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Discede Dis*cede", v. i. [L. discedere; dis- + cedere to
To yield or give up; to depart. [Obs.]
I dare not discede from my copy a tittle. --Fuller.
Discept Dis*cept", v. i. [L. disceptare.]
To debate; to discuss. [R.]
One dissertates, he is candid; Two must discept, -- has
distinguished. --R. Browning.
Disceptation Dis`cep*ta"tion, n. [L. disceptatio.]
Controversy; disputation; discussion. [Archaic]
Verbose janglings and endless disceptations. --Strype.
Disceptator Dis`cep*ta"tor, n. [L.]
One who arbitrates or decides. [R.] --Cowley.
Discern Dis*cern", v. i.
1. To see or understand the difference; to make distinction;
as, to discern between good and evil, truth and falsehood.
More than sixscore thousand that cannot discern
between their right hand their left. --Jonah iv.
2. To make cognizance. [Obs.] --Bacon.
Discernance Dis*cern"ance, n.
Discernment. [Obs.]
Discernible Dis*cern"i*ble, a. [L. discernibilis.]
Capable of being discerned by the eye or the understanding;
as, a star is discernible by the eye; the identity of
difference of ideas is discernible by the understanding.
The effect of the privations and sufferings . . . was
discernible to the last in his temper and deportment.
Syn: Perceptible; distinguishable; apparent; visible;
evident; manifest.
Discernibleness Dis*cern"i*ble*ness, n.
The quality of being discernible.
Discernibly Dis*cern"i*bly, adv.
In a manner to be discerned; perceptibly; visibly. --Hammond.
Discerning Dis*cern"ing, a.
Acute; shrewd; sagacious; sharp-sighted. --Macaulay.
Discerningly Dis*cern"ing*ly, adv.
In a discerning manner; with judgment; judiciously; acutely.
DiscernmentDiscernment Dis*cern"ment, n. [Cf. F. discernement.]
1. The act of discerning.
2. The power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes
one thing from another; power of viewing differences in
objects, and their relations and tendencies; penetrative
and discriminate mental vision; acuteness; sagacity;
insight; as, the errors of youth often proceed from the
want of discernment.
Syn: Judgment; acuteness; discrimination; penetration;
sagacity; insight. -- Discernment, Penetration,
Discrimination. Discernment is keenness and accuracy
of mental vision; penetration is the power of seeing
deeply into a subject in spite of everything that
intercepts the view; discrimination is a capacity of
tracing out minute distinctions and the nicest shades of
thought. A discerning man is not easily misled; one of a
penetrating mind sees a multitude of things which escape
others; a discriminating judgment detects the slightest
differences. Discerp
Discerp Dis*cerp", v. t. [L. discerpere, discerptum; dis- +
carpere to pluck.]
1. To tear in pieces; to rend. [R.] --Stukeley.
2. To separate; to disunite. [R.] --Bp. Hurd.
Discerpibility Dis*cerp`i*bil"i*ty, Discerptibility
Dis*cerp`ti*bil"i*ty, n.
Capability or liableness to be discerped. [R.] --Wollaston.
DiscerpibleDiscerpible Dis*cerp"i*ble, Discerptible Dis*cerp"ti*ble, a.
[See Discerp.]
Capable of being discerped. [R.] Discerptibility
Discerpibility Dis*cerp`i*bil"i*ty, Discerptibility
Dis*cerp`ti*bil"i*ty, n.
Capability or liableness to be discerped. [R.] --Wollaston.
DiscerptibleDiscerpible Dis*cerp"i*ble, Discerptible Dis*cerp"ti*ble, a.
[See Discerp.]
Capable of being discerped. [R.] Discerption
Discerption Dis*cerp"tion, n. [L. discerptio.]
The act of pulling to pieces, or of separating the parts.
--Bp. Hall.
Discerptive Dis*cerp"tive, a.
Tending to separate or disunite parts. --Encys. Dict.
DiscessionDiscession Dis*ces"sion, n. [L. discessio, fr. discedere,
discessum. See Discede.]
Departure. [Obs.] IndiscernibleIndiscernible In`dis*cern"i*ble, a. [Pref. in- not +
discernible: cf. F. indiscernable.]
Not to be discerned; imperceptible; not discoverable or
Secret and indiscernible ways. --Jer. Taylor.
-- In`dis*cern"i*ble*ness, n. -- In`dis*cern"i*bly, adv. IndiscerniblenessIndiscernible In`dis*cern"i*ble, a. [Pref. in- not +
discernible: cf. F. indiscernable.]
Not to be discerned; imperceptible; not discoverable or
Secret and indiscernible ways. --Jer. Taylor.
-- In`dis*cern"i*ble*ness, n. -- In`dis*cern"i*bly, adv. IndiscerniblyIndiscernible In`dis*cern"i*ble, a. [Pref. in- not +
discernible: cf. F. indiscernable.]
Not to be discerned; imperceptible; not discoverable or
Secret and indiscernible ways. --Jer. Taylor.
-- In`dis*cern"i*ble*ness, n. -- In`dis*cern"i*bly, adv. Indiscerpibility
Indiscerpibility In`dis*cerp`i*bil"i*ty, Indiscerptibility
In`dis*cerp`ti*bil"i*ty, n.
The state or quality of being indiscerpible. [Obs.] --Dr. H.
Indiscerpibility In`dis*cerp`i*bil"i*ty, Indiscerptibility
In`dis*cerp`ti*bil"i*ty, n.
The state or quality of being indiscerpible. [Obs.] --Dr. H.
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