a partial eclipse
of the moon. ``Partial dissolutions of the earth.' --T.
2. Inclined to favor one party in a cause, or one side of a
question, more then the other; baised; not indifferent;
as, a judge should not be partial.
Ye have been partial in the law. --Mal. ii. 9.
3. Having a predelection for; inclined to favor unreasonably;
foolishly fond. ``A partial parent.' --Pope.
Not partial to an ostentatious display. --Sir W.
4. (Bot.) Pertaining to a subordinate portion; as, a compound
umbel is made up of a several partial umbels; a leaflet is
often supported by a partial petiole.
Partial differentials, Partial differential coefficients,
Partial differentiation, etc. (of a function of two or more
variables), the differentials, differential coefficients,
differentiation etc., of the function, upon the hypothesis
that some of the variables are for the time constant.
Partial fractions (Alg.), fractions whose sum equals a
given fraction.
Partial tones (Music), the simple tones which in
combination form an ordinary tone; the overtones, or
harmonics, which, blending with a fundamental tone, cause
its special quality of sound, or timbre, or tone color.
See, also, Tone. Preferential
Preferential Pref`er*en"tial, a.
Giving, indicating, or having a preference or precedence; as,
a preferential claim; preferential shares.
Preferential voting
Preferential voting Preferential voting (Political Science)
A system of voting, as at primaries, in which the voters are
allowed to indicate on their ballots their preference
(usually their first and second choices) between two or more
candidates for an office, so that if no candidate receives a
majority of first choices the one receiving the greatest
number of first and second choices together in nominated or
Meaning of Ferent from wikipedia
Franz Lehár (/ˈleɪhɑːr/ LAY-har; Hungarian: Lehár
Ferenc [ˈlɛhaːr ˈ
fɛrɛnt͡s]; 30
April 1870 – 24
October 1948) was an Austro-Hungarian composer. He is...
Joseph Karl [fʁants ˈjoːzɛf ˈkaʁl]; Hungarian:
Ferenc József Károly [ˈ
fɛrɛnt͡s ˈjoːʒɛf ˈkaːroj]; 18
August 1830 – 21
November 1916) was
Emperor of Austria...
Ferenc Puskás (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈ
fɛrɛnt͡s ˈpuʃkaːʃ], UK: /ˌ
fɛrɛnts ˈpʊʃkəʃ, ˈpʊʃkæʃ/ FERR-ents PUUSH-kəsh, PUUSH-kash; né Purczeld; 1
April 1927...
Budapest Liszt Ferenc Nemzetközi Repülőtér,
pronounced [ˈbudɒpɛʃt ˈlist ˈ
fɛrɛnt͡s ˈnɛmzɛtkøzi ˈrɛpyløːteːr]) (IATA: BUD, ICAO: LHBP),
formerly known as Budapest...
Volodymyr Ferents (Ukrainian: Володимир Ферентц) was born on 12 July 1984) and is a
Ukrainian former football defender. He has pla**** for FC
Kremin Kremenchuk...
- [ˈlɪst]; Hungarian:
Liszt Ferencz, in
modern usage Liszt Ferenc [ˈlist ˈ
fɛrɛnt͡s]. Liszt's
Hungarian p****port
spelled his
given name as "Ferencz". An orthographic...
Franz Schmidt, also
Ferenc Schmidt (Hungarian: [ˈʃmitː ˈ
fɛrɛnt͡s], 22
December 1874 – 11
February 1939) was an Austro-Hungarian composer,
cellist and pianist...
Ferenc Gyurcsány (Hungarian: [ˈ
fɛrɛnt͡s ˈɟurt͡ʃaːɲ] ; born 4 June 1961) is a
Hungarian entrepreneur and
politician who
served as
Prime Minister of Hungary...
- (Hungarian: II. Rákóczi Ferenc,
Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈraːkoːt͡si ˈ
fɛrɛnt͡s]; 27
March 1676 – 8
April 1735) was a
Hungarian nobleman and
leader of...
Ferenc Erkel (Hungarian:
Erkel Ferenc Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛrkɛl ˈ
fɛrɛnt͡s], German:
Franz Erkel;
November 7, 1810 – June 15, 1893) was a Hungarian...