- nōbīs" non dīcitur, sed "nobīs****"; quia sī ita dīcerētur,
obscaenius concurrerent litterae. ('We say **** illīs ('with them'), but we don't say **** nobis...
fuisse ut somniīs crēderet, nisī ista cāsū nōn
nunquam forte temerē
concurrerent? (Cicero) 'do you
think any old
woman would ever be so
crazy as to believe...
fuisse ut somniīs crēderet, nisī ista cāsū nōn
nunquam forte temerē
concurrerent? (Cicero) 'do you
think any old
woman would be so
crazy as to believe...
- always) has the
imperfect subjunctive: exercituī imperāvit nē iniussū suō
concurrerent (Caesar) 'he
ordered the army not to
start fighting without his permission'...