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AddressAddress Ad*dress", v. t.
To address the ball (Golf), to take aim at the ball,
adjusting the grip on the club, the attitude of the body,
etc., to a convenient position. Adenoid Ad"e*noid, n.
A swelling produced by overgrowth of the adenoid tissue in
the roof of the pharynx; -- usually in pl. Addressee
Addressee Ad`dress*ee", n.
One to whom anything is addressed.
Ambassadress Am*bas"sa*dress, n.
A female ambassador; also, the wife of an ambassador.
Commandress Com*mand"ress, n.
A woman invested with authority to command. --Hooker.
Contendress Con*tend"ress, n.
A female contestant. [R.]
Defendress De*fend"ress, n.
A female defender. [R.]
Defendress of the faith. --Stow.
Demandress De*mand"ress, n.
A woman who demands.
Diving dressDiving Div"ing, a.
That dives or is used or diving.
Diving beetle (Zo["o]l.), any beetle of the family
Dytiscid[ae], which habitually lives under water; --
called also water tiger.
Diving bell, a hollow inverted vessel, sometimes
bell-shaped, in which men may descend and work under
water, respiration being sustained by the compressed air
at the top, by fresh air pumped in through a tube from
Diving dress. See Submarine armor, under Submarine.
Diving stone, a kind of jasper. Dress circle
Dress circle Dress circle
A gallery or circle in a theater, generally the first above
the floor, in which originally dress clothes were customarily
Dress coat
Dress coat Dress" coat`
A coat with skirts behind only, as distinct from the frock
coat, of which the skirts surround the body. It is worn on
occasions of ceremony. The dress coat of officers of the
United States army is a full-skirted frock coat.
Dress goods
Dress goods Dress" goods"
A term applied to fabrics for the gowns of women and girls;
-- most commonly to fabrics of mixed materials, but also
applicable to silks, printed linens, and calicoes.
Dress goodsGood Good, n.
1. That which possesses desirable qualities, promotes
success, welfare, or happiness, is serviceable, fit,
excellent, kind, benevolent, etc.; -- opposed to evil.
There be many that say, Who will show us any good ?
--Ps. iv. 6.
2. Advancement of interest or happiness; welfare; prosperity;
advantage; benefit; -- opposed to harm, etc.
The good of the whole community can be promoted only
by advancing the good of each of the members
composing it. --Jay.
3. pl. Wares; commodities; chattels; -- formerly used in the
singular in a collective sense. In law, a comprehensive
name for almost all personal property as distinguished
from land or real property. --Wharton.
He hath made us spend much good. --Chaucer.
Thy lands and goods Are, by the laws of Venice,
confiscate Unto the state of Venice. --Shak.
Dress goods, Dry goods, etc. See in the Vocabulary.
Goods engine, a freight locomotive. [Eng.]
Goods train, a freight train. [Eng.]
Goods wagon, a freight car [Eng.] See the Note under Car,
n., 2. Dress paradeParade Pa*rade", n. [F., fr. Sp. parada a halt or stopping, an
assembling for exercise, a place where troops are assembled
to exercise, fr. parar to stop, to prepare. See Pare, v.
1. The ground where a military display is held, or where
troops are drilled.
2. (Mil.) An assembly and orderly arrangement or display of
troops, in full equipments, for inspection or evolutions
before some superior officer; a review of troops. Parades
are general, regimental, or private (troop, battery, or
company), according to the force assembled.
3. Pompous show; formal display or exhibition.
Be rich, but of your wealth make no parade. --Swift.
4. That which is displayed; a show; a spectacle; an imposing
procession; the movement of any body marshaled in military
order; as, a parade of firemen.
In state returned the grand parade. --Swift.
5. Posture of defense; guard. [A Gallicism.]
When they are not in parade, and upon their guard.
6. A public walk; a promenade.
Dress parade, Undress parade. See under Dress, and
Parade rest, a position of rest for soldiers, in which,
however, they are required to be silent and motionless.
Syn: Ostentation; display; show.
Usage: Parade, Ostentation. Parade is a pompous
exhibition of things for the purpose of display;
ostentation now generally indicates a parade of
virtues or other qualities for which one expects to be
honored. ``It was not in the mere parade of royalty
that the Mexican potentates exhibited their power.'
--Robertson. ``We are dazzled with the splendor of
titles, the ostentation of learning, and the noise of
victories.' --Spectator. DresserDresser Dress"er, n. [F. dressoir. See Dress, v. t.]
A piece of chamber furniture consisting of a chest of
drawers, or bureau, with a mirror. [U. S.] DresserDresser Dress"er, n.
1. One who dresses; one who put in order or makes ready for
use; one who on clothes or ornaments.
2. (Mining) A kind of pick for shaping large coal.
3. An assistant in a hospital, whose office it is to dress
wounds, sores, etc.
4. [F. dressoir. See Dress, v. t.]
(a) A table or bench on which meat and other things are
dressed, or prepared for use.
(b) A cupboard or set of shelves to receive dishes and
cooking utensils.
The pewter plates on the dresser Caught and
reflected the flame, as shields of armies the
sunshine. -- Longfellow. Dressiness
Dressiness Dress"i*ness, n.
The state of being dressy.
Dressing forcepsForceps For"ceps, n. [L. forceps, -cipis, from the root of
formus Hot + capere to take; akin to E. heave. Cf.
1. A pair of pinchers, or tongs; an instrument for grasping,
holding firmly, or exerting traction upon, bodies which it
would be inconvenient or impracticable to seize with the
fingers, especially one for delicate operations, as those
of watchmakers, surgeons, accoucheurs, dentists, etc.
2. (Zo["o]l.) The caudal forceps-shaped appendage of earwigs
and some other insects. See Earwig.
Dressing forceps. See under Dressing. Dressmaker
Dressmaker Dress"mak`er, n.
A maker of gowns, or similar garments; a mantuamaker.
Dressmaking Dress"mak`ing, n.
The art, process, or occupation, of making dresses.
Dressy Dress"y, a.
Showy in dress; attentive to dress.
A dressy flaunting maidservant. --T. Hook.
A neat, dressy gentleman in black. --W. Irving.
EmbassadressEmbassadress Em*bas"sa*dress, n. [Cf. F. ambassadrice.]
Same as Ambassadress. Fatigue dressFatigue Fa*tigue", n. [F., fr. fatiguer to fatigue, L.
fatigare; cf. L. affatim sufficiently.]
1. Weariness from bodily labor or mental exertion; lassitude
or exhaustion of strength.
2. The cause of weariness; labor; toil; as, the fatigues of
war. --Dryden.
3. The weakening of a metal when subjected to repeated
vibrations or strains.
Fatigue call (Mil.), a summons, by bugle or drum, to
perform fatigue duties.
Fatigue dress, the working dress of soldiers.
Fatigue duty (Mil.), labor exacted from soldiers aside from
the use of arms. --Farrow.
Fatigue party, a party of soldiers on fatigue duty. Flax dresserFlax Flax, n. [AS. fleax; akin to D. vlas, OHG. flahs, G.
flachs, and prob. to flechten to braid, plait,m twist, L.
plectere to weave, plicare to fold, Gr. ? to weave, plait.
See Ply.]
1. (Bot.) A plant of the genus Linum, esp. the L.
usitatissimum, which has a single, slender stalk, about a
foot and a half high, with blue flowers. The fiber of the
bark is used for making thread and cloth, called linen,
cambric, lawn, lace, etc. Linseed oil is expressed from
the seed.
2. The skin or fibrous part of the flax plant, when broken
and cleaned by hatcheling or combing.
Earth flax (Min.), amianthus.
Flax brake, a machine for removing the woody portion of
flax from the fibrous.
Flax comb, a hatchel, hackle, or heckle.
Flax cotton, the fiber of flax, reduced by steeping in
bicarbinate of soda and acidulated liquids, and prepared
for bleaching and spinning like cotton. --Knight.
Flax dresser, one who breaks and swingles flax, or prepares
it for the spinner.
Flax mill, a mill or factory where flax is spun or linen
Flax puller, a machine for pulling flax plants in the
Flax wench.
(a) A woman who spins flax. [Obs.]
(b) A prostitute. [Obs.] --Shak.
Mountain flax (Min.), amianthus.
New Zealand flax (Bot.) See Flax-plant. Flour dresserFlour Flour, n. [F. fleur de farine the flower (i.e., the
best) of meal, cf. Sp. flor de la harina superfine flour,
Icel. fl["u]r flower, flour. See Flower.]
The finely ground meal of wheat, or of any other grain;
especially, the finer part of meal separated by bolting;
hence, the fine and soft powder of any substance; as, flour
of emery; flour of mustard.
Flour bolt, in milling, a gauze-covered, revolving,
cylindrical frame or reel, for sifting the flour from the
refuse contained in the meal yielded by the stones.
Flour box a tin box for scattering flour; a dredging box.
Flour dredge or dredger, a flour box.
Flour dresser, a mashine for sorting and distributing flour
according to grades of fineness.
Flour mill, a mill for grinding and sifting flour. Foundress
Foundress Found"ress, n.
A female founder; a woman who founds or establishes, or who
endows with a fund.
Full dressFull Full, a. [Compar. Fuller; superl. Fullest.] [OE. &
AS. ful; akin to OS. ful, D. vol, OHG. fol, G. voll, Icel.
fullr, Sw. full, Dan. fuld, Goth. fulls, L. plenus, Gr. ?,
Skr. p?rna full, pr? to fill, also to Gr. ? much, E. poly-,
pref., G. viel, AS. fela. [root]80. Cf. Complete, Fill,
Plenary, Plenty.]
1. Filled up, having within its limits all that it can
contain; supplied; not empty or vacant; -- said primarily
of hollow vessels, and hence of anything else; as, a cup
full of water; a house full of people.
Had the throne been full, their meeting would not
have been regular. --Blackstone.
2. Abundantly furnished or provided; sufficient in. quantity,
quality, or degree; copious; plenteous; ample; adequate;
as, a full meal; a full supply; a full voice; a full
compensation; a house full of furniture.
3. Not wanting in any essential quality; complete, entire;
perfect; adequate; as, a full narrative; a person of full
age; a full stop; a full face; the full moon.
It came to pass, at the end of two full years, that
Pharaoh dreamed. --Gen. xii. 1.
The man commands Like a full soldier. --Shak.
I can not Request a fuller satisfaction Than you
have freely granted. --Ford.
4. Sated; surfeited.
I am full of the burnt offerings of rams. --Is. i.
5. Having the mind filled with ideas; stocked with knowledge;
stored with information.
Reading maketh a full man. --Bacon.
6. Having the attention, thoughts, etc., absorbed in any
matter, and the feelings more or less excited by it, as,
to be full of some project.
Every one is full of the miracles done by cold baths
on decayed and weak constitutions. --Locke.
7. Filled with emotions.
The heart is so full that a drop overfills it.
8. Impregnated; made pregnant. [Obs.]
Ilia, the fair, . . . full of Mars. --Dryden.
At full, when full or complete. --Shak.
Full age (Law) the age at which one attains full personal
rights; majority; -- in England and the United States the
age of 21 years. --Abbott.
Full and by (Naut.), sailing closehauled, having all the
sails full, and lying as near the wind as poesible.
Full band (Mus.), a band in which all the instruments are
Full binding, the binding of a book when made wholly of
leather, as distinguished from half binding.
Full bottom, a kind of wig full and large at the bottom.
Full brother or sister, a brother or sister having the
same parents as another.
Full cry (Hunting), eager chase; -- said of hounds that
have caught the scent, and give tongue together.
Full dress, the dress prescribed by authority or by
etiquette to be worn on occasions of ceremony.
Full hand (Poker), three of a kind and a pair.
Full moon.
(a) The moon with its whole disk illuminated, as when
opposite to the sun.
(b) The time when the moon is full.
Full organ (Mus.), the organ when all or most stops are
Full score (Mus.), a score in which all the parts for
voices and instruments are given.
Full sea, high water.
Full swing, free course; unrestrained liberty; ``Leaving
corrupt nature to . . . the full swing and freedom of its
own extravagant actings.' South (Colloq.)
In full, at length; uncontracted; unabridged; written out
in words, and not indicated by figures.
In full blast. See under Blast. Gauze dresserGauze Gauze, n. [F. gaze; so called because it was first
introduced from Gaza, a city of Palestine.]
A very thin, slight, transparent stuff, generally of silk;
also, any fabric resembling silk gauze; as, wire gauze;
cotton gauze.
Gauze dresser, one employed in stiffening gauze. Hairdresser
Hairdresser Hair"dress`er, n.
One who dresses or cuts hair; a barber.
Headdress Head"dress`, n.
1. A covering or ornament for the head; a headtire.
Among birds the males very often appear in a most
beautiful headdress, whether it be a crest, a comb,
a tuft of feathers, or a natural little plume.
2. A manner of dressing the hair or of adorning it, whether
with or without a veil, ribbons, combs, etc.
Intrudress In*trud"ress, n.
A female intruder.
Meaning of DRESS from wikipedia
women or girls.
Dresses often consist of a
bodice attached to a skirt.
Dress shapes and silhouettes, textiles, and
colors vary.
Dresses can have sleeves...
- The
dress was a 2015
online viral phenomenon centred on a
photograph of a
Viewers disagreed on
whether the
dress was blue and black, or
white and...
systemic symptoms or drug
reaction with
eosinophilia and
systemic symptoms (
DRESS), also
termed drug-induced hy****nsitivity
syndrome (DIHS), is a rare reaction...
- The
Dress may
refer to: The
dress, a 2015
photograph and
Internet phenomenon regarding the
perceived colour of a
dress The
Dress (1961 film), an East German...
evening dress in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Evening dress,
evening attire, or
evening wear may
refer to:
Evening gown or
evening dress Full evening...
- Red
Dress or The Red
Dress may
refer to: Red
Dress (embroidery project), an
international collaborative project created 2009–2022 Red
dress party, an...
- An
exercise dress or
workout dress is an item of athleisure.
Exercise dresses were
marketed by the
brand Outdoor Voices in 2018 and
according to the Wall...
- A
lingerie dress was a po****r type of
dress in the
North America and
Europe throughout the
decades of the 1900s
until 1920. The
dress was lightweight...
- Look up
dress or wrap
dress in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. A
dress is a
garment consisting of a
skirt with an
attached bodice or with a matching...
White Dress may
refer to: "White
Dress", a song by
French Montana from the 2017
album Jungle Rules "White
Dress", a song by
Kanye West from the 2012 soundtrack...